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67 results

  • { ·---, v,)'-( ..,----, ' / L----" Sn~ ' C., I - - ~ ( ~ ...--i I.__--: ,; L t \ :; J 3A ~ 7 -/ • I _, c:::._-, / -- ) • ; ~-~--~------------------- ' 1 ( { -y I I ( /(VJt L ~ ~ 1l A/ (b ) /} / :s_Q /J J
  • See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Notes, Lady Bird Johnson, 1943
  • Pre-Presidential (Before Nov. 22, 1963)
  • Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
  • of Congress about public opinion, government programs, statistics, and a broad variety of topics. The files contain materials related to polls, legislation, Federal programs, and information on US government agencies and the Johnson Administration
  • one . Lie too . J; 1 r.;cDonuld seems to h· ve quite ... fev. goo,1 friends :~r·ound tov:rn who f var him nith ~ccounts . Escoe thinks mi ~t lose accounts if lost him. Dri.Aft st----tus 3B. Wife and one child . 7/as 3A, sent card fo r
  • See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
  • Pre-Presidential (Before Nov. 22, 1963)
  • Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
  • J,6..;.HC.C.: LONG ~22 . 50 Announcer Exceedingly pretty blonde , dresses well : Had two nd a half tro.ining at Hadio House, Uni'tersi ty of 'l1exas , and is highly thought of by Mrs . Beal . 0 ~/arks from 6 a . m. until 1 : 30 p . m
  • See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
  • Pre-Presidential (Before Nov. 22, 1963)
  • Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
  • .... Jh92 18 . - ,., ' .. . '- I•. 3493 7, 20 ,: . 'I- 3587 '-_·., JS8R · 15A, 22./i. • 3552 -2Ptt ..... .- -: *·"" 35~li 2C'. .,,. 35S6 ~~,\ 23, 37 3494 10 355'? . 3li95 4A-5 C ;.l ) C~ . ·., ~7 )497 3A-L, lOA-11 . . .3498
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • , Readers' Digest, Ladies' Home Journal, Rotarian ... in books ... and Congressional Record. He has appeared as major-speaker on programs with such prominent personalities as Presidents Eisen­ hower, Truman ... Secretaries of State Acheson, Dulles, Rusk
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • , and by s¥ch other .agency or agencies as the Director of the Bureau of the Bud­ get may designate. {ii) Those with respect to programs of cultural and educa­ tional development, family planning, health, nutrition, and sanitation, by the Department
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • ) concerning UPI 10 concerning Johnson plan to hike personal and corporate income taxes. The President told BM to add —"That's a lie." The President signed seven programs to go to the family of this morning's Medal of Honor winner Mildred Stegall (pl
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • -ti'~l-d tr-20 ...-01 S 119d cable 3 pp. 2 pp. +0,4, ► V.:.~d( I Jl--~j tJkJ: 1~-~3 3 pp. ct Cf -2c.. - ~liu ,,;t., ,.,!> • " ~ '1-Z-c , I ~ IVlJ/1!,fc 4 pp. ,~,♦ vc\i'if'!. I .;t1 'l:; l'lS 4). ,Jet,J,{1 t,Ld '1-U> - OI l-2Q memo Ros tow
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • in April 1975. Johnson is dead and so is his opponent. Salas, retired from his railroad telegrapher's job, is aittong the few living persons. with direct knowledge of the election. Johnson's widow, Lady Bird, was told of Salas' statements and said through
  • by President Nguyen "My fellow Inaugural Address Government translation of inaugural Van Thieu on October 31: address Countrymen: "Three months ago, democracy, and restore election, with a program democratic institutions, conditions. in order to continue
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • )>25Vrs Conditions in Hanoi ED 12958 3.4(bl[1)>25Vrs (CJ ED 12958 3A[b)[1]>25Yrs -Z- (CJ I 4. H•> Chi Minh, President of the I;>RV, did not appear for the May Day celebratia.s, nor did he appear for the 19 May celebration of his own birthday
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • to honor the late Prime Minister . Heavy news anu eaitorial treatment also stressed the President's 'deep sympathy and concern" for Mrs . Holt . All papers carried big picture spreads, showing the President with the Holt family, Lady Delacombe, McEwen
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • benefiting the children of the world, the group most vulnerable to malnutrition and most dependent on the help of others, we have made a decision to give lowest priority to family feeding type programs. This polic.y is being applied world-wide, As you point
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • since our last analysis was spent on the PRD program. Though some discussion of roads, dams and irrigation projects is needed, his subjects inherently lack drama and news­ worthiness and have allowed public attention to swing to the more sensa­ tional
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • to Danenic Donatello or Anchorage, A].uka in the Rose Garden. Hie family was there. Took 200 mm. lens abd tried to take col,or. Arter that vent in '91th George Reedy and Bill Moyers, took jw,t a rev shots 1h the office. Then around 12:~ G? the Pres. saw
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • Law Review, law journals, and other published materials. There is also correspondence with a variety of individuals including Lyndon Baines Johnson, Lady Bird Johnson, W. Lee O'Daniel, Tom Connally, A.J. Wirtz, Charles Evans Hughes, Oveta Culp Hobby
  • Paga 5 GE:\ERP.L WHEELER: Mr. President, ladies a~d - 02lieve t.::at t~e r::ost c2.ear and succi~c-:: •.:2v :.:1 w::.:..c:-: : c
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • Visit of Vice President LYNDON B. JOHNSON to Pakistan MAY 20-21, 1961 .COl'l'ENrs A, PROOlUH.·FOR VIOB PUSIDm' .. JOBEOB - ·(nei,arate· .programs to:r'iie. Johneon· ·and Mr. J•ae11. Suffridge) ·l3.. · AD)Q:lilb"l'RATIVE ID'OBJIA'l'IOJI L 2
  • Pre-Presidential (Before Nov. 22, 1963)
  • agony o.uly you r4ttally understand. ·. - ' Let this letter carry with it the respect and affection of Lady Bird ;uid me to you and Mrs. Eisenhower. LBJ:JV:ny .::J ... "' ~..;..-~ ···~ ~ a\. . .. ......-. ....J... '• ·. 'RECEIVED MAR?.8
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • Hoover (n/r --fr. mansion Nap (asked Pau l Glynn to awake him at 5:45 pm) Bill Moyers (n/r -- fr. mansion) Lee White (n/r --fr. mansion) reception reception President and First Lady met with 18 Latin American Ambassadors in the Mansion -- family
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • for a tour by Miss Kathryn Simons, conducted Landscape Arohiteat for the Natior.­ aZ Park Service, inaZuding five areas of the First outstanding Lady's Beautification Program. President Park will arrive at the Embassy of Korea, 2320 Massachusetts Avenue
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • .. . . . . . . . . ... . ....... ~i: A ,--&\ .....,.-.,. •YA.-~..-~ ' """~~~-.·~ ? ,, ~- ..v~~~ ' CLH:&l DAY ..LETTER November 14, 1964 EXECUTIVE pp 2-2 Your thoughtful letter meant a great deal to 1119 and Lady Bird joins with me in thanking you and sending our best wishes
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • TM^*WH§TE HOUSE Datf PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DARY MARY December The President began his day at (Place) Entry f t^t . Tbne Tetephone . in Out Lo LBJ RANCH ^^ or t Expend.. Acttvtty LD Ck^c 4: 1 3a ————, t , 4, 1966 Sunday (tnciude
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • . MESSAGE AYUB (PAKISTAN) President: The sympathy comfort at a time dolence for the families deeply TO PRESIDENT of thoughtful of misfortune. stricken friends is a special Your message by Hurricane of conBeulah appreciated. I have just had
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • Mes~ageto the First Conference of the Catholic Inter-American Cooperation Program. January 20, 1964 155 137 Remarks at the Signing of the Roosevelt Campobello International Park Agreement. January 22, 1g64 208 124 Annual Mess~geto the Congress
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • Economic Performance 22. 1967 and our_ Program ~-r ~ I looked into the status o.£ ollr $100 million program. loan to Brazil for FY 1967 and believe it important that you have the whole picture. Following the disbursement of the first $25 million
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • access permit and to all Confidential Restricted Data available under the access permit program. B. The Department of Defense and the Atomic Energy Commission have IID.ltually agreed that: 1. The Department of Defense will assume re~ponsibility f'or
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • ----~~ 'RECElVEO Y/HCA l967 SEP 7 -22 !47 EEA38t co ij'!E 1,0 D~- ~E -· t 88'1 FROM ~AtT· BOSTOW TO .Tl-CT . PRESIDEMT CIR CAP67754 -S 8 C R· t T· SEFTE[1BER .7i · 1957 FROM ~ALT ?.CSTC':i.' FOR . THE PRESIDENT THIS t.IVU Y ri!E:10~A~lDU
  • See all scanned items from NSF Memos to the President Box 22 [1 of 2]
  • Folder, "Walt Rostow, Vol. 40, September 1-10, 1967 [2 of 4]," Memos to the President, NSF, Box 22 [1 of 2]
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • deals with recalcitrant S tate governments, both Congress and non-Congress on food p rocurement and distribution. I I \ \ ' __SilCRET - 2. - The new Minister of Health and Family Planning, s. Chandrasekhar,, is a great improvement. Once a part
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • the suspension o{ the program early in 1965 at the height of our difficulties with Sukarno, and its resumption last ~eptember after the dramatic political turnabout. The MAP level for FY 67 is $2-1/2 million. Secretary McNamara projects a level of $6 million
  • See all scanned items from file unit "Walt Rostow, Vol. 22, March 1 - 9, 1967"
  • Folder, "Walt Rostow, Vol. 22, March 1 - 9, 1967 [2 of 2]," Memos to the President, NSF, Box 14 [1 of 2]
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • /13/54 6/16/54 Proposed Amendments to the Federal Reserve Act 6/22/54 "Reserve Requirements of Banks Presented in Gobleygook Language" 6/23/54 "Farm Programs and Family Farms" 6/24/54 Housing Amendments 6/29/54 "Interference in Western Hemisphere
  • ---1-----A-- ~ President from llostow "C"Onfidentlal ~ q .. ;it5-Cj';). NL:Y Cit.,,ll{'l lff;3a memo meeting wkth-&1:r'a 1:-n-Duesseldorf _ ~ ii -f
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • Chancellor Adenauer'• vi•it. Lady Bird and I both enjoyed seein& you and Mr ■. Nimitz. With warme ■ t personal reaards. Sincerely, Lyndon B. John•on Fleet Acbniral Che ■ ter W. Nimitz Room ~27, Federal Office Bulldina San Franci•co 2, California LBJ:AT
  • Pre-Presidential (Before Nov. 22, 1963)
  • Napoleon ~~kes a_ c.tlup dw:_-e;t~\t._ - i.n ;~x.a,'ia:~ f' s;,:t:....:r,' i :1-~ ··,..*bell :i .o-n stat en :in. --cjlti·na ;, • .·n.$ld.ll~d:;i - srri~t c:itl
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • at $14 million, development loans of · $20 million and connnodities valued at $35-36 million under · ·:the Food-for-Freedom program. In addition, we have pending Israeli requests for (a) accelerated delivery of four Skyhawk A-4H aircraft it is purchasing
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • S NITIZED E.O. NL.J By 5 , ~-or Taeaday, Aquat 29, 1967 -- ll:0O am M.r. Pre•ldeat: Thl■ - p o r t on the Vletnaines• ED 12958 3A(b)[1)>25Yrs altu.tloa. ~ o m Cambod!a, I• worth .-eadl.Da. 1. It •applle•. •aa&••t• a declhle hl NL.F morale
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)