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67 results

  • . I pray that our joint efforts will keep our CO'lmtry safe, strong, and successful and will assure freedom's victory in a world of peace. Lyndon B. Johnson CLH:ll/ November 4, 1964 EXECTJI'IVE PL 2/FG 400 Mrs. Johnson and I are delighted
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • for co:Ji:.--"g :.ere after a busy C.a.y ~ asked and Se::!at·e. b~ing c= paople a:-e as:,:.z:g ;:;.:=.::~y C;£i.:es·;:io~:.s ~y · rna:mbars m~ k::ow t.! tea questions. tore have undert&ken to try to discharg:? our c~tia3 ~nd carry out
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • count.r ies have been working closely in emergency measures to avoid loss 0£ life and alleviate the sulfering. If there is anything additional you think we can do, I would want you to let me know immediately._ Regards. Lyndon B •. Johnson Tuesday
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • S NITIZED E.O. NL.J By 5 , ~-or Taeaday, Aquat 29, 1967 -- ll:0O am M.r. Pre•ldeat: Thl■ - p o r t on the Vletnaines• ED 12958 3A(b)[1)>25Yrs altu.tloa. ~ o m Cambod!a, I• worth .-eadl.Da. 1. It •applle•. •aa&••t• a declhle hl NL.F morale
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • devaluation in May 1964. In 1965, the wholesale price index rose by 10% over 1964 and consumer prices by 13. 6% compared with 34. 7% and 29. 5%, respectively, in 1964. In 1966, the wholesale price index rose by 7. 8% and consumer prices by 14. 9%. , Korea's
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • have read of the inner politic• o( mainland China ln this crt.ts. .! !II It is written by liiiliiiiii.cholarly. an old CIA man w. w. R. -COH!"t15!:%111At:' attachment ED 12958 3A(b)l11>25Yrs (CJ ,✓ Mr U,ostow COMFIDEHTL:\L January 24, 1967
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • influence I may have to serve you ... and to serve the lofty motives that inspire your decisions. Thank you, Mr. President, Honorable Lyndon B. Johnson President of the United The White House, P. s. Washington, Doc. If I may be honored
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • ~· for ,.. -· aN!!• u, .l ~44t IO,- ••a· - _··•-~ . - t .. fe.-• • ,-4 V • 4 to .toaw :eql 1- - e sel)~. Lyndon B. Johnson CC: Mr. Holbora, Cudnl FUea Pa Uall atld Mr. SaUapr LBJ:FLH:MB lhi• S. ..... \o be iuue4 '"- fu,,t, SeanedV ba1:t 4ol 1en
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • Mr. Presi
  • See all scanned items from file unit "Walt Rostow, Vol. 22, March 1 - 9, 1967"
  • Folder, "Walt Rostow, Vol. 22, March 1 - 9, 1967 [2 of 2]," Memos to the President, NSF, Box 14 [1 of 2]
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • •at-. Beat regards, Sincerely, .~ W. Mania Wataosa Special At•l8tant to the President "/\ Honorable W. F. Raborn The Director of Central llltoWgence Waablngton, D. C. Enclonre: color of Pree and Mrs. J. 1!1\lK 196611 WMW:MJC:rgm 11 As ever - Lyndon B
  • File unit description: Contains notes, memorandums, letters, telegrams, press releases, press conference transcripts, biographies, resumes and reports related to operations of the Department of Justice during the administration of President Lyndon B
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • with your . government throughout the present t;}ials. If God wills I the fighting will soon stop to permit us to address the under.lying problems ol peace and development in a more normal atmosphere. With. best personal regards, Sincerely, Lyndon B
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • Diaz Ordaz would be pleased to aoo this on your coffee table when he calls at 5:00 p. m. You might ask him to autograph it and let him know that yoti plan to include the book in the Lyndon Baines Johnson Pr~sidential Library. W. Attachment w
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • to leave. The Chairman of the People I s Army Council Political Committee, Colonel Nguyen Van Due, recommended three preconditions for peace negotiations: (a) North Vietnam must withdraw all its forces and cease all intervention in South Vietnam; (b
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • is that the article does a pretty good job of examining the notion of a lull and discounting its political meaning for the present. This is about where our own experts come out. ~cf 1$' McG. B. Saturday, January 15, 1966 3:30P.M. bECRET-NOmg FOR THE PRESIDENT
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • #16 cable I cahof'I ,,et" ~~ 1/10/0, 05/22/64 A FILE LOCATION NATIONAL SECURITY FILE, Country File Yemen,vol. 1 RESTRICTION Box 161 CODES (A) Closed by Executive Order 12356·governlng access to national security information. (B) Closed
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • . .·,-· ..__ -- ' • ......--~'"'-?,.:-"t-.,.~- • .·;-;:1~~)~~-~- ~~-\· •w?'":• ~~:. ~fi."'{ed ~ews from Saigon b. In Saigon, the utter mess of August contributed to a general on a political istrative ecting all was heade:l (pronounced great . along, 1963 coup. figure
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • November 10, 1964 Tuesday 2:05 P.M. CST Building 110 Bergstrom Air Force Base Austin, Texas SECRETARY McNAMARA: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Perhaps lean start by telling you very briefly some of the subjects that Mr. Vance and I discussed
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • . W. Rostow TOP 8:ECRE1.'" Cy 1, TS 186035 SNIE 14. 3-67 13 November 1967 Capabilities of the Vietnamese Communists for Fighting in South Vietnam. DECLASSfffED E.O. 2356, ec. 3.4(b) White H nse •• 1.: ines, Feb. 24, 19K WWRostow:rln _fz_L
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • OPEN [Drafts, column copy, 1/22/1963-2/13/63] Ibid F 9 3 of 3 4 29 OPEN [Drafts, column copy, 12/28/1962-1/20/63] Ibid F 10 1 of 3 1 30 OPEN [Drew Pearson 2 letters and a book cover] [Background & Column Materials & Memos] N.d. F 10
  • have the benefit of your wise and courageous leadership. Accept, Mr. President, my deep personal regards and best wishes. Lyndon B. Johnson Wednesday, March 22, 1967 -- 7:30 p. m. MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT SUBJECT: News Media Contacts Kenneth
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • /- December 29, 1966 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT Subject: Possible State Visit to Washington of Mexican President Recommendation That we proceed with planning for a meeting with the Mexican President in the Chamizal in September 1967 to b~ followed
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • A South America 37 ::?B' /VL.J l.l,-'F}-- lt - 05#7-/66 - - A Nationa 7- 7'5' to Pres.'i:1·c:te-BcE-I;..rom-WWR Of"' 7/21 (1
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • , folder "CEM -- SPECIAL WRITINGS" RESTRICTION CODES (A) Closed by Executive Order 11652 governing access to national security information, (B) Closed by sta t ute or by the agency which originated the document. (C) Closed in accordance with restrictions
  • Politics and government
  • Pre-Presidential (Before Nov. 22, 1963)
  • aatron, slich.tinglJ national politics, boy which brooks no outside friend, Joe Mctcee (and the lady harbored a bit ot resentment his unwarranted and only last who was in the forefront to Jim as that into was a misstep which, 'lfben the returns
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • to keep the United States from behaving as if it were part of the world is to be renewed when the time comes for building a new peace. What they do will have an important bearing on political alignments in the United States. The injection of such an issue
  • Pre-Presidential (Before Nov. 22, 1963)
  • horse, " N ovelis William Faulkner once said ; "He's d pendable, you can trust him to take the children to Sunday school safely. But he's got a glossy coat and a little sporting !9-od.'-' - - -No---
  • Pre-Presidential (Before Nov. 22, 1963)
  • . In the books you may look up and see that I was born in Falun, Kansas on October 17, 1908. I knowthat I was born at home; this was not the day that people went to the hospital. Falun might be. Youmay wonder what kind of a place If you will look up on a map
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)