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668 results
- /show/loh/oh GLICK -- I -- 2 G: Long Island. Great Neck, Long Island. Me: And your husband still practices there? G: Yes. Mc: And when did you meet Lady Bird Johnson? G: That would be hard to say, because I've known lady Bird for so many
- Biographical information; met LBJ in 1945 at dinner with Lady Bird; in 1955 saw him at Tommy's funeral; saw Lady Bird at family affairs as an old friend
Oral history transcript, Sarah (Mrs. T. J. .) Taylor, interview 1 (I), 7/23/1971, by David G. McComb
- Bird? T: Well, do you want to know the Johnsons, or do you want to know when I first met Lady Bird? M: When did you first meet Lady Bird? T: Lady Bird went to school here, and in all probability I was a senior when she was a freshman. She and her
- they all graduated from Oxford, they moved back to Autauga County, but they didn't sell their property up there. They kept that for some years afterward, and I visited them several times in Autauga. I had several conversaUons with Minnie, Lady Bird's
Oral history transcript, Emma Boehringer Tooley, interview 1 (I), 6/2/1978, by Michael L. Gillette
- and wonderful man. He was a very stern disciplinarian, but always gentle and loving and understanding as far as Lady Bird was concerned. There wasn't anythi_og in his store that we couldn't have; no matter how many friends came to the store at lunchtime
- T.J. Taylor; Mrs. Taylor; Aunt Effie Pattillo; Karnackl school; Lady Bird; local activist friends; St. Mary's; the University of Texas; LBJ; personal impressions
- in the house where Mr. Taylor later moved, and that's the house in which Lady Bird was born. At the time that we first met Miss Minnie, as we called her--her name was Minnie Lee Pattillo, and all their friends and my mother called her Minnie and I called her
- Minnie Lee Pattillo Taylor, Lady Bird Johnson's mother; Mrs. Taylor's appearance and personality; the Brick House; Lady Bird Johnson's Aunt Effie; Lady Bird attending St. Mary's College in Dallas; the Taylor family when Lady Bird was very young; Mr
- Bird's mother's sister. She died at the age -- I don't know the exact age, but Lady Bird was five at the time of her death. MR. CATER: How many years did you say she lived there? ·MRs. FISCHESSER: She lived -- I could not : remember the exact dates
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Mrs. Fischesser first encounters Lady Bird; Lady Bird's Aunt Effie; Lady Bird's love of reading; Mrs. Fischesser's first encounter with LBJ; Mrs. Cooper's first encounter with Lady Bird; Nettie Mason Patillo; Mrs. Cooper's first encounter with LBJ
- or transcribed versions of Interview XXXIX with Lady Bird Johnson are available. The recording could not be found when the interviewer, Harry Middleton, returned from Martha's Vineyard, where the interview was conducted in August of 1994. The interview covered
- See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 39 (XXXIX), 8/1994, by Harry Middleton
- Lady Bird Johnson
- : There was some disagreement between them. was from that altogether. I don't know whether it But she was an eccentric-type person. did not like Mr. Taylor but she did like Lady Bird. She Lady Bird and I used to visit her when Lady Bird would come home from
- The Taylor family life in Marshall; Lady Bird’s parents, habits, home arrangement, lifestyle; description of Lady Bird’s mother’s illness and funeral; Lady Bird at Marshall High and college years; Lady Bird’s father’s second wife (Ruth Scoggins
- and they rolled over in a ditch a time or two [see Brooks' account of the accident in her oral history interview]. Lady Bird--well, I've heard about it and somebody said that Marietta was down at Dr. Williams' office--she's not still living, is she? G: Yes. 2
- The Woods' involvement in LBJ's 1948 Senate campaign against Coke Stevenson; organizing a women's tea in Seguin for Lady Bird Johnson and her auto accident with Marietta Moody Brooks on the way to the tea; the Weinert family's control over support
Oral history transcript, Emily Crow Selden, interview 1 (I), 1/10/1980, by Michael L. Gillette
- remember two plays that we put on there. One was The Importance of Being Earnest--done very well, I thought. believe that Bird was in that as a butler! I I know Helen Bird was excellent as Lady Bracknell, and one of my other good friends, Harriet North
- [For interview 1 and 2] Biographical information; St. Mary’s in Dallas; classes; faculty; Aunt Effie; activities; Lady Bird’s family; Caddo Lake; University of Texas life; friends; leaving college; LBJ; Selden’s marriage.
Oral history transcript, Emily Crow Selden, interview 2 (II), 1/16/1980, by Michael L. Gillette
- through the South, the Lady Bird Special? S: Yes. No, I didn't see her during the trip through the South, and I can't tell you why, but I'm sure there was a pretty good reason I couldn't. She didn't of course get to Chapel Hill. reason I couldn't get
- [For interview 1 and 2] Biographical information; St. Mary’s in Dallas; classes; faculty; Aunt Effie; activities; Lady Bird’s family; Caddo Lake; University of Texas life; friends; leaving college; LBJ; Selden’s marriage.
- --contracts for Lady Bird's father, Mr. [T. J.] Taylor, with the federal government, and Mr. Johnson hadn't done that. He wasn't anything but a congressman. How could he be effective over in East Texas in getting the federal government to do something
- Hollers; LBJ's rally in Austin's Woolridge Park where he dispelled rumors regarding his personal finances; LBJ's investments; LBJ's efforts to maintain military establishments in his congressional district; Lady Bird Johnson's role in the 1946 campaign
Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 34 (XXXIV), 2/23/1991, by Michael L. Gillette
- : February 23, 1991 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: Michael L. Gillette PLACE: LBJ Ranch, Stonewall, Texas Tape 1 of 1, Side 1 G: You were talking about-- J: Taft. June of 1953 was ushered in by Senator [Robert] Taft, majority leader
- See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
- Senator Robert Taft stepping down as Senate majority leader in 1953 and later dying; the Texas drought; LBJ's travel throughout Texas in the summer of 1953; C. T. McLaughlin; Mrs. Ben Powell; Lady Bird Johnson's efforts to improve her public
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 34 (XXXIV), 2/23/1991, by Michael L. Gillette
- Lady Bird Johnson
- . Gillette PLACE: Representative Boggs' office, Washington, D.C. Tape 1 of 1 G: [What are your] earliest recollections of Lyndon Johnson? B: Well, I suppose my earliest contact with the Johnsons was really through Lady Bird. When my husband and I
- presidential campaign; LBJ's interest in women's rights and putting women in leadership roles; LBJ's 1960 visit to Harry Truman while planning a whistlestop tour; women doing advance work in the 1960 presidential campaign; Lady Bird Johnson's 1964 whistlestop
- :// ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral histories: Taylor -- I -- 4 T: I was three years older than Lady Bird. G: Okay. What did
- Taylor family history; Mrs. Johnson's immediate family; business dealings of T.J. Taylor, Lady Bird Johnson's father; Taylor's and Lady Bird's childhoods and education; how Taylor met LBJ; LBJ's early political career; comparing the personalities
- it, in Lady Bird Johnson Park," which in 1969 had been named after Lady Bird at my suggestion, by Stewart Udall. This is on the Virginia side of the Potomac River between the Memorial Bridge and the 14th Street Bridge. That was all that was said about
- Efforts to establish a historic site at Lady Bird Johnson's childhood home in Karnack, Texas; early planning for the National Wildflower Research Center; the first board of directors for the Center; Carlton Lees' assistance in writing the charter
Oral history transcript, Horace V. (Dick) Bird, interview 1 (I), 5/16/1980, by Michael L. Gillette
- [is] because we were sort of a fivesome, with Carleen, Lyndon and Lady Bird . dinner and out a lot together . So we went to As I mentioned, Lady Bird and I always called each other cousins, although I really don't think we were . anyway, we were kissing
- See all online interviews with Horace V. (Dick) Bird
- ; shipbuilding operations; contractor, etc.; Bird as congressional liaison; Bird as naval aide to LBJ; LBJ and blacks; LBJ as VP; LBJ and Truman; Bay of Pigs; LBJ and Adenauer
- Bird, Horace V. (Horace Virgil), 1912-1984
- Oral history transcript, Horace V. (Dick) Bird, interview 1 (I), 5/16/1980, by Michael L. Gillette
- Horace V. (Dick) Bird
- and it would be better to stay in Texas, so I went to the univers ity. I really can't tell you how I came to room with Bird, and I shall call her Bird throughout, if you don't mind. I suppose my mother arranged it_through the school, because it was a boarding
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Rooming with Lady Bird at the University of Texas in 1932; a Thanksgiving in Karnack; graduation trip to New York and Washington, D.C.; meeting LBJ; LBJ-Lady Bird wedding; Aunt Effie; a visit to the White House; Lady Bird evaluated
- to Shreveport, Louisiana, in Laurance's plane and rented a car, and we drove to Marshall, Texas, where we met Lady Bird. We looked at the house, and again Mrs. Taylor was not present. Her [Mrs. Johnson's] stepmother's son showed us the house. We got back to New
- The creation of the LBJ Memorial Grove and the committee that oversaw its planning; finding stone in Texas to create a megalith for the memorial; the location of the memorial in Lady Bird Johnson Park and the creation of the Lady Bird Johnson Park
- , and I was taken wi th both of them very much indeed. family had cane from Alabama.. Lady Bird' s Her mother and father both came from a little village up in Autauga County called Billingsley. My husband had had sane knowledge of her family
- interest was in her family. From my observation Lyndon and Lady Bird have had a very happy life together. He is a devoted husband just as he was a devoted son. The Congressional wives loved both Lyndon and Lady Bird. They were very popular with all groups
- Naval Affairs Committee work, was something that I hardly knew anything about. The Naval Affairs Committee had its own staff. I only know that he did go to the West Coast, that Lady Bird either went with him or joined him out there but didn't stay very
- How Rather went to work for LBJ; LBJ's work on National Youth Administration (NYA) projects on the West Coast before shipping out with the navy in World War II; Lady Bird Johnson's interest in photography, movie-making and drama; Rather's
- : Are there any other stories of this period like that which you remember? Q: I remember when I first met Lady Bird. G: Yes, would you tell us the whole marriage story as you recall it. Just start from the beginning. Q: Then I’ll tell you when I first met
Oral history transcript, George A. Smathers, interview 1 (I), 2/14/1977, by Michael L. Gillette
- store and bought some bicarbonate soda, got a paper cup, got some water and stirred it up, and he drank it. We went on down to George Brown's house. As I recollect, I think Lady Bird was already there. In any event, Clint Anderson, Senator Anderson
- speak to that. See, this is a situation where he was not, obviously, coming in the office. He was not writing us any kind of informational letters. He was talking on the telephone occasionally and often to Lady Bird, I'm sure, but not to us much
- in the navy; Weber witnessing LBJ's last will and testament; Weber's and LBJ's awareness of how the navy was doing in the war; the decision to have Lady Bird Johnson sign LBJ's correspondence while he was away on military duty; Lady Bird Johnson, Nellie
Oral history transcript, Mary Rather, interview 5 (V), 9/9/1982-9/10/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
- . On the second floor there was their bedroom and then two smaller bedrooms for the girls and a tiny room--not a tiny room, but a small room that Lady Bird used as her office. She had her desk in there and she kept up with her correspondence and her business from
- personnel; LBJ's relationship with Congressman Carl Vinson, the Naval Affairs Committee Chair; the Big Inch pipeline; how Lady Bird Johnson got the money to buy the KTBC radio station; Mrs. Johnson's Aunt Effie Pattillo; LBJ's early talk of buying a small
- and visited. His Uncle George Johnson lived there. We were out to dinner with Lyndon and Lady Bird and Uncle George and one or two other of our friends, and I got to know her that way. The interesting thing I thought was after they were married and had
Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 43 (XLIII), 1/23/1996, by Harry Middleton
- : January 23, 1996 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: HARRY MIDDLETON PLACE: Acapulco, Mexico Tape 1 of 1, Side 1 M: This is tape number one, recorded in January 1996 with Lady Bird Johnson. We are half way into the year 1960
- See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
- LBJ's opinion of accepting the vice-presidential nomination; how Lady Bird Johnson and LBJ's closest supporters felt about LBJ accepting the vice-presidential nomination; LBJ's activities immediately after the Democratic National Convention; trip
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 43 (XLIII), 1/23/1996, by Harry Middleton
- Lady Bird Johnson
Oral history transcript, Nell Colgin Miller, interview 1 (I), 10/4/1979, by Michael L. Gillette
- . But She would patter in with her hair rolled up, with her bathrobe on, and bring us our breakfast. [Lady] Bird was so funny. Sometimes we didn't care for the breakfast, and Bird would mix everything together, the orange juice over the cereal and milk
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- First meeting with Lady Bird; Lady Bird as a student; early impressions of Lady Bird; life at UT; the Matthews Rooming House; arrangements on meals; the DeWitt Reddicks; the Austin Women’s Club; recollections of Eugenia Boehringer Lasseter; Lady
- have any sort of historical became First Lady. Did you ideas in terms of what you felt that role required? J: No, frankly, because you will remember the hideous advent of us into the presidency. Nothing had been contemplated or prepared for--just
- See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview S-XIII, 1/23/1987, by Nancy Smith
- Lady Bird Johnson
- into it full force. He and Lady Bird came back, and we had a program, and he spoke to the school over there. I wasn't any longer in that school, but I went over, and lwas one of them on the platform with he and Lady Bird and the others, and it was good to see
- LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral histories: Rather -- VI -- 9 Lady Bird
- LBJ's growing popularity throughout the state of Texas in the 1940s; work in LBJ's congressional office; LBJ's 1944 congressional opponent, Buck Taylor; efforts by oil men to defeat Sam Rayburn; Lynda Bird Johnson's birth and her name; LBJ's love
- /show/loh/oh Taylor -- I -- 2 Taylor, now Mrs. Lyndon Johnson, was about eight years younger than I. That means that she was born about 1912. My brother and I were both born in a frame house in the village of Karnack. Before Lady Bird was born he
- Thomas Jefferson Taylor’s work; the education of all three Taylor children; how Lady Bird got her nickname; childhood activities; Doris Odam Powell; the siblings’ inability to be together, due to circumstance; early impressions of LBJ; hunting
Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 2 (II), 8/13/1977, by Michael L. Gillette
- , 1977 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L. GILLETTE PLACE: Mrs. Johnson's KTBC apartment, Austin, Texas Tape 1 of 1 G: I thought that we would talk about your early education and work up to St. Mary's if we have time. J
- See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
- Lady Bird Johnson's early education at the Fern School; childhood friends; Mrs. Johnson's relationship with Dorris Powell and her mother, Mrs. Odom; Minnie Lee Pattillo's mental health; attending African-American churches as a child; Mrs. Johnson's
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 2 (II), 8/13/1977, by Michael L. Gillette
- Lady Bird Johnson
Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 28 (XXVIII), 3/15/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
- -1952 DATE: March 15, 1982 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: MICHAEL L. GILLETTE PLACE: Mrs. Johnson's apartment at KTBC, Austin, Texas Tape 1 of 1 J: In our personal lives, one of the happy things that happened to us that fall
- See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
- Hiring Gene and Helen Williams and their job duties; Lady Bird Johnson's massages; Sugar Pickle's health; Jac Gubbel's assistance in landscaping the LBJ Ranch and Mr. Erb's help with the trees and yard work; hiring a foreman for the LBJ Ranch; LBJ's
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 28 (XXVIII), 3/15/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
- Lady Bird Johnson
Oral history transcript, Mamie Allison, interview 1 (I), 10/13/1986, by Christie L. Bourgeois
- . another little interesting incident. And I'll tell you I don't know whether this is the time to tell it or not, but the first time that he brought Lady Bird to visit-B: Tell me about that. A: Well, we never had met her, but we were so anxious to meet
- Personal relationship with LBJ; LBJ and his family; LBJ as a young boy and relationship with his parents; early relationship with Alvin Wirtz; Allison's first meeting with Lady Bird; memory of Lady Bird as very shy; days at the Ranch
- . say? R: Jim and I went to dinner there, and we would talk about the passing scene. I spent quite a lot of time with Lady Bird there because I was a member of her committee, and I used to see him then. Oh yes, and then in 1964 I wo rked in the East
Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 44 (XLIV), 1/26/1996, by Harry Middleton
- 26, 1996 INTERVIEWEE: LADY BIRD JOHNSON INTERVIEWER: HARRY MIDDLETON PLACE: Acapulco, Mexico Tape 1 of 1, Side 1 M: This is side number two of the tape made, oral history interview with Lady Bird Johnson in Acapulco, January 1996
- See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson
- Lady Bird Johnson's father's decline in health and death; story of Lady Bird Johnson's mother building up Mr. Taylor's health and physique early in their marriage; Mrs. Johnson's role in the 1960 presidential campaign; public speaking; Mrs
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 44 (XLIV), 1/26/1996, by Harry Middleton
- Lady Bird Johnson
- coming home just before he went to work for Congressman [Richard] Kleberg? W: No, I don't. G: Okay. Do you recall when he brought Lady Bird home the first time? W: No, I don't remember that either. (Laughter) G: When did you first meet Mrs
- and the chili there; Melvin Winters' construction work on the highway around Johnson City; LBJ's skill for politics from childhood; the Winters' first impression of Lady Bird Johnson; the relationship between LBJ and Lady Bird; Lynda and Luci staying
Oral history transcript, Elma (Mrs. Sam) Fore, interview 1 (I), 7/12/1971, by David G. McComb
- . Lady Bird carne with him. talk any politics. And he spent an hour wrth him. He didn't I remember Sam asking him how he got along LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories