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  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Lady Bird Johnson's Daily Diary entry, 11/14/1968
  • Lady Bird Johnson's Daily Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • a great deal pro and con. I recall a number of occasions, one in particular on a Sunday afternoon when he and Lady Bird and Alice, my wife, and I took a long ride up towards Harper's Ferry over in West Virginia. We spent the whole afternoon
  • help him in Texas. Maybe I can help some, but he can help himself, Lady Bird can help him, and then Muriel can help him." Oh, and then he said, "Congressman Jim Wright." man Jim Wright very lavishly. Vice President. And he praised Congress- He
  • of spectacular value to many slum children. I'll n~ver . forget Lady Bird's . reaction after she had visited her first Head Start class. She said, "This is the finest thing we have done. They are taking some of the most deprived children in the la.nd