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  • " /
  • See all scanned items from file unit "Walt Rostow, Vol. 22, March 1 - 9, 1967"
  • Folder, "Walt Rostow, Vol. 22, March 1 - 9, 1967 [1 of 2]," Memos to the President, NSF, Box 14 [1 of 2]
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • States and Mrs. Humphrey will give a luncheon in honor of President and Mrs. Diaz Ordaz. 3:00 pm Protocolary meeting at the OAS. We understand that following brief address by President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, a reception will be held for OAS Ambassadors
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • . MESSAGE AYUB (PAKISTAN) President: The sympathy comfort at a time dolence for the families deeply TO PRESIDENT of thoughtful of misfortune. stricken friends is a special Your message by Hurricane of conBeulah appreciated. I have just had
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • that individual I feel quite ■ ure that the artiat can If thi ■ ■ y■ tem incorporate all of them into one drawing. does not prove ■ ati ■ factory. please let me know and we can try again. him tho ■ e part ■ photograph■ ■tre ■■• Okamoto October 22, 1968
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • in Washingto~J>!·e~j,Q~l)~]:i~~~!1o~er:)-V;i~~il)ipg.._t_O....J.~.~~~~~-n _the :Red Chinese_~11S~t~~~.:.9. ..~.~-st]l~t~~s. In conversations with Prime Minister I ! Nehru during a visit to India beginning on 22 May, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • deals with recalcitrant S tate governments, both Congress and non-Congress on food p rocurement and distribution. I I \ \ ' __SilCRET - 2. - The new Minister of Health and Family Planning, s. Chandrasekhar,, is a great improvement. Once a part
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • ..- !• :•• ·· • . . . ·, - _~> ~· _:; _ ;i.:t.'.:'.;A~;i{~\;:.:~~:~/):~'.J~}~~::;{~\~-{::;',)··_,;f;.tt~.-~:._ ,1· ~- -~~:.~i·_'' ~ .\ .. . ·-. : ·" ' , . .- . .... · . ' A ·.. - ~ . -·. -- ~·--- - -- - ---·· . 1 l :;~ ·i . -.____,.,..,.- COHFWENTIAL March 22, 1967 Mr
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • to be prepared to .. handle any Communist reaction. In the form in which we have envisaged it, this course of action would suppose that even if _.., ~,.._ ....• ---------··----- --··--- ---··- - ·-------·-·- ~ on.:.c:..~.. 1 17-22 some form
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • under whlch a man can go to bed at night and feel confident he will awake in the morning. when he awakens, slaughtered. hope. A peace in which. he will not find hie neighbor or his village elders A peace la which men can raise their families
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • March, 10, 1967, had been misfiled in Volume 22. Volume 22 already had a properly identified #78, a one-page memo to the President from Rostow dated March 3, 1967. The three-page memo from March 10, 1967 was transferred to its proper location in Volume
  • See all scanned items from file unit "Walt Rostow, Vol. 22, March 1 - 9, 1967"
  • Folder, "Walt Rostow, Vol. 22, March 1 - 9, 1967 [2 of 2]," Memos to the President, NSF, Box 14 [1 of 2]
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • ---1-----A-- ~ President from llostow "C"Onfidentlal ~ q .. ;it5-Cj';). NL:Y Cit.,,ll{'l lff;3a memo meeting wkth-&1:r'a 1:-n-Duesseldorf _ ~ ii -f
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • have read of the inner politic• o( mainland China ln this crt.ts. .! !II It is written by liiiliiiiii.cholarly. an old CIA man w. w. R. -COH!"t15!:%111At:' attachment ED 12958 3A(b)l11>25Yrs (CJ ,✓ Mr U,ostow COMFIDEHTL:\L January 24, 1967
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • Pre-Presidential (Before Nov. 22, 1963)
  • Napoleon ~~kes a_ c.tlup dw:_-e;t~\t._ - i.n ;~x.a,'ia:~ f' s;,:t:....:r,' i :1-~ ··,..*bell :i .o-n stat en :in. --cjlti·na ;, • .·n.$ld.ll~d:;i - srri~t c:itl
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • November 10, 1964 Tuesday 2:05 P.M. CST Building 110 Bergstrom Air Force Base Austin, Texas SECRETARY McNAMARA: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Perhaps lean start by telling you very briefly some of the subjects that Mr. Vance and I discussed
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • SERVICE WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) FORM OF DOCUMENT CORRESPONDEN~S OR TITLE DATE RESTRICTION #22g memo -.;.-,4--m""'1'Tln--t-----t"T'r--+-h:e-fl-re'Si dent =-f--com- - M ~ ~~ ~ , --19- 112 · ent from R ~~- ~ #-'l.3a mes t/~-w,~r.J
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • .>{'or bes, Acting Dir, NE and SAPrograms/State ..,. re: · Mx. & Mrs Alfred L)(Bromberg & family trip. R£CEWfJ) JAN 1 81967 CEIHRP,L h L£S ~~.Y;fl~ Q) ~ ... \.. H07/co (" / I , 3a '-I {!_ () 3 o'j ,, 1%7 J/'l!·J IG . Pii 2 39 ITT1 JAN 16 1966
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • A 4 1mdated A C OfW'1.·l~·O\D 004 cable Teici! 68Q 5 Ope,1 ll/f7/ot, I (Jt,,J,~Alo
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • ; • • ·" ._ _ - .. _· _,.·.: · - - • ·, : .\ .:._ __ - . . . .,., ,.,, ;. - .. . - ·• _ .., .. ·- ··_.'.~ .:_.. ... : i _ . 3 e.. ----ECONO:MIG NOTES ON KOREA 1. Expansion of Korean Exports to the U•.s. . Korea's overall exports increased from $55 million in 1962 to $256 million in 1966. During this same period, the U.S. share increased · from 22% to about 38
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • aatron, slich.tinglJ national politics, boy which brooks no outside friend, Joe Mctcee (and the lady harbored a bit ot resentment his unwarranted and only last who was in the forefront to Jim as that into was a misstep which, 'lfben the returns
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • in Marion , one Re ublican , one Democratic, and settled dow to the life of a country editor. He was a big shot in the town, and the side of · Shen od Anderson that was sociable, a little ain and .flashy, had its innings. " Ander on is like the family coach
  • Pre-Presidential (Before Nov. 22, 1963)
  • ••Ntarf• sa.e-.i.,,.. •. i.,neace r. O'Bri• SpedalA.ulataat ta tlae Pr•lllcleDl HoMrab1e 'Ntla On.. Hou.A of Bepr &ailft"'i 'W~, D.-· ; "- June 23. 1964 .0(:ar M1·s. Groen: Tho President has asked ma to thank you your lotter of Juno 22. 1:Ic
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)