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  • food, as other politicians visited regularly and built relationships over Wright's chile con queso and peach cobbler. Lady Bird Johnson once wrote, "I have yet to find a great chef whose desserts I like as well as Zephyr's." Wright was known to have
  • food, as other politicians visited regularly and built relationships over Wright's chile con queso and peach cobbler. Lady Bird Johnson once wrote, "I have yet to find a great chef whose desserts I like as well as Zephyr's." Wright was known to have
  • , itandard Two Texas highway ~aintenance foremen were winners of the 1977 Lady Bird Johnson Highway Beautification Awards and received checks and plaques from her at the Lyndon B. Johnson State Park Thursday evening. Eugene B. Barrier, maintenance
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Reference File, "Mrs. Johnson -Lady Bird Johnson Award for Highway Beautification (Texas Dept. of Highways)"
  • , itandard Two Texas highway ~aintenance foremen were winners of the 1977 Lady Bird Johnson Highway Beautification Awards and received checks and plaques from her at the Lyndon B. Johnson State Park Thursday evening. Eugene B. Barrier, maintenance
  • Reference File, "Mrs. Johnson -Lady Bird Johnson Award for Highway Beautification (Texas Dept. of Highways)"
  • 1964 ~ Enclosed is: Press Kit on the Pres~ent_'s Tentative Schedule tor the ladies "lady Bird Special" List of White House Women's Coordinators White House P.elease on Honorary Chairme·n of the· "lady' Bird Special" ' List of Women's Activities
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Presidential Library. Lady Bird Johnson, whose signature issue was beautifying roadways, had a staff of 30, said Stacy A. Cordery, a history professor at Montmouth College in Illinois who studies first ladies. Betty Ford had almost the same number. Jacqueline
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Presidential Library. Lady Bird Johnson, whose signature issue was beautifying roadways, had a staff of 30, said Stacy A. Cordery, a history professor at Montmouth College in Illinois who studies first ladies. Betty Ford had almost the same number. Jacqueline
  • ite•s tor aLady Bird Speciala tour. ~~--~~ ADVABCE ~ Pennants v/cane 3M "Reilo Lady Bird" 3M nwelcome Lady Bird" 9.Lady Bird SJecial" • (~••• Art_ • . 3M ~~ ~1 LucU 3 M (51 I> •~fl ~••·•·•$4,200.00 ,. 2 sizes "Lady Bird Special
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • sent this stO('yto my good pal. Al Spivak of UPI. SOIM time ago it is an account of one of L8Js great political trips, New Or1eans.1964 that I never got published.The trip coincided with the famous Lady Bird Special. LB j took the (ace lS$UI head oc,, I
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Reference File, "Whistle Stop -1964 ("Lady Bird Special," 10/6-9)"
  • sent this stO('yto my good pal. Al Spivak of UPI. SOIM time ago it is an account of one of L8Js great political trips, New Or1eans.1964 that I never got published.The trip coincided with the famous Lady Bird Special. LB j took the (ace lS$UI head oc,, I
  • Reference File, "Whistle Stop -1964 ("Lady Bird Special," 10/6-9)"
  • Ladies in America's history. Lady Bird Johnson's repnrter thrust She is also a "thinking citizen, 11 - is n0t just with "drives and desires, of her own." During her trips around the world as the Vice President's used this phrase to describe
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • . And second, let her have it. That philosophy has worked very well for me -- and, I might add, for Lady Bird, too. Very seriously, "f1IY marriage has been like that described by Charlotte Bronte. "Alfred and I," she wrote, "intended to be married in this way
  • who understand the things I am try­ ing to do. . -· , Lady Bird joins me in warm regards . Mm Clifford J. Durr . 17 Molton Street Building Montgomery 4, Alabama I ~ANSf'l:iR,, S:LJ Ye HANl9WR1TlN0 l"IL.S
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Actor, Beverly Hilla, Calllornia Mr. It Mrs. Ralph Harris Reuters News Agency,, Waaldngtoa, D~. C:. 1 Lady Jackson Author arbara Ward Miaa Luci Baines Johnson Daughter of the President Miaa Lynda 'Bird Johnson Daughter of the President Mr. &t Mr
  • country is our good fortune in having a true lady Lady Bird. Sincerely yours, ""'~- _,t. • \ '-"- • , \/'•'""' 'l, .., 1..- ( '-h ' , VJ . :J.- .,,/ l{ , ;J_, ..~ \.'•-6; / C: ~'1 ) .\ .,L . .,..,, ~(:,;.,4'
  • The First Lady will make a four-day, 168Z mile whistle­ atop tour through the South viaiting small towns and large com­ munities. Her daughter• will acompany her on portions of the trip. The "Lady Bird Special II will leave Washington on the morning
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • On Forecasts I First Lady Deficit (~ut All Pov erty Glad Snyder Worried About Tenants Negro Gets 1 op Post In Church 1 Auoci•t•d ~reu \ Auociated Pre11 By FRANCES LEWINE of Louisville and Dave Martin of Nebraska who visited her property and returned
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • m@l'~ vigorous to continue the grelit work ycu have~ doingo to Lady Bird and for continu@d impr~t wime~ aw sweat a11Ht h@t to ycur hea.ltlhio 1JNQUOTEo Please deliver the followiq rsply the Prim® Mittiat®r t@ from the President QUOl'B
  • in ft. ~ 1 behalf of her husband. Over there '-. is Lady Bird Johnson prepal'in~ , ' • ,/,till' perag11al ~~ltistlestop tx;~ . •\'• ,~!!1!1-~-H+---t---1 through Dixie. And, of course, the Repub• lican National Committee is ar·- ~ _f 1.-.?-, ranging
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • his recent election victory. Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson conferred with the Secretary on the role she might play as First Lady to strengthen the cause of conservation -- a cause close to her heart. From their visit evolved a plan of paying tribute
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • on L..,. Bird ud rafW■ for Lady $U66, 00 • Potemac Photo Supply. Inc. - cbaS'I• for 1000 prlld• of colored plloto ■ ent ta all worlt•r•• 1ue•ta• laen••••••advance mea, etc. ,2266. 00 • Potamac Pko&o Supply, Ille. - chal'I• for 1000 addltional pdau
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • minute Congressman Boggs presents l minute Senator EI"V'inpresents 4 minutes Mrs. Johnson and Lynda 2 minutes Presentations Senator Ervin Mrs. Johnson RALEIGH PROGRAM TUESDAY, FOR "LADY BIRD SPECIAL" OCTOBER 9, 1964 P. M. 6:30 7:30 Band
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • the recovery of your healtbo Yw ~re$ not only to your country but also to tM mtir® I wi•h that .as the night cedes viprous to continue ilmt@ dci1y J'@U th® gre.ilt work J@U to Lady Bird and for continu~ wi~e~ h~ letter *e~t ~S*®t d~~r&atic will f
  • ·••¥) •·•Fu. Moe-Ue. Al • au... .._ Ort• ., •• ,~ d C-.. ef ,__. cl• J h•r•) WSD W'ASIDIO~O· 4111) ... ORI.SANS gladys uhl report on advance party for Lady Bird Sr,ecial T~P.s~ay, Sept. 29: difficulties. Wife of Gover~or Harrison advance
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • THE FIRST LADY ! 2 I ! MRS. JOHNSON: i I · 4 ! sI Welcome everybody! It is _Such a joy to have you here~ I wanted you I 0 to come and see what two years have done.. Everyone 0£ you w > c:: IJJ 6 here has added something special to this 7
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • ,en~.., If the President's daughter should ever have the idea of inviting some yowig ladies to the White House, could I suggests Miss Ellen Mc Cloy, 79 East 79 Street, NewYork, daughter of John J. Mc Cloy; Miss Judy Davies, care Paul Davies
  • · -: .. . .. • .' ..:. --~
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • States Dele­ gation to the recent meeting here of the Mexico United States Interparliamentary Group, we have been hearing some very complimentary reports on the tea which you had at your home on May 16 for the ladies in the two delegations! We want you
  • Robb, Lynda Bird, 1944-
  • STATES AMBASSADOR TO POLAND (At The LBJ Ranch) (l.1:13 AM CST) General Gronouski, members of the family, ladies and gentlemen: Mrs. Johnson and I deeply regret our lack of influence on the weather, but we are happy that we could be here together even
  • Orace: r , • 1,. ~ I • I • .,. I "II - L• r Sincerely yours, Lyndon B. Johnson I ~- '. · · Everything seemed to go na1 well ; and I waa pleased to be included ln the Dinner plans • .,J.., '. It was most enjoyable for Lady Bird
  • of I do hope you w111 keep 1n ·touch with Lady Bird• take her to lunch with yru onoo in a wile . and give hor the benefit or your idens and suggestions on e.eyth1ng you ,_think she shou ld do. God blesa both ot you. Love. Lyndon Mr. Roy Miller
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • . Gathering for a dinner Friday were Lady Bird Johnson (sitting left) and Liz Carpenter, (sitting -right), along with (standing. fro_mleft) _,,. TaylorJohnsowAA-S Tom Johnson, Lynda Johnson Robb, LanyTempl&, Hany Middleton, Walt Rostow, Bess Abell, George
  • . Gathering for a dinner Friday were Lady Bird Johnson (sitting left) and Liz Carpenter, (sitting -right), along with (standing. fro_mleft) _,,. TaylorJohnsowAA-S Tom Johnson, Lynda Johnson Robb, LanyTempl&, Hany Middleton, Walt Rostow, Bess Abell, George
  • and Mrs. Pak. 1-t'.)RE A PRESIDENT CHUNG HEE PAK: President Johnson, Mrs. Johnson, ladies and gentlemen: on behalf of the government and people of the Republic of Korea, I want to express my sincere appreciation for the most friendly invitation extended
  • ] February 26, 1968 MEMOltANDU l FOR MILDRED STEGALL From.: Carol Carlyle The tollowln, young ladi•• are moditl• who wi.U be doina the fa•hion •ho on Tbu•t·d ay. We would like to have them come in on Wednesday, ao eowd •• have your okaya u aooa aa poa•ible