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78 results

  • Among November 2004 Old Friends: Lady Bird Johnson greets Bill Moyers at the LBJ Ranch Story on page 1. Photo by Charles Bogel Bill Moyers Lays Wreath at LBJ Gravesite Exce1pted remarks of Bill J\lloyers, August 27, 2004, at the Farnily
  • ) Watercolor portrait given to the President in 1964 as a Christmas gift from the Taipei Art Gallery of Taiwan. (Left) Ceramic statuette of LBJ as a judge; donated by Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Chambers of Wichita Falls, Texas. (Below left) Ceramic "Lady Bird;" by Mrs
  • LBJ' work and ac omplishments while serving as administraLor of the NY A program in Texas. The highlight of the meeting was having Lady Bird Johnson present for most of the afternoon reminiscing, and for the reception Saturd y evening. Convene
  • reminiscences: I've had the great honor of meeting nine First Ladies and working for three, but only one introduction stands out as truly memorable. A day or two after she moved into the White House, Mrs. Johnson tel phoned and asked if I could meet with her
  • . Anderson: My name is Angelyn Traylor, and I am a seventh grader. Last fall, you received a letter which l had written to Mrs. Lady Bird Johnson. I was looking for information about the right and responsibilities of the First Lady for my National History Day
  • for this picture. From left to right: Patrick Lyndon Nugent; his spouse Nicole Nugent, holding on Taylor; Luci Baines Johnson's husband Ian Turpin; John Covert, in the arms of his grandmother L ci; Lady Bird Johnson; Tatum Nugent, held by Nicole Covert; and Claudia
  • Among Octoher2001 Lady Bird Johnson and Harry Middleton, Executive Director of the LBJ Foundation, enjoy a moment at the Future Forum picnic. Story on page 12 Photo by Charles Bogel Laying of Wreath Marks LBJ's 95th Birthday Annually, on ugust
  • document Texas peo­ ple, places and power. The exhibit remained at the Library through March I. At right: President George Bush with Millie, the First Family's clog Below: A gallery display of maga­ zine photography 4 Lady Bird Johnson at the LBJ Ranch
  • ENVIRONMENT, NATURAL AND MAN"At the frrst planning conference !for the symposium], the view was expressed and it became instantly unanimous: this one's for Lady Bird." -From opening remarks b) Harry Middleton Ar
  • ONE PRESIDENT SITS I A OTHER PRESIDENT'S OVAL OFFICE: Jimmy arter visits the LBJ Library (See story, Page 16) Washington Friends Preview "Lady Bird" Film Edie and Lew Wasserman, who commis­ sioned the film, with the film's subjed. Photos
  • o made a public address enti­ tled "Getting What We Want in Foreign Policy," met rnfor­ mally with UT Austin students and faculty members, and was honored at a dinner in the LBJ Library Saturday, March 11, hosted by Lady Bird Johnson Seated from
  • memorabiha collection. 4 .\bove and below: Student~ at work on game Texas "Friends" unveil portrait of Lady Bird This year's annual reception for the members of the "Friends" in the LBJ Library was a very special occasion. On a festive evening, Oct ber
  • Issue Number XLV April 30, 1989 Lady Bird Johnson was honored in ceremonies in March by the Texas Legislature for her efforts to pro- mote the use of wiJdflowers and protect the environment. "What I'm trying to do," she told the law- makers
  • , and George Christian. Carpenter was press secre­ tary to Lady Bird Johnson; Hardesty was a speechwriter, and Christian was LBJ's press sectretary. 2 is kind of a cap ·ulation of Texas his­ tory in this century .... The oth r thing is the release
  • ecretary to trn el. . Lady Bird Johnson, in~i led that a sen ·e but her exten ·ive foreign touring has recalled that when her m 1th r ""racluated of humor is vital. .. l have a sort of laugh­ t.aught her always to carry rour absolute from high school
  • Lyndon sure has gone up in the world, hasn't he?" And this fellow said, "Yeah, up the road about half a mile." 7 Lady Bird Johnson Echoes Great Society Faith in Education Acknowledging that the commitment made in the 1960s to universal education
  • Documentary On Lady Bird Johnson Charles Guggenheim (center), President of Guggenheim Productions, Inc. and members of bis film crew confer with Mrs. Johnson on steps of Library's Great Hall during filming of a motion picture documenting the former First
  • "LBJ: The Early Y ar.,,' • with Randy Quaid and Patti Lupone a~ Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, and PBS's une-man shov. "Lyndon," starring Laur nee Luckinbill, suggest that the in­ terest in LBJ is not restricted 10 historians but is felt in the public
  • postmaster in 1934. A few years later, when LBJ and Lady Bird Taylor made their abrupt deci ion to get married in San Antonio. it was Quill whom LBJ called on to make the frantic last-minute arrangements for the Johnsons' wedding-includ­ ing a dash to ears
  • (above) and his performance. At right, he has a word with a cowering Cactus Pryor who, in the program at the Library, has just given a review of Johnson wit and humor. Lady Bird Johnson meets with the LBJ Cabinet members assembled for the Washington
  • . Lady Bird Johmon paid tribute to ~1eanor R osevelt, saying, "Few people have marked the world and our con5cience as E:leanor Roosevelt" . . . he "taught U5 that sometimes silence is the greatest ~in." Uz Carpenter remimled the audience of anotht.:r
  • Lt. Gov. Charles Robb, son-in-law of President and Mrs. Johnson, is the newly elected governor of Virginia. "Chuck" (as he is known) Robb, who is married to the former Lynda Bird Johnson, is the fir. t Democrat to win the g vernor hip in Virginia
  • , in Washington,'' Ford answered. "Well, thank God somebody's in town," said LBJ. Lady Bird's ''Last Hurrah'' Ground Broken for New Wildflower Center The permanent home for the National Wildflower Research Center, a project launched by Mrs. Johnson 11 years ago
  • features, married an actor named George Dolance and became the mother of one of the four Monkeys. Lady Bird Johnson Endows Lectureship in Middleton's Name A lectureship at the Library bearing the name of the Library Director, Harry Middleton, has been
  • August day. Ten year . incl! we said goodby to him. Yet, none of us said goodby. We're all still at it-into politics, education, the lif of our country, and our values as we learned them from him. Lady Bird put il this \\ay, "J hke to think of Lyndon
  • Anniversary Committee Chairman Leonard Marksand the co-hostessesof the event, with the 1964 newspaper announcement which pro­ vided the course for reunion 15 years later. Lady Bird Johnson and Muriel Hum­ phrey greeted some 700 friends from the Johnson
  • the museum was renovated two years ago, is "A Family Album," a photographic chronicle of the Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson family through the years. The final panel, showing the Johnson grandchildren to the present time, has to be brought up to date every year
  • grove in Lady Bird Johnson Park. Three weeks following the Grove dedication, the LBJ Grove Committee on April 29 will sponsor a benefit performance of the bicentennial play, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, in New York City. First Lady Betty Ford will attend
  • of the figure-; associated with LBJ will undoubted! get treatment,; of their own, and their biographers will find rich lodestones in the LBJ Librar,· collections Am ng those is Lady Bird Johnson. Her touch on the times was gtntle and heneficient, but her eye
  • at the Li­ brary on the night of the second presidential debate. 13 An Evening With Lady Bird Johnson A packed auditorium heard Mrs. Johnson reflect on the experiences which led her to co-author Wild­ flowers Across America with Carl­ ton Lees. Some
  • . Jol111so11 [nnonal Cro\·I' w1·rP lwlcl on Sq1t mhf'r 27 on Lady Bird Johnson fslall(I i11 the Pnto111.1c. cc11pving 1:5 ·1t n·~ at tlw srn1th1·rn 1·11d ol thl'! \ ashingto11 s IH'\\'l'Sl pn•sidc11tial rnl'morial \\'1!1 comma, d a pano ·amic- \'inv ol
  • a great Toward a New Partnership deal of pain. All of us will miss him and remember him, especi­ 12:30-3:00p.m. Panel 4: ally his strength and courage over the last span of years." Roger B. Smith, Executive Vice President Speaker: -Lady Bird Johnson
  • Martin and Mrs. Johnson tour lhe exhibit. In a settmg matched only by a New York opening, Mary Martin, Broadway star and Texas daughter, joined Lady Bird Johnson and a cast of hundreds to launch an exhibit entitl d "Women in Texas History" al the Library
  • Krim, Clark Clifford, new member Roben Strauss, making his first Board meeting, Perry Bass Lady Bird Johnson. Foundation staff member )blanda Boozer. Secretary-Treasurer John Barr, President Tom Johnson and Henry Fowler. Present but not pictured
  • Austin's inner-city neighborhoods. The project, a first-of-its-kind effort to mobilize various ele­ ments of public and private sectors, was initiated by Walt and Elspeth Rostow. New bride Nicole Nugent with her grandmother Lady Bird Johnson and her
  • experience in the public arena. He was this year's Harry Middleton lecturer in the series created by Lady Bird Johnson in the name of the Library director. His speech climaxed a symposium on U.S. Political Parties (pages 2-5). For President Ford's address
  • could be used to gam a.The favorable response to this boob. encouraged m to edlt a second volume to cover muny of the topics left out of the origi­ nal. such as Lady Bird Johnson and beautification. the cm
  • Chris,tmas vacation with a card carefully ad­ dressed, "To whoever the teacher may be." The child's class of 57 kids had had 19 teachers in 20 days. "In its sweeping innocence," Lady Bird Johnson told the conference, "this declara­ tion of rights