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868 results
- Processing Note:
The LBJ Library staff mistakenly added a date, October 21, 1968, to early digitized
DVDs that were provided to researchers. The entry for that date was actually the
transcript for October 24, 1968. Lady Bird Johnson did not record
- Processing note only: no transcript or audio. The LBJ Library staff mistakenly added a date, October 21, 1968, to early digitized DVDs that were provided to researchers. The entry for that date was actually the transcript for October 24, 1968. Lady
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Diary, annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 10/21/1968 (Monday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Note re: Lady Bird Johnson's diary for Dec. 23, 1963
- Annotated Transcripts of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Note re: Lady Bird Johnson's diary for August, 1964
- Annotated Transcripts of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Note re: Lady Bird Johnson's diary for Dec. 7, 1963
- Annotated Transcripts of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- , that is. There was one
beautiful line in it: “He never caused a tear except when he left us.” Mrs. Lehman looked
very queenly in her black veil, and I remembered our days in Senate Ladies together, and
said our few words to her, and left. I noticed a newspaper headline
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnsons awake early, go for walk, and attend service at St. John's Church; Luci's fireplace mishap; description of Luci at the White House; Lady Bird and LBJ go to New York for funeral of Senator Herbert Lehman; in 1955, Lehman asked Senate
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 12/8/1963 (Sunday)
- Poor quality sound; recording ends before Lady Bird finishes her sentence
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson travel
- Coffee with houseguests; planning for Lady Bird's trip to Texas
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 8/7/1964 (Friday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- thi ng of
is the utter stilln ess, except for the song of the birds,
I had dinner with the children, and la ter, settled down fo r an hour in
another country, with Marshal
Dillon, in Gunsmoke.
And so ended my three and a half days of sel f
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Lady Bird records her White House Diary; Lady Bird goes for walk; Luci Johnson boats with friend, Beth; Lady Bird describes countryside; Lady Bird enjoys sunbathing; Lady Bird watches "Gunsmoke" on TV
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 5/16/1964 (Saturday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- , in the endless miles of empty bookshelves. And to put
around my beautiful Lowestoft pieces and my Dorothy Doughty birds.
Because I want it to start looking like, that is, the little bit of the room that I can call mine,
that is the Johnsons’ home, and I want
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Friends help Lady Bird decorate family quarters with books and Dorothy Doughty birds; Lady Bird puts out photos of JFK with Caroline, the Taylors and Johnsons; Lady Bird has business meeting with Sheldon Cohen and Walter Jenkins where they discuss
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 12/10/1963 (Tuesday)
- Variable speeds on tape; recording ends before Lady Bird finishes her sentence. Transcript was created by the LBJ Library staff.
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
Lady Bird were quite real and very close.
I did not get up until 3:0C. · Then I dressed to go to Diana's party. But
Tony and Mattiana.came, and we went downstairs with Willie Day to see the
wedding gifts. Tony had brought for Lynda Bird a silver bowl
- An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Lady Bird reads newspapers about Lynda Johnson Robb's wedding; for several hours, Lady Bird reads the love letters LBJ wrote to her while there were courting in 1934; Lady Bird dresses for Diana MacArthur's party; Lady Bird and Tony & Matianna
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 12/10/1967 (Sunday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 7/19/1964 (Sunday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Lady Bird works at the Elms; Lady Bird visits with Alabama's "Family of the Year;" Lady Bird has photograph taken with a Shakespeare theater group; LBJ is over his cold
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 4/6/1964 (Monday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Mary Lasker spends night in Queen's Room; decorating the family quarters; Lasker speaks with LBJ about Doctors' Conference; Lady Bird lunches with Tish Baldridge, Bess Abell, Liz Carpenter, and Ashton Gonella to plan upcoming state dinners for Queen
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 12/9/1963 (Monday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
Doc # DocType
Doc Info
Classification Pages
Lady Bird Johnson's Diary, Saturday, April 4,
1964, Page 1
Collection Title Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
Lady Bird
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Lady Bird and Lynda Johnson work on pictures for Lynda's room; Lady Bird reflects about Lynda and her life; Lady Bird meets with architect about her office/dressing room; Lady Bird bowls and sees movie with Lynda Johnson
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 4/4/1964 (Saturday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- ,
a very b r i e f a f f a i r .
Actually j u s t a receiving l i n e , and then refresh-
ments in the State Dining Room, and we l e f t the ground by chopper
before five o'clock.
Lyndon and Luci and I (Lynda Bird was already
in New York) arrived a t
- An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnsons spent last weekend at Camp David; the Johnsons' belongings are being packed & moved out; Lady Bird has coffee with Alabama relatives; Lady Bird visits with the Brown family group; Lady Bird turns over personal documents to Dorothy Territo
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 1/13/1969 (Monday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Lady Bird finishes Bill White's book on LBJ; Lady Bird records her White House Diary; Lady Bird walks with Jerry Kivitts; Lady Bird works on invitation lists for upcoming events at the White House; Lady Bird has telephone conversation with Dr. Hurst
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 5/15/1964 (Friday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
D oc# DocTvpe Doc Info
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Classification P ages
Lady Bird Johnson's Audio Diary for December
1. 1963
Collection Title Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- LBJ's is briefed by John McCone; visit to see Charles Marsh, a family friend; to service at St. Mark's Church; visit to Arlington National Cemetery to place flowers at JFK's grave; returning to White House, Lady Bird greets Tommy Corcoran and James
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 12/1/1963 (Sunday)
- Poor sound quality; variable speeds; tape ends before Lady Bird finishes her sentence; transcript created by LBJ Library staff
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson travel
- Lady Bird to National Cathedral; Lady Bird to Winchester for Apple Blossom Festival; lunch at Dr. Maguire's; Luci Johnson on float in parade; Lady Bird back to Washington; visit at White House by the Abe Fortases; Lynda Johnson
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 5/1/1964 (Friday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Lady Bird's appointment with Ruth Montgomery who is writing book on Lady Bird; Lady Bird does desk work; the Johnsons have dinner with publishers, newspaper people, and others; Lady Bird comments that her vitality is low
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 12/19/1963 (Thursday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
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Doc # DocTvpe Doc Info
Classification P a g e s
Lady Bird Johnson's Diary, W ednesday,
November 18, 1964, Page 1
Collection Title Lady Bird
- Awards to Lady Bird Johnson
- Problems related to Inaugural activities; photographs taken for Christmas Seals for the National Tuberculosis Association; Lady Bird receives honorary membership to Opera Society of Metropolitan, Washington
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 11/18/1964 (Wednesday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson speeches and statements
- Snow in Washington, D.C., cancels the annual Easter Egg Roll; the beagles, Him and Her; Lady Bird's speech for Texas Women's University; the press, Lady Bird's trip to the hair salon, and the Secret Service; story of Lady Bird's brother, Tommy
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 3/30/1964 (Monday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- LBJ, Lady Bird, Lynda and Luci to St. Mark's Church - by themselves - without Secret Service or press; Lady Bird reflects on the church service; stories by press about lack of security; LBJ plays golf; Lady Bird and Lynda explore White House grounds
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 4/5/1964 (Sunday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
we got a little closer together. Lyndon took the ladies on a tour of the rooms. I’m surprised
that they seemed not more familiar with this place. I gather they perhaps have not been up
here before. The one whose face I watched the closest of all
- Lady Bird Johnson travel
- Decorating Luci's and Lynda's rooms; hours of desk work; Lady Bird goes to District of Columbia General Hospital to visit Children's Ward; newswomen at the hospital; rehabilitation center; cocktail hour for staff and spouses in Yellow Room; LBJ's
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 12/11/1963 (Wednesday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- LBJ and Lady Bird to St. Mark's Church; visit with the Valentis; photos by press of LBJ and Courtney McPherson; LBJ plays golf; George Mahon
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 5/24/1964 (Sunday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 7/21/1964 (Tuesday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- LBJ & Lady Bird arrive at LBJ Ranch; Lady Bird reads until 2 a.m. and sleeps late; LBJ, Lady Bird & the Arthur Krims drive around ranch; drought in Texas; lunch; Lady Bird and LBJ take naps; Lady Bird & Luci Johnson Nugent, who is expecting, go
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 3/3/1967 (Friday)
- The 03:48 from track 2 and first 00:06 from track 3 should be spliced together for this date. Variable speeds at 01:17-01:32 distort Lady Bird's voice.
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- to give them to hospitals, orphanages and old ladies
hom es, with a sweet little note, wishing them a joyous E a ster.
And then back up, p ell m e ll, to discuss with M is s L e m a i r
could p o s s ib ly do about the r o lle d shades in the solariu m
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Lady Bird sleeps in; meeting with Eleanor Lemair about changes to Solarium; meeting head of Florists Association about Lady Bird delivering Easter flowers; Lynda Johnson in New York City; LBJ and Lady Bird to LBJ Ranch; dinner at Ranch with Jesse
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 3/26/1964 (Thursday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Lady Bird has photos taken; controversy about Lady Bird's Alabama tenants and the poverty bill; Lady Bird works on mail; dinner at Mike Monroney's for the Walter Lippmanns; LBJ has stag luncheon for Willy Brandt; Dr. Milton Eisenhower
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 5/18/1964 (Monday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson speeches and statements
- Lynda Johnson christens Navy transport, "Austin"; LBJ & Lady Bird to St. Paul, MN, for Democratic Farm Labor Convention; Hubert Humphrey's son, Robert; LBJ gives speech; President's Club reception in Minneapolis; Fundraiser dinner with remarks
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 6/27/1964 (Saturday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Lady Bird works in office; Lady Bird walks White House grounds; Lady Bird has lunch with LBJ; dinner is at the White House with the Cecil Burneys; Lynda Johnson goes to party given by Carol Channing; there is a possible donation of a Sully painting
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 2/20/1965 (Saturday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Lady Bird takes food to Jesse Kellam's home in Austin; Lady Bird has Jesse Kellam to ranch for the evening; drive to see land that is for sale; LBJ has meeting with McGeorge Bundy and Walter Jenkins; Lady Bird watches "Gunsmoke"
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 2/8/1964 (Saturday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
Ooc:Type Doc Info
Lady Bird Johnson's Diary, Page 1
Page 1 of 1
Collection Title Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
Folder Title
Lady Bird
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Lady Bird works with her office staff; Luci Johnson and her conversion to Catholicism; Lady Bird talks with Lynda Johnson; LBJ returns to work; Lady Bird reads Task Force on Beautification report
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 1/28/1965 (Thursday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Lady Bird does office work; Lady Bird to hair salon; controversy about Lady Bird's property and tenants in Alabama; Lady Bird and Luci Johnson to Huntlands Estate in Virginia; Lady Bird reads Bill White's book on LBJ
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 5/13/1964 (Wednesday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- LBJ and Lady Bird to National City Christian Church with the Bill Wirtzes and Orville Freemans; swimming at the White House; Presidential Scholars program and Milton Eisenhower; LBJ golfs with Walter Jenkins and McGeorge Bundy; visit from Jesse
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 5/3/1964 (Saturday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Friends and volunteers help in White House living quarters; Lady Bird meets with Clark Clifford and others about the White House Fine Arts Committee; preservation of the White House and the Capitol; Jacqueline Kennedy's recommendation to discontinue
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 12/3/1963 (Tuesday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Lady Bird's desk work with Liz Carpenter; interview with Marie Smith for biography of Lady Bird Johnson; meeting with dressmaker; Robin Duke; meeting Lynda Johnson's guests; swim; dinner with LBJ and "Jack"
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 1/29/1964 (Wednesday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- LBJ and Lady Bird to St. Paul's in the Desert church; lunch at Taubman home with friends; visit with the Taubmans; Air Force One to Washington; Lady Bird on Virginia Rusk;; greeted on White House lawn by beagles, Him and Her; greeted in White House
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 2/23/1964 (Sunday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Lady Bird bowls at the EOB with LBJ and Lynda Johnson; Lady Bird watches the LBJ television interview from the day before
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 3/15/1964 (Sunday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Removing items from The Elms with Lynda Johnson; LBJ and Lady Bird to Palm Sunday vespers at St. John's Church; Lady Bird's dislike of photographers; dinner guests at the White House; discussions with Robert McNamara and other guests about Vietnam
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 3/22/1964 (Sunday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Lady Bird performs desk work; White House photographer's dinner and LBJ's speech; Lady Bird and Lynda Johnson play bridge with Jane Barkley and Betty Talmadge
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 4/2/1964 (Thursday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
- of coffee*
And what a day at church.
There was confirm ation c la s s, as va ried
a group as St, M arks own congregation
o u t of 18, about three young
negros, one lady who was a ll of 80 years old.
Bishop Creighton was there
to perform the laying
- Lady Bird returns to White House; Johnson family to St. Mark's Church; lunch with the Dean Rusks, Robert McNamaras and McGeorge Bundys; Vietnam; Lady Bird and LBJ to Bob Thompsons; dinner with the Valentis
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 5/17/1964 (Sunday)
- Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
- Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary