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  • ~. ,) .. ''·.... ~ - 4 ­ EYES ONLY FOR THE PRESIDENT .·3:·iif:D Pwbli,GllifiA Pc•q1,1~s faerrni11ieA ei Cep7 right Hq&dtr; W Thomas lohnaon The President: It's hard to sell a house at my price of $40, 000 if Lady Bird tells the buyer at the door that she would sell
  • of spectacular value to many slum children. I'll n~ver . forget Lady Bird's . reaction after she had visited her first Head Start class. She said, "This is the finest thing we have done. They are taking some of the most deprived children in the la.nd
  • and his people, too. SECRETARY RUSK: It was Thieu who insisted that•here not be a mention of NLF in the joint statement. They want to treat the NLF as non-existent. The first of the meetings will be for the birds. We have debacles. of Debacles. That's why
  • . T hey see a comn1itment of Korean troops as killing several birds : not only helps t heir ally and fights their enemy i n another place, but it c ould stirnulate their economy greatly if they could play a role silnilar to J apan i n the Korean
  • of the American people. If we keep up the pressure on them, gradually the will of the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese will wear down," Clifford concluded. · At 1:45 p. m. Lynda Bird brought Patrick Lyndon Nugent in to the President. Lyn stayed