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  • Subject > Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 (remove)

340 results

  • to Ranch House sits in den w/ MMV JV Mr Mrs Dick Goodwin Liz Carpenter Mrs J in out Have Bloody Marys and appetizers Reads paper and visits MF VM notify Pres of call from Gov Connally Pres says Tell Lady Bird about it Mrs J returns call Geo Reedy Lunch
  • sent to Rep Michael J Kerwan Ohio at Bethesda w/ card hear you are under the weather Hurry and love Lady Bird and Lyndon B Johnson Bromley Smith fm Mike sorry to get well Mansion To South Grounds wit h Senator Richard Russell -- stood and talked
  • . Braniff vs. Eastern Airlines. Spring LBJ has no opposition for re-election in primary. June CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) and Rebekah Baines Johnson travel from Washington to Texas, visit Monticello and the Hermitage en route. LBJ works for farm parity. June
  • wire to Hon. Luther Hodges N. C. Memorial Hospital, Chapel Hill, N. C. "Lather, you are too young and energetic to be bedridden long. Lady Bird and I are wagering that the Hodges' spirit and the Hodges' energy will be vital and on the move quickly. LBJ
  • pictures of Lynda Bird being fitted in a sari while in Hawaii. . . and hurries out the door calling "Lady Bird, Lady Bird," in an attempt to catch the First Lady who had walked part way to the office with him. Shows her the frontpage coverage as he catches
  • The President autographed the following pics for Judge Marvin Jones: "To Judge Marvin Jones with affection, lady Bird and Lyndon B. Johnson" #C-3481-05 from Asian trip "To Marvin Jones with love from his devoted friends, lady Bird and Lyndon B. Johnson" #C-3480
  • . on Lady Bird Special Rub in Room. Talking w/ VM and MF and reading the NY Times Article" When questioned on how he thought the da y had been, he replied, "I thought it was awfully good. " Mrs. Johnson aboard, the Lady Bird Special. Lynda Bird also talked
  • 3-19-64 Mansion 8:55 10:07 10:11 f f 10:20 10:31 10:35 11:25 11:27 Thursday Bill Moyers Arr Oval Room w/ Mrs Johnson "Come on in, Bird" William Gaud of AID (Deputy under David Bell) greets a group of Lloyd Hand in reception room on way
  • in Ohio due to health. Also talked to W. Jenkins re: Ohio-Beaumont trip. Greeted Texas Home Demonstrators group - 40 ladies from all parts of Texas invited by Mrs. Johnson to LBJ Ranch for luncheon. On school bus tour of LBJ Ranch w/ Mrs. Johnson and group
  • (Lyndon Johnson) (recuperating in hospital; visitors include Governor James Allred, and C.N. Avery. 4/24 LBJ released from hospital; went to parents’ home in Johnson City. LBJ and CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) have dinner with Allreds at Governor’s Mansion. 4
  • . Johnson w/ ladies and President w/ men toured the Ranch area in cars Departed Lewis Ranch via chopper w/ above guests arriving at LBJ Ranc h at 1:30 To Living Room W/ Judge and Mrs. Thornberry, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ikard, Mr. Kellam, Mrs. Johnson
  • " and "Living White House" -"To our friends, the Holts, with best wishes on the occasion their visit to Washington, Lyndon B Johnson--Lady Bird Johnson, June 1, 1967. Framed copy of the photograph taken at the Diplomatic Reception of Pres and Mrs. J "To Harold
  • stone Episcopal church--very nice but awfully hot as it was unairconditioned. w/ Th e Prime Minister & Mrs. Holt outside metby PRESSSir John & Lady Bunting, Amb & Mrs. Clark Amb & Mrs. Waller, Anthony Eggleton, mary _s Communion service " 10:34a " Secy
  • mans George Reedy in mansion Earl Thacker Honolulu Hawaii fr mans re a note given by Mr Thacker to the President while stopping over in Hawaii on special mission for President Roosevelt addressed to Sir Norman and Lady Brookes of Victoria Australia
  • House. Went to Court House where the President and First Lady went in to vote. Departed Court House and then wen t to Melvi n Winters' residence, made a brief stop, just to sayhello. then drove to air strip, boarded awaiting helicopter and returned
  • Boyhood Home. The President went inside w/ Mrs. Johns and talked w/ some of the ladies that help Mrs. Hunter in guiding the tourists thro He then visited w/ Mrs. Hunter and MF and VM in the kitchen -- while sipping on some hot coffee. The President had
  • CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) in Washington LBJ (Lyndon Johnson) scheduled to speak at Hyde Park Baptist Church (Austin). LBJ visits wounded servicemen McCleskey Hospital in Temple. 1/3 LBJ speaks at the Capitol, sponsored by the Austin American Legion. 1
  • -- the President to the Living Room visit w/ them Judge A. W Moursund - Austin, Texas to Driving on the ranch area w/ Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jersig Arrived at the Main Ranch house -- saw Lynda Bird and George Hamilton and introduced George to the Jersigs
  • with his brother re CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) sketch and problem. May 5/1 New York World’s Fair opens; LBJ and CTJ decide to go at last minute. 5/10 Maury Maverick elected mayor of San Antonio. 5/19 House passes $773 million Naval Appropriations Bill
  • grandchildren and the President complied. He then asked mf to show the ladies around the house and that he would take the men. The gentlemen all followed the President and he led them to the hangar where the new firetruck was parked and took them all on a ride
  • . 2/3 Congressional Club tea; CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) taking Mrs. Barkley. 2/4 Radio correspondents stag dinner honoring Truman. 2/6 Barkley reception, Shoreham Hotel. 2/9 Luncheon meeting of the 81st Club is held at the Congressional Hotel
  • "My Hope for America," "To George A with high regard, LBJ" Bookmark Air Force One playing cards tie bar cuff links Two pictures: One of Mrs. Johnson and the President -- "To George Aiken with affection and d respect, Lady Bird and Lyndon B Johnson
  • to call Judge Thornberry and invite him to go to church with him the First Lady and Lucy Luci The President said he would pick up the Judge at Bob Waldron's house at 10:45 Intelligence Briefing and Mr. Bundy at the Elms in Terrace Room w/ Mr McCone
  • 1944 – January 1945 Both CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) and Lynda Bird are sick at Christmas. January Early January 1/3 Controversy over Coke Stevenson’s appointments to the Board of Regents. Coke is nominating Texas Regulars. LBJ (Lyndon Johnson
  • with our understanding of •| I this afternoon. | Your visit was helpful and I think will be quite productive. We wish you a safe and • Ihappy return home and will keep in close contact with you in the days and months ahead. ~; *" Our Best Always, LADY BIRD
  • O'Brien fr mansion returning Mr O'Brien's call Geo Reedy Walter Jenkins Secy McNamara To ofc stopped in outer ofc to autographed picture to Grace Earle Says to vm gw Good evening ladies gentlemen then to office w/ Walter Jenkins asked Mr Jenkins
  • of President and Mrs. Johnson standing in front of live oak tree on front lawn -"To Patrick Nugent, wit h our deep affection, Lyndon B. Johnson - July 9, 1966" (and Mrs. Johnson also autog : - "On your Birthday! - and Lady Bird Johnson" Re the Shriver visit
  • Davis. They had conversation re James' pony. Arrived Scharnhorst Ranch. n^ August 14, 1966 LBJ Ranch Day Sunday Acttvhy (inc!ude visited by) Lady Bird. She was away from her car and SS agent answered that he would take car to her. Pres: Tell her we
  • White Hous e - N . N . M . C . - Bethesda THURSDAY Mrs. Johnso n cam e i n - i n her rob e - an d told th e Presiden t that Lynd a Bird was calling i n and asked the Presidenti f h e would lik e t o als o tal k o n the call . . he did . Lynda Bir d
  • usher's checked calls checked Ilatf January White House p^ 11, 1966 TUESDAY Activity (include visited by) Breakfast in his roomMW, JJ and JV in Arrived in MJDR's Office - "good morning - ladies and gentlemen" to yb and mjdr. To the Oval Rm Ofc
  • of his rub reading th e January 21 edition of the Washington Post. ) January White Awake Breakfast Marvin House in Bed Watson and 21, 1965 Thursday JV in bedroom The President and First Lady received Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Daniels and children
  • ) plans to appeal personally to FDR. 1/11 Congressional reception; Dorothy Jackson Nichols recalls attending with CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson), LBJ, and LBJ’s sister, Rebekah. February 2/5 LBJ meets with director of budget, Harold D. Smith. c.2/7 LBJ
  • archival staff from oral history transcripts and other sources as a service to our researchers. Not intended to be complete or definitive. CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) attends a luncheon given by Mrs. Fritz Lanham in honor of Miss Lou Rayburn
  • training, health insurance, and aid for Europe and Asia. 1/10 Truman submits federal budget to Congress. He proposes that an estimated surplus of $202 million be used for reduction of the national debt rather than tax cuts. 1/15 CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson
  • Committeewoman), Gov. Romney, and Mrs. G. Mennen (Nancy)Williams). Many home-made signs wer seen, one of the nearest reading: Happiness is LBJ. Others: Welcome LBJ and Lady Bird. Datr September 5, 1966 jThe White House, Washington, D, C. Dav Monday - Labor Day
  • , Ambassador to Germany accompanied by Marvin Watson Oki l:29p Marvin Watson out '^l:44p "/7 OFF t=?\t-^y^ ^)])^ RECORD: Mrs. Johnson Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson) She is going to write a chapter in a book on the President. Jack Valenti had earlier
  • April 14, 1966 White House- LBJ Ranch, Texa s Thursday Dale Malechek Secy. McNamara - Washington, D. C. Dale Meeks Joe Laitin - San Antonio, Texa s Jack Valenti - Mexico City, D. F . Luci - Washington, D. C . Lynda Bird - Austin, Texas To th e
  • of the ladies, and T_ , began .! T-doing i . L, n wit h th e President, Sgt . O'Malley , an d the family. They were followed by the other likewise . Whe , , 1 , , Qg*
  • White House Dav Tuesday Activity (inctud e visited by) E The President told those in the room that he had been talking to Luci last nigh and she being an old married lady told him that what he should be most proud in his Cabinet is the fact
  • Douglas s Cate r n Watso n Jack Valent i Marvi George Reed y Horac ee Busb Busb y Press and photogs To office w/ Lynda Lunch Bird in The Vice President The Attorney General Secy Celebrezze Secretary Wirtz in soup McGeorge Bundy Geo Reedy w/ her w