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  • . Gregory Peck; Lynda; Mr. and Mrs. Wasserman; Mr. and Mrs. Weisl, Sr. Entry No. Time Activity 8:30-9:30 Saw Kennedy-McCarthy debate on TV. Retired. ******
  • THE WHITE HOUSE MRS. LYNDON B. JOHNSON, Daily Diary WASHINGTON Mrs. Johnson began her day at (Place) Entry No. The White House Time Date Wednesday, June 5, 1968 Activity Dictated June 6, 1968 (3:20 a.m. EST Senator Kennedy was shot in Los
  • of Laos and his party for lunch on the second floor.) 3. 1:25 To the Rose Garden and Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Garden with Lynda for photos. 4. 1:40 Left the White House with Lynda for lunch at the Jockey Club. 3:03 Returned to the White House. Worked
  • Avenue and Rock Creek Parkway. 1:55 Returned to the White House. Recorded (?) 4:10 To the Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Garden with Liz -- worked on trip -- lunch. 5:17 To the second floor with Liz. 6:12 Liz went down. 7:04 With the Krims to the Frank Ikard
  • while dressing 9:28 To Jacqueline Kennedy Garden for FTD (floral) presentation of geraniums 9:38 Departed for Watts Branch and dedication of L. Rockefeller Park 11:09 Left Watts Branch 11:20 Returned to White House 11:30 Meeting in Oval Room
  • and Triangles Down South Capitol Street to S.W. Washington: Texaco Station 1:30 Returned to White House 3. 2:00 To State Dining Room for beautification meeting 2:45 To Jacqueline Kennedy Garden - presented awards To South Lawn for receiving line 4:00
  • :00 Ride out to chopper to greet Senator Gaylord Nelson. Rode with Senator around ranch. 11:40 Left w/ President, Senator Nelson, and A.W. driving for St. Mary's Catholic Church for John F. Kennedy Memorial Service. 12:30 Left church and drove back
  • To Bill Moyers' office for press conference 5:00 To Library to see Mount Holyoake students again. Escorted them to Rose Garden and then to Jacqueline Kennedy Garden. 4. 5:30 To Rose Garden for Presidential signing of Postmaster Work Bill 6:40 To mansion
  • More) 1 Entry No. Time 4. 3:10 To West Wing w/ Mrs. Smith 4:10 To Jean-Louis accompanied by John Secondari of ABC 5. 6:10 Returned to White House Talked with Liz re: J. Kennedy letter 6:40 Peter Hurds - house guests - arrived 7:55 Vice President
  • :45 To the President's Room to visit with him 1. 10:05 To Jacqueline Kennedy Garden to present certificates to S. Klein Department Store and Hechinger To Diplomatic Reception Room to greet Charlotte, North Carolina Chamber of Commerce 2. 10:27
  • with Liz Tried on hats w/ Liz, Patsy, and Helen Wore new blue outfit - Mollie Parnis -- and found it too big. 12:30 Pictures in Jacqueline Kennedy Garden with Mayor of Palmdale, California Presentation of 300 lilac trees to D.C. 12:50 Left for Capitol w
  • Breakfast. Bathed and dressed. 1. 9:30 Met with Jim Webb in the West Hall -- talked about space, in preparation for visit to Cape Kennedy. 11:05 Mr. Webb left. 2. 11:10 To the Yellow Oval Room for coffee with guests: Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Girard, Dr. John O
  • Force Base and boarded Air Force One. 5:05 Left for New York. Entry No. Time Activity 5:53 Landed at Kennedy Airport -- motorcade to the Pierre Hotel. 6:26 Arrived at the Pierre -- to Suite 1915 with the President and Luci. Comb-out; changed
  • with CR Smith and Mathilde. 7:15 Returned home. 5. 8:00 Dinner with guests who came up with us. Talked about going to church tomorrow -- which movie to see (gossip about Mrs. Kennedy) 6. 8:45 Saw "Rachel, Rachel." President left after five minutes. 10:45
  • minutes later, returned to the second floor via the Rose Garden and Jacqueline Kennedy Garden. Recorded. Entry No. Time Activity 4. 8:55 Greeted Senator Russell at the ground floor elevator landing and walked with him to the President's office. 5. 10
  • To the Blue Room for photos with Mrs. Davis Brinkley and Mrs. Frank Wisner -then received "Friends of the Kennedy Center." To the State Dining Room for refreshments -- mixed and mingled with guests. 3:02 To the second floor. 3. 3:43 Departed the White House
  • , Mr. and Mrs. John Walker. Entry No. Time Activity 4:55 To the second floor. 5:07 To the South Grounds. 5:10 Returned to the second floor. 5:15 Once again to the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden for interview with Hugh Sidey of Time. 5:45 To the first
  • -- talked with Lynda. Worked with Ashton. Looked at evening bags for Liz's birthday. 11:00 To the Yellow Oval Room to meet ambassadors' wives. 12:07 Took the ladies to the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden. 12:13 Bid guests goodbye; return to the second floor
  • albums 11:05 Lynda in to talk/Writing Mrs. Kennedy/Posed for pictures 11:38 Jean-Louis Noon Left Jean-Louis's 12:05 Arrived White House. Pictures for CARE in Diplomatic Reception Room. 12:20 Departure from White House. 12:27 Arrival at Mrs. Humphrey's
  • planting. 11:45 Returned to the second floor. 12:00 Talked with Mary Kaltman and Mr. West. 1:00 To the President's office to join him for swearing-in of Marvin Watson as Postmaster General -- followed by reception in the Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Garden. 2
  • -- shampoo, set, and treatment. 4:20 Returned to the White House. 4. 4:35 To the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden for reception on the status of women. 5:15 Returned to the second floor. Hot, wilted sandwiches. Entry No. Time Activity 5. Birthday party for Lyn
  • with President and others 5:15 Mrs. Burg - shampoo and set Finishing work on Arts Council and Kennedy Center 5. 7:30 Drove to Scharnhorst and joined President, the Hardestys, and Middletons. Stopped by Eugene Lindy's house. Time of long shadows. Young calves
  • to the White House -- second floor. 2. 2:46 To the President's office to get him for family picture. 3:03 With the President to join Luci, Lynda, Chuck, and Lyn in Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Garden for family picture. 3:14 Returned to the second floor
  • with the President, Lynda, and Chuck. 11:27 Returned to the second floor with the President, Lynda, and Chuck. 12:40 Jack Valenti to the second floor. 12:45 Mary Fehmer to the second floor. Saw Ted Kennedy on TV in the President's Room with him, Lynda, and Went
  • To the theater with the above guests, the President, and Luci to see: "March, 1969" report. 10:45 To the second floor. 10:55 The Mohrers left. 11:20-12:00 Chief Dunn. Retired. ******* House guests: Mr. and Mrs. George Christian - 326. Miss Joan Kennedy - 324. *******
  • for the hospital. Back for Lynda. Re: Tony. stay at Kennedy suite. 12:34 Arrived - Bethesda Naval Hospital -- visited the President. 3. Nap! Called George Mahon. 4:15 Returned to the White House. 4:46 Tea in the West Hall with Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Tippett and Mr
  • . Recorded. 2:36 Called Bob Knudsen. 2:37 Called Ashton to ask for October 19th diary envelope. Continued recording. 3:45 To the pool for swim. 4:15 Returned to the second floor. Entry No. Time Activity 4:35 To the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden for photos
  • Smith, Ervin Duggan, John Criswell, Marie Fehmer, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson, Colonel and Mrs. Robinson, Rev. Billy Graham (conducted services), Lynda, Luci, General and Mrs. Ginsburg, Jim Jones, Sam Houston Johnson. 12:25 All to the Jacqueline Kennedy
  • their husbands make the pitch for votes. The "family type" of campaign now under way is a natural out­ growth of the 1960 Kennedy campaign. The late President'• brother, and sisters and mother constantly spoke in his behalf. • .iacl
  • in November. I person~~ worked for Preoident Johnson during the last c~mpaign, organizing motorcades, sti,ffing the Kennedy-Johnson Headquarters (which my husband a nd I opened o.nd mainta.ined, due to the lack of nemocr· tic Organization in our area) and I