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  • .... Lyndon B. Johnson of the Chung Hee Park of the Republic of Korea arrived in Washington on to the United States, of President May 17, 1965, for a ten-day State Visit and met with President Johnson on 18 to exchange views on the current
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • count.r ies have been working closely in emergency measures to avoid loss 0£ life and alleviate the sulfering. If there is anything additional you think we can do, I would want you to let me know immediately._ Regards. Lyndon B •. Johnson Tuesday
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • to the President, Walt Rostow, Volume 20, February 1-11, 1967 RESTRICTION CODES (A) Closed by Executive Order 12356'governing access to national security information. (B) Closed by statute or by the agency which originated the document. (C) Closed in accordance
  • See all scanned items from file unit "Walt Rostow, Vol. 20, February 1- 11, 1967"
  • Folder, "Walt Rostow, Vol. 20, February 1- 11, 1967 [1 of 2]," Memos to the President, NSF, Box 13
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • have read of the inner politic• o( mainland China ln this crt.ts. .! !II It is written by liiiliiiiii.cholarly. an old CIA man w. w. R. -COH!"t15!:%111At:' attachment ED 12958 3A(b)l11>25Yrs (CJ ,✓ Mr U,ostow COMFIDEHTL:\L January 24, 1967
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • , Walt Rostow, Vol. 46, 10/16-20/67 RESTRICTION Box 24 CODES (Al Closed by Executive Order 12356 governing accessto national security information. (B) Closed by statute or by the agency which originated the document. (C) Closed in accordance
  • See all scanned items from file unit "Walt Rostow, Vol. 46, October 16-20, 1967"
  • Folder, "Walt Rostow, Vol. 46, October 16-20, 1967 [1 of 2]," Memos to the President, NSF, Box 24
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • •at-. Beat regards, Sincerely, .~ W. Mania Wataosa Special At•l8tant to the President "/\ Honorable W. F. Raborn The Director of Central llltoWgence Waablngton, D. C. Enclonre: color of Pree and Mrs. J. 1!1\lK 196611 WMW:MJC:rgm 11 As ever - Lyndon B
  • File unit description: Contains notes, memorandums, letters, telegrams, press releases, press conference transcripts, biographies, resumes and reports related to operations of the Department of Justice during the administration of President Lyndon B
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • with your . government throughout the present t;}ials. If God wills I the fighting will soon stop to permit us to address the under.lying problems ol peace and development in a more normal atmosphere. With. best personal regards, Sincerely, Lyndon B
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • See all scanned items from NSF Memos to the President Box 22 [1 of 2]
  • Folder, "Walt Rostow, Vol. 40, September 1-10, 1967 [2 of 4]," Memos to the President, NSF, Box 22 [1 of 2]
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • ·-­ CRITICAL SI TUATI ON I N us~GE~JAN R~LATIONS TO WHICH I -HAVE 2.EFER;tZD, BUT Tu TH:'. ?OSSIELE !,1.U)R SENI ViG . EFi£CT WH.Ir.:'.·{ ?,! ;;-- ~p -~'1" . c--rrr -L A~-1TT,,..IPtTV \J ~A ~' ~;- ('v•_r.--.p-::~ r V -r,.;-;-· ·rT ~LJ..,; ._,, un B r J
  • See all scanned items from file unit "Walt Rostow, Vol. 22, March 1 - 9, 1967"
  • Folder, "Walt Rostow, Vol. 22, March 1 - 9, 1967 [2 of 2]," Memos to the President, NSF, Box 14 [1 of 2]
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • was on our side and that our casualties would be light. But I believe that Ho Chi Minh is right when he says that this is the decisive factor -- not all-out bombing and escalation on the one hand or Western-type 'negotiations I on the other. " 11 B
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • ~· for ,.. -· aN!!• u, .l ~44t IO,- ••a· - _··•-~ . - t .. fe.-• • ,-4 V • 4 to .toaw :eql 1- - e sel)~. Lyndon B. Johnson CC: Mr. Holbora, Cudnl FUea Pa Uall atld Mr. SaUapr LBJ:FLH:MB lhi• S. ..... \o be iuue4 '"- fu,,t, SeanedV ba1:t 4ol 1en
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • , labeled "The 'X' envelope," was opened by me on this date, on the instructions of Harry Middleton, director of the Lyndon B. Johnson Library. Regina Greenwell J INFOR~~N i _!:::;-, THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON -..... 1.3 -COM:PID:E'H'i'iAL
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • have the benefit of your wise and courageous leadership. Accept, Mr. President, my deep personal regards and best wishes. Lyndon B. Johnson Wednesday, March 22, 1967 -- 7:30 p. m. MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT SUBJECT: News Media Contacts Kenneth
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • A s 2 04/14Je4 A s--- 2 04/13/G4 A ~ 2 Q4109'64::- A 'b 5 04/08/64 - ..... A Collection Title National Security File, Country File Folder Title "Yemen, Vol. I" Box Number 161 Restriction Codes (A) Closed by Executlw Order
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • . .·,-· ..__ -- ' • ......--~'"'-?,.:-"t-.,.~- • .·;-;:1~~)~~-~- ~~-\· •w?'":• ~~:. ~fi."'{ed ~ews from Saigon b. In Saigon, the utter mess of August contributed to a general on a political istrative ecting all was heade:l (pronounced great . along, 1963 coup. figure
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • ------- DISAPPROVE ------- Economic A. We cannot agree to Israel's request for Development Loans of $20 million. (This would be over and above the $6 million already authorized for FY 1967 out of reprogrammed FY 1963 funds.) We invite Israel, however, to discuss
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • nuclear par tidpation. 11 M.911. Jan. 1., 196~. 3:os MR. PRESIDENT: I have kept a copy~ this, and will draw from. ita second para­ graph in my remarks to tbe .Leadership and the preaa this afternoon. -.... McG. B. ··~. Monday, January 17, 1966
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • /- December 29, 1966 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT Subject: Possible State Visit to Washington of Mexican President Recommendation That we proceed with planning for a meeting with the Mexican President in the Chamizal in September 1967 to b~ followed
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • appropriated in fiscal '65, but he does not insist on it, and if I understood you correctly on the phone, the quieter way would be simply to refer to the Texas press conference. ~I\, McG. B. PRESS CONFERENCE of HON. ROBERT S. McNA.MARA SECRETARY OF DEFENSE
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • OPEN [Drafts, column copy, 1/22/1963-2/13/63] Ibid F 9 3 of 3 4 29 OPEN [Drafts, column copy, 12/28/1962-1/20/63] Ibid F 10 1 of 3 1 30 OPEN [Drew Pearson 2 letters and a book cover] [Background & Column Materials & Memos] N.d. F 10
  • Pearson, Drew, 1897-1969
  • Right click and Save As to download a sortable list of folder titles (MS Excel)
  • people on Sunday, October 22, and the treatment of the Prime Minister on Sunday, October 29, during a visit to Cambridge, in the course of which eggs and tomatoes were thrown at him, and cries of "Right Wing Bastard" and "Vietnam murderer" were uttered
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • , folder "CEM -- SPECIAL WRITINGS" RESTRICTION CODES (A) Closed by Executive Order 11652 governing access to national security information, (B) Closed by sta t ute or by the agency which originated the document. (C) Closed in accordance with restrictions
  • Pre-Presidential (Before Nov. 22, 1963)
  • Dff1C£ Of A&R IC. ULTV IAL DEFENSE l(LJTll>IS U. S. NA1t111£ CORPS 0. 11 . , 1CiGU , l . l. N.JOM C. LllhL l llOlll&ll 11(1Lt 04 , C0-..lltiU1 CL IFI OI ~ 1 0.1.)( r O. C.O(.l;Alfl'M(I I I I I I SEL ECTIVE SER VIC E SYSTEM ECONOM IC DE FENS E
  • Pre-Presidential (Before Nov. 22, 1963)
  • -19-Cjt> NL.J B?-10 1 - - t~ ~ - t ' r f --f>,-'f'"-t-~~l=-=H:.('f--9 il-l'\flfo 61.fvn s -/ s- 7tJ .41 LJ 87-l~--,_,,,.--f'\-_-.I-_U ~-it!'fferi- ~~?.J:eSl-'~~ J.ol~Ga--Hi.em~{-o.f~ ortugal , possi"ale elascifiea info ~....:, /lJ-/J-9?"S q
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • Thornton Wilder, who is on a cultural mission to Latin America. At sea Anderson fell ill, 48 hours later had to be carried ashore at Colon on a stretcher. Three days later he died of an abdominal obstruction and peritonitis- " right on schedule," said one
  • Pre-Presidential (Before Nov. 22, 1963)
  • ua. Again, many many thanks. Sincerely DP/b yours, ~ 'l~ .. -PostalTeltgrapb-€ab/,,. . • ~,. ..,'vmpany PRESS '17ELEGBAM • (~ffurnf tl}rl~a:sirt itnrral llasl1ingto~1B. QL Septe■ber Mr. Robert s. 20, 1939. Ulen, N. W., 1525 28th
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • . In the books you may look up and see that I was born in Falun, Kansas on October 17, 1908. I knowthat I was born at home; this was not the day that people went to the hospital. Falun might be. Youmay wonder what kind of a place If you will look up on a map
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)