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Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
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Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973
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35 results
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 4/16/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- Lady Bird:
Just received your note written at 1:25 PM April 6.
The news on the Standard and aSCAP situation appears to be
good. Please follow through and get both definitely settled.
I will give some thought to the Safeway matter, but I know we
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lyndon B. Johnson to Lady Bird Johnson, 4/8/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- ,_., ..,.
4921 30th Place, N. W.,
Washington, D. c.
Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson,
2519 Harris Blvd.,
Aust in, Texas.
Dear Bird:
Here is a copy of a note I have written to Martin Hyltin
with regard to his letter which is attached, together
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lyndon B. Johnson to Lady Bird Johnson, 1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- , Texas •
.Dear Bird:
Enclosed is a card which accompanied some flowers sent
you by Amon Carter. I have wri tt0n to thank him and think you
should also drop him a note.
Also enclosed is a letter to you from Bernard Hanks. I
think by all means you should
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson travel
- KTBC business, Lady Bird travel, classification during war time of radio and radio employees
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lyndon B. Johnson to Lady Bird Johnson, 4/7/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 4/19/1943, 5:30 pm
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- 49 21 30th Place, H. W.,
Washington, D. C.,
April 1 7, 1943.
Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson,
2519 Harris Blvd.,
Austin, Texas.
Dear Lady Bird:
I think we always going to have serious problems
with KTBC until we get a top, experienced, thoroughly
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lyndon B. Johnson to Lady Bird Johnson, 4/17/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson travel
- INS Contract, Lady Bird travel plans, life in Austin and wildflowers
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 4/9/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Lady Bird concerns about telephone bills, personal expenses, estimates for work done on KTBC studios, NBC contract
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 4/17/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
interest stories from country weeklies all over West Texas over
some big Ft. Worth station •••• This laa,t is probably the beet way
to implement my heroes of the war ideal Read articles like that
lady from Schwertner with o,ix sons in the eervice
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 4/6/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 4/12/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- Washington, D. G. ,
May 11, 1943 .
Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson,
2519 Harris Blvd.,
Austin, Texas .
Dear Lady Bird:
I have been very disappointed the last two days in not
having heard from you . I am extremely anxious to know 'What
happened on the moving
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lyndon B. Johnson to Lady Bird Johnson, 5/11/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- Lady Bird:
am attaching a letter I
got from Jesse after you left.
In order to call them particularly to your attention, I have marked
paragraphs ( 1) , ( 2) and ( 3) • About the fir st thi n1c· ·to be done is to
determine definitely
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lyndon B. Johnson to Lady Bird Johnson, 4/1/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- 4921 30th Place,~.
Washington, D . c.,
April 12, 1943.
Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson,
e/o Mr. J. c. Kellam,
Brown Building,
Austin, Texas.
Dear Lady Bird:
This morning I had a talk with Jim Bond of the Manpower Commission here. He told me that under
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lyndon B. Johnson to Lady Bird Johnson, 4/12/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Robb, Lynda Bird, 1944-
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lyndon B. Johnson to Lady Bird Johnson, 8/14/1944
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Lady Bird discussion with employee that was leaving (engineer?) about transmitters and station's difficulties, Radio and transmitter equipment, problems with requesting raises, frustrations with Escoe
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 4/14/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 4/19/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 4/22/1943, 10:30 am
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 4/22/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 5/5/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 5/13/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 5/18/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- boys and favoritism), rental and building situation of current KTBC studios, personal finances, KTBC finances, Lady Bird research into radio business, contract with INS
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 4/2/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Social updates, KTBC future studio location (Brown building vs. current building), typewriter situation at KTBC, ASCAP and Standard Library contracts/Lady Bird research into Libraries, Handley judgement
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 4/3/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Insurance for station, impact of city limits on cost of insurance vs. taxes, financial matters-ways to cut expenses, requests LBJ send Lady Bird camera film to take pictures of bluebonnets, job assistance/recommendation for Bob Long
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 4/13/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Balance of personal and business accounts, KTBC book-keeping and advertising accounts, Lady Bird finding errors in KTBC book-keeping
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 5/15/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 4/11/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 5/7/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 5/10/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 5/24/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- of the next week--he hes wointmsnt
elo). Radio iouae baa a top enrollment or about 100.
I liatenei o thre
nnoune,ra ani two other scri t r tars
beai es f!rs. • • h r lf th :t I wl loye to ha Ye. I' 1 urely
oing to
t to mow this lady betl r
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 4/4/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 4/8/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Lady Bird Johnson personal
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 5/12/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
- .
f .
Washington, D. C.
May 21, 1943.
Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson,
Radio Station KTBC,
Austin, Texas.
Dear Bird:
Got your note on the furniture for the studio. I did not expect
you to go into such detail but I do want to insist that the desks
- See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
- Letter, Lyndon B. Johnson to Lady Bird Johnson, 5/21/1943
- Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson