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  • , . ' .• ; Representative · Martin 'Dies .of Orange, chairman of the House ; . .,,_., t • • • -~,,.. :..~ · , • ~ committee investigating un-Ameri·· •· ·· can activities, who was a candidate . . BY JOHN -E. KING,"-i. . :In the special election: last year, Is Staff Corre
  • H eflin Heid eke Holstein Holt Horany Hughes Hull Isaacks Ivey .Jackson James Ja.meson Jobe Johnson Jones Kazen Kilgore King Kirkpatrick Latimer Lee Lehma.n Lewis Lindsey Loving Luedemann ;\IcCann ll1cCorkle Mc· Daniel Mc·Donald McGregor Steward
  • Hutch1nson Isaacks Jones Kelly Kennedy Kersey Kinard King Klingaman Knight Lansberry Lehman Leyendecker Little Lock Love Lowry Lucas Lyle McAlister Mccann McDonald McGlasson McLellan McMurry McNamara Manford Manning Markle Martin Matthews Mills Montgomery
  • , and then to baseball game with President 7 2:00 Baseball game - opening day - Wash. Senators 8 5:40 Ar. back at P-38 - Dr. Martin L. King * Selected names should be underscored. SEE VERSO FOR TRAVEL ACTIVITY AND CODE Expenditure Code
  • at Angelholm, arriving at 12:25 Helicopter to Sofiero w/ Amb. and Mrs. Parsons, Mrs. Johnson, Lynda, Dr. Thompson, Amb. and Mrs. Jarring, HB, EC, arriving Sofiero at 12:45 Greeted by King Gustav VI Adolf and Queen Louise -- walk to the private summer residence
  • : Senators Symington, Brewster, Long (Mo.), Anderson, Tower, Byrd, Congressmen Thornberry, Karsten, Mahon, Price, Col. Busch and four others (15 in all) joined by Sen. Yarborough for coffee Visit with Prince Peter of Greece, brother of King Paul, accompanied
  • -37 Senator Johnson opened the Senate Ambassador Carrillo Flores and Mr. Martinez (Mexico City) Bill Doherty and group of letter carriers for picture (see guest book for complete list) John and Bobby Senator Dirksen Speaker Joint Session --to hear King
  • capital cities . . . Particulars of Fares and Freights from AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL AIRWAYS PTY. LTD. Telephone : MU 6123 (5 lines) 390 Flinders Street, Melbourne, C.1. AIRLINES OF AUSTRALIA LTD. 4A Martin Place, Sydney. Telephone : B 7575 Or Principal
  • acknowl­ edged that they d ispensed free t rips were: Max Klein. identified by Wright as editor of Metro­ Goldwyn-Mayer News of the Day; Louis Messolonghelis, edi­ tor, King Features Syndicate; Courtland Smith, editor of the Central Press Association
  • for Cla1.1de Peppers la paaain& 'thro&.1&}1 Clearwater en ro1.1te to and Jamt.1a&, ~tur.J.17 I am ihi~king of yo~. Sneral items oocw-1 1-You have h&4 - good year and have done goo4 work. lt ia not to eay that 1':nlDIUl baa ~ved to11rard you
  • by Rabbi Norman Oerstenfeld of the Washington Hebrew Couq,-egation. We were additionally honored by the presence of the Chaplain of t11e Senate, Rev. Frederick Brown Barria, and Rev. Martin J. Casey, of Holy Trlnlty Catholic Church, where our President
  • become quite friendly with us in Townsville. We still have h is collection of symphonic records. Speaking of planes, the B26 is probably the biggest success. These fast Martins have borne t he brunt of our bombing operations for t he past two mont hs
  • ADVANCE PARTY LEAVING AIRPORTIMMEDIATELY UPONARRIVAL ANDPRIORTO AIRPORT CEREMONIES Car No. 21 Assistant Secretar;y Crockett Mro John J. Janke Mr. Serge P. Horeff Car .No. 22 Mr. Henry H. Mr. Ceoil B. Car No. 2J Mr. Edwin Martin Mr. Ri cha.rd
  • · that he wants to divert the car to the fellow in Tampa who needs the pape · and that he will make •nother car or paper and send it to Martin before is out. Martin agrees, and no neutrality is violated, and no precedent is thered about. "-----.. United
  • . Martin Andersen !or example. for $21 a week. An Take the case or H e started at Beaumont at the age or twenty-one excellent reporter, he was producing immediately fitty per­ cent more quality-quantity product than older reporters. He was moved
  • )aJl 1'>.&king t . t the h ica~o ra t h.undr d i l l dote job. ore& , p tition a 111 eventu lly blow d orld- wide ar p t e worl.d . This pe pr:i,w·t e ent1.'rpri8 mu$t cea,• •• ublic o pinion, oduca.te , sttont-will d , ye•• opti stic
  • .· • g t ng le er• OY~w • are, ing a atate or ula r t · l ••• • king tor the OOllllon oau... ud • lill 1n aooor-d · t J a 4 Oil \M radio tocipt, al l10th ai·• Jing to ion will 111 go , I ut .of a are • at lf t 11 until 4 41 and t , • 11
  • In the Lafayet.te Post home las t night. They "·ere Harold Jones. 8.S Mor­ ga ntown street; Dante 80 Park avenue; and Martin Mehall. Brownfield. Alternates chosen were WilJiam Winning. 200 Hogsett .st.rcet: Robert Volpe. 44 Maple s lrcel; and Rob­ ert Si
  • de d with a benediction by the Rev. Martin J. Casey of Holy Trinity- Roman Catholic Church in Georgetown, where President Kennedy frequently worships. •••••• [15 of 16] PRESS CHICAGO SUN-TIMES, Thurs., Apr. 20, 1961 EC H 0 ! Saturday, April 15
  • that the American press h~ biiually, persistently and pon• !c'.ously lies, then Its claim to the rlrht of freedom of the press has no valid moral basis. Jll1utrat io n$ by Mildred Co11thlin King Da vld said In his haste, From "Maine Ways" "All men are liars
  • The Democrats Debate, Nominate Their Man ••••••••• 12 Grief for Eva Enshrouds Argentina ••••••••••••••••••• 20 Record-breaking Olympics End in U.S. Victory •••••••• 24 Simple Life for a King •••••.•••••••••••••••••.••••••• 32 EDITORIALS
  • over ~he Rio Grande Valle7 where he knows every-one and having served as a Captain in the Air Corp• down there as contact man between the Air Corpe and the local ci ti.sens, settling any arxi all claims and •king usage of various and sund17 tracts o
  • . . You will have to make your ovm analysis of the accuracy of Balch ' s inf'ormation . I em simply telling you what he told me , but he did seem very optimistic about bein~ able to take over the paper and apparently is wor king dili~ently on the job
  • Martin J. Collins Henry Steele Cororoag,r H . J. Conan, Jomes B. Conlltlt Frederic P. Cone Earl Conscan,ine Henry Cor beet Ar
  • ••JITH .M!KOYAN_ , ' BUT NOT t:lU !TE SU'RE ' .-f: · '~~ETHER HE HAD ANY PRIOR ENGAGEMENT FOR TOMORR0'" •NIGHT. ·. ; . · . · ·• , 1.~0ULD GIVE DEFI°NITE REPLY FI~ST .THI-NG ._ TOMORRO(.r MORNING · . : ·,...• '.,.:· ..: . AF'TER. C.H~C-KING C'.;ALENDA
  • to parapets. . To King's Palace for audience w/ King Olav I at 1:00 King's Palace - luncheon hosted by King Olav I To Hotel, returning at 3:35 A. W. Moursund To Government dinner w/ Amb. and Mrs. Wharton, Mrs. Johnson and Lynda . .hosted by Prime Minister
  • , and other Greek dignitaries as well a s a large crowd of townspeople and military honor guard 2 By motorcade to summer palace of the King and Queen. 3 Informal luncheon with their Majesties, King Paul and Queen Frederika, at Mon Repos. Also present: Mrs
  • / Allen Drury White House - Stag Luncheon for King of Laos Depart White House, arriving Capitol at 2:05 going directly to the floor Arr. S212 Walter Jenkins Sen. and Mrs. James Watson of New York - with a report on a New York program in which the Vice
  • friend) Reagan Legg and Larry King Nick Katzenbach Ed Cooper Sarah McClendon Texas Delegation Roland Boyd Bobby Baker (New York) Howard MaMahon To gym Jim Mathis Jack Bell Bob Burkhardt Congressman George Mahon Jerr Griffin (Baltimore Sun) To Speaker's