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  • Revolutionary Front 3 Cuban Training Camp 4 Page Lee, O.H. 14 Lee, Oswald ) Lee, O. Howard) Lewis, David Franklin,Jr. Marochini, Dante 14 Mariano, Miguel 14 Martens, Layton Patrick 15 Martin, Jack S. 2 Manning, Sidney 15 Manix, Sidney L. 15 Molaney, Wm
  • to ascertain through President Chiari's Press Secretary that President Chiarj_ would receive the telephone call. t I r I B) Mr. Mann wonlct head a delegation representing President JohnGon to leave for Panama immediately, include Messrs. Vance, Martin
  • florida communitiaa. We apprecf.ate very much your warm endoraement of the Pruident•• policy •••king which would welcome to our 1hore• Cuban -refugee• freedom from the CUt-ro I vent to ueure you that ell of ua iu the l'ederal Govern• ment who
  • ••JITH .M!KOYAN_ , ' BUT NOT t:lU !TE SU'RE ' .-f: · '~~ETHER HE HAD ANY PRIOR ENGAGEMENT FOR TOMORR0'" •NIGHT. ·. ; . · . · ·• , 1.~0ULD GIVE DEFI°NITE REPLY FI~ST .THI-NG ._ TOMORRO(.r MORNING · . : ·,...• '.,.:· ..: . AF'TER. C.H~C-KING C'.;ALENDA
  • a neutral government in Laos or whether it would develop into a formal partition. It was agreed that the assistance of the King should be sought but that no great hopes could rest upon him, and that one of the critical ~igures was Kong Le. 7. Mr. Bundy