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174 results

  • Waahiqtoa. D. (,. Olar follde•t dl011pt• aad N8t wiah•• are wi&b ,.._ frieDd, aa J°'1 celebrate ,-r 76th birthday. IDJ Bird Jow bl tb• hop. that •• com.iaa r•ar will briq ,011 the mea•ar• of all 1ood tbiaa•· Ciod bl••• you alwa,a •• ta ewry way
  • . ELLENDm,Allen J. EASTLAND, James o. JORDAN, B. Everett McoovmN,George S. MONDALE, Walter F. OOILINGS, Ernest AIKEN,George D. lOtmJ., Milton R. BOGGS,J. Caleb HATFIELD, Mark O. BIRD, Robert SWIFT,Theodore HELLER, Ross ABIBNETHY, Thanas G. ABBITT,Watkins M
  • Yea No Yea No Yea No Bird Yea No Zo rthian Yea No Mr. Gaud Ambaaaador Admiral Mr. Harriman _ - 2 Admiral Sharp Ye• No Mr. Helm• Ye• No General Taylor Ye• No Mr. Komer Ye• No Ye• No Secretary McNamara All other American
  • . T hey see a comn1itment of Korean troops as killing several birds : not only helps t heir ally and fights their enemy i n another place, but it c ould stirnulate their economy greatly if they could play a role silnilar to J apan i n the Korean
  • of the American people. If we keep up the pressure on them, gradually the will of the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese will wear down," Clifford concluded. · At 1:45 p. m. Lynda Bird brought Patrick Lyndon Nugent in to the President. Lyn stayed
  • youth, nnd kindling her undnzzlod eyes rtt the full :niddny beam; purging and unsee.ling hor long-n.busod sight at tho fount'lin itself of henvenly radinnce; while the whol o noise of timorous and flocking birds, with thos e also thot love the twilight
  • , such as birds and rats; U. S. and Mexico screwworm eradication program; Rat Extermination legislation; Federal coordination of safe use of pesticides; and plant quarantine.
  • , such as birds and rats; U. S. and Mexico screwworm eradication program; Rat Extermination legislation; Federal coordination of safe use of pesticides; and plant quarantine.
  • , \o whioa .....,.,_..., hat e she•••• allergic . ,.,_. P.. &I will W1"1te• ..s.r•• or wlepbona \bat tMN 11 eu,oh a p•r.on YO\lllg , he •Y be 1t•4 to fl&•hiag~. s. It 41 bird Dodo, ha t;o do It 1 to be n .,,,,,.,.-n, h 1n Dalla• t tal oi' i
  • ., John Steinbeck P. S. Elaine is with me. descendant of the frontier. Please always. She is a real trooper and a proper I am very proud of her also. give our love to Bird, and to yourself our affection as SERVIOESET ·,I f
  • of birds, which have evolved differ· ently on different islands. The memorial's directors do not plan their own scientific staff: They want to provide funds and facilities for scientists working on their own projects or a uni· versity program. Backing has
  • is helping to devise an economical process for taking oil out of ballast water before it is pumped overboard. 011 discharged from ships kills birds,, and. ruins bathing beaches. The Mari- . AND ROADS The average American motorist spends an estimated
  • that commercial satellite communications has always been a product of international cooperation. Progress has been rapid. Early Bird was launched in It was my pleasure to participate in inaugural ceremonies 1965. via satellite with heads of state
  • way about 1t. Answering your 1nqu1ry about John Connally, I do not know Just what to say except that he seems to be settled 1n Austin. I think he 1s spending his time partly attending to Bird's radio station, and partly to planning one or his . own
  • ~- send uglas Mucla26, 19'6 Dau Paal: Bird ... , J• la anetlaa• .. ,-r ~Jer- celebratloa ~, ....... Ntuuof .. HoaonW. OU wamae• • w1a1a,.. ,... ... tlleaooltldaa•efW.ln,ltll tllll llope tllaa ,- ,.. a ,-u au.• ... , .... wltll wUI
  • and Imprisoned by their entourage, He might have been re-elected In 1932 had h~ less of •rniey An~us the moral stlll•neckedness and h many birds more ot the hypocrite In his na­ 1d.s, as Is true ture. Hoo,er Stnlce left-hand col• On AUi. 10, Herbert Hoover
  • leaped. The flames merely singed its f~athers. A gangling six-foot youth attempted to leap upon the chicken. quick for him. The bird was too As it darted out of his way, he slipped and tumbled against a tree. The stark unwitting comedy broke
  • . RET ? . 0 t~ f. r\ C H A . 01 · '1 E L ~lA ~ p...£
  • and a few birds. When the members of the unit spot a target-possibly an old can set on a stick, an old car door, a discarded refriger­ ator-they open fire. Half the trash along the road is torn apart by bullets. Some of the trees along the road are chewed
  • would like to promote a war between East and West Germany--if they could manage to localize it--thus killing two birds with one stone. Maybe this is far fetched. The paramount consideration is, I believe, the fear that they have of a rearmed West Germany
  • . immediately the most for individuals term Review and research related to effects of most pollutants directly on man are the responsibility of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; effects on beneficial insects, crops, domestic animals and birds
  • , such as birds and rats; U. S. and Mexico screwworm eradication program; Rat Extermination legislation; Federal coordination of safe use of pesticides; and plant quarantine.