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33 results

  • who understand the things I am try­ ing to do. . -· , Lady Bird joins me in warm regards . Mm Clifford J. Durr . 17 Molton Street Building Montgomery 4, Alabama I ~ANSf'l:iR,, S:LJ Ye HANl9WR1TlN0 l"IL.S
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Orace: r , • 1,. ~ I • I • .,. I "II - L• r Sincerely yours, Lyndon B. Johnson I ~- '. · · Everything seemed to go na1 well ; and I waa pleased to be included ln the Dinner plans • .,J.., '. It was most enjoyable for Lady Bird
  • of I do hope you w111 keep 1n ·touch with Lady Bird• take her to lunch with yru onoo in a wile . and give hor the benefit or your idens and suggestions on e.eyth1ng you ,_think she shou ld do. God blesa both ot you. Love. Lyndon Mr. Roy Miller
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • for the numerous senators nding their temples in fury because i Family group: Lucy Baines, aged 3, sits at the senator's feet; Lynda Bird, now 6, is with her mother, Claudia. Her husband and her friends call Mrs. Johmon "Lady Bird" PHOTOGRAPHS FOR COLLIER'S 11Y
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • yestor­ dq afternoon with her and bas a dinner .d ate 'With her and some oth r ladT tonight S&)"I, that Lady' Bird doesn't. want yen to run because aha doesn•t think .'f'r.N. aan 1d.n. ill this • ~ Wirta to me. About a month ago Lady was engaged
  • -A ....... August 25, 1961 Dear Sa.reh: Lady Bird and I do not need the calendar to remind us that this is the end of Auguot and a yee.:r from the time we vere embarking on the great adventure of' our lives -- the campaign for the Democratic ticket. We cannot
  • J.C. h- PAITILW Clerk of the Circuit Court Chlltoa ~ CLAlfTOlf, AJ.ABAJIA Octooer. 2~. 1955. Mrs. Lyndon a. Jonnaon Stonewall, Taxaa. Dear Lady B1rd: Jou will, doubtlesa. be iRlrprieed to reoeive tb1e aa we nave bad 11 ttle oomm n1oat1011
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • as you have on many occasions proven to us. It was kind of you and Lady Bird to offer the facilities of your lovely home for entertainment of the distinguished visitors, so many honored guests and many of us fran this area, for which we thank you. May I
  • this and and leaders acquain}ed mission·will in ~rawihg closer bonds of common purpose between Norway and America. the , , 15 - Prime Minister John Lyng. Akershus 11.9.1963 Mr. Vice President, Ladies and Gentleman, It is a pleasure for me, on behalf
  • as a democracy committed to principles we hold in common.. We know that the role of Cyprus on the broader stage will be made more effective by strengthening the base of freedom here at.home. Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, I ask you to join me .in a toast
  • Chancellor Adenauer'• vi•it. Lady Bird and I both enjoyed seein& you and Mr ■. Nimitz. With warme ■ t personal reaards. Sincerely, Lyndon B. John•on Fleet Acbniral Che ■ ter W. Nimitz Room ~27, Federal Office Bulldina San Franci•co 2, California LBJ:AT
  • res. EM2.-9300 TW3-8064 res. Sarah McClendon LI7-3147 s. 6. EM2.-6934 res. FES-1784 10. Ed Welsh 11. Lt. Cecil Staughton KI9-302.0 lZ. Helen Williams WO6-4030 13. Captain Bird JAS-6069 14. Walter Jenkins 15. Stu Knight DUS-8188
  • (and translation) to Miss Hendricks for framing accord­ ing to Lady Bird's directions. Miss Hendricks (Mrs. Colcaire taking care of this for her) is at CO 5-1529. mjdr MEMORANDUM July 10. 1957 Juanita: He said he thinks this ls a fine idea and said for you
  • something for them. If he is not there then maybe Lady Bird could have them to lunch or show them some 'attention. I think if they could Just pat him on the back and be nl~eto them it might pay off. • January21, 1960 TELEPHONE CONVBRSATICN BETWEEN WARREN
  • as a Senator to xou who elect · and my energy to our state ' -ll- I will vote - and m.y he.::..rt, l will .•. and to our n, ..tiou. Ladies and Gentleman. which are as f'oNign under conditions I(m grateful me. Many tim,s ia nothing nece ■ 1ary
  • of human President and his party which also included Lady Bird Johnson and Mrs. Jean Smith rights and dignity of man and the pres­ resident- trennedy's sister) were received by Lt. General W. A. Bur~imster of erva tionof intern~tional peace and good­ Health
  • of emoting. Pure and significant extroversion will occur as pain­ lessly as a lady salmon produces a few thousand eggs for t he emotion of the male salmon to observe. The emoting of the lady salmon as a oycle of what is does not have a personal contact
  • of the fine folk here and they ask me to tell you that we are with you HOLDING UP YOUR HANDS.Stay right in there,know we are standing with you. Annie and I heard your message last night,it hit the mark. We think so much of you and Lady Bird. Please bear
  • corps of helpers can com:e·:-to terms on · a "Treaty To End World War 11~ With apolo&Y for this wordy statement, and with best of good wishes~or you and the Lady Bird and Charming Texas Daughters, --rr--it-j!iL-Your friends, Selma [2 of 2 front] [2
  • General .Birkhead to General Walker that Birkhead \YOUld like to see tom., Jr. go to Officers Candidate School . Blaylock thought this would turn the trick, and if not he said he .•would try to think up somethi .ng else . Col. Ainsworth called Bird
  • youth, nnd kindling her undnzzlod eyes rtt the full :niddny beam; purging and unsee.ling hor long-n.busod sight at tho fount'lin itself of henvenly radinnce; while the whol o noise of timorous and flocking birds, with thos e also thot love the twilight
  • , \o whioa .....,.,_..., hat e she•••• allergic . ,.,_. P.. &I will W1"1te• ..s.r•• or wlepbona \bat tMN 11 eu,oh a p•r.on YO\lllg , he •Y be 1t•4 to fl&•hiag~. s. It 41 bird Dodo, ha t;o do It 1 to be n .,,,,,.,.-n, h 1n Dalla• t tal oi' i
  • of birds, which have evolved differ· ently on different islands. The memorial's directors do not plan their own scientific staff: They want to provide funds and facilities for scientists working on their own projects or a uni· versity program. Backing has
  • way about 1t. Answering your 1nqu1ry about John Connally, I do not know Just what to say except that he seems to be settled 1n Austin. I think he 1s spending his time partly attending to Bird's radio station, and partly to planning one or his . own
  • would like to promote a war between East and West Germany--if they could manage to localize it--thus killing two birds with one stone. Maybe this is far fetched. The paramount consideration is, I believe, the fear that they have of a rearmed West Germany
  • ,.mes P. Baxter, Ill Edgar D . Bell James Washington Bell George C. Bcllin_gratb Rollcn R . Bcocd,ct Clar, nce A. Berdahl Irving Berlin Harry Best Charles E. Bcury Mrs. Frank H. Bigelow John B. Bigelow Remsen Duboi• Bird Mrs. Karl Bishopr!c Mrs. Emmons