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11 results

  • - Chairman Texas C. A. Cash - Vice Chairman Amarillo, Texas Alvin R. Alllson Levelland, Texas Carl E. ReisUe, Houstont Texas Jr. Judge Marshall Formby Plainview, Texas Herbert Allen Houston. Texas Harold Hinn Dallas, Texao Retha R. Martin Lubbock, Texas
  • to work as a senior consultant on the Latin American Strategic Survey that Ambassador Edwin M. Martin ·will be getting underway in a few days. We think that within thirty days thereafter we will have material for Dr. Eisenhowe,r to review. He is interested
  • -,ct. to mlUtary i.u {;l'Cet detail, for the Alliance expendi·tures deleto !'lome Glighting romarka ment. about pdvato ma king for Prog~ess that la {orelgn 11 touchy invest­ rephrase the section compla.lnmg about our pollcleis regarding
  • ~d tha~ his w~roing would reac~.P~king 1 and it doubtl~ilid.:,: 624 ..... -:-: ..--:.:--=======-= -"-~---- ------------------- ... _., . ,\IIU'O\\'l•:R ACIIIE\'ES UNITl•:n NATIONS l\m,ri'AltY onJECTIVRS !~~~re~~. ~·1:ig~~i~~1.1,_ ~b.1~1
  • , Nepal, "Visit of King Mahendra to Washington, 11/67"] .JLL.metDO--l--~;tG\l,~¥-fe!tteelflt:,;-re:.-Nepal ~o President, re: Nepal-S 1p ~ IJ•ll>·'I, 111.:s-q
  • these pressures, if Hus-sein-w•e:re-·to~i present himself for a settlement-today, the Government of'Israet wol,1.ld 4.::probably decide to give the West· Bank back. : -.~ The discussion turned to King Hussein's intentions. Ambassador 1 s posture had been one