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  • of I do hope you w111 keep 1n ·touch with Lady Bird• take her to lunch with yru onoo in a wile . and give hor the benefit or your idens and suggestions on e.eyth1ng you ,_think she shou ld do. God blesa both ot you. Love. Lyndon Mr. Roy Miller
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Chancellor Adenauer'• vi•it. Lady Bird and I both enjoyed seein& you and Mr ■. Nimitz. With warme ■ t personal reaards. Sincerely, Lyndon B. John•on Fleet Acbniral Che ■ ter W. Nimitz Room ~27, Federal Office Bulldina San Franci•co 2, California LBJ:AT
  • res. EM2.-9300 TW3-8064 res. Sarah McClendon LI7-3147 s. 6. EM2.-6934 res. FES-1784 10. Ed Welsh 11. Lt. Cecil Staughton KI9-302.0 lZ. Helen Williams WO6-4030 13. Captain Bird JAS-6069 14. Walter Jenkins 15. Stu Knight DUS-8188
  • General .Birkhead to General Walker that Birkhead \YOUld like to see tom., Jr. go to Officers Candidate School . Blaylock thought this would turn the trick, and if not he said he .•would try to think up somethi .ng else . Col. Ainsworth called Bird