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  • for her work on Chapter cbapter for his Mr. II; Mr. Martin Tank I, VIII and x·,1; Miss Leigh A. Forrester III; and to my immediate Miss Joan Silv1!r, Mr. Blaine Richardson, Ur. assistants, John Lewis, Mr. Malcolm Orchard. Ernest Editor Washington
  • OFFICIAL mE MEMORANOOM TO: John A. Schnittker Director, Agricultural Economics Dorothy H. Jacobson Assistant Secretary, Ittcernational Agricultural Affairs Nathan M. Koffsky Administrator, ERS FR
  • i m irr.rned i a t ely after his r etu r n t o Wa shington a n d £or the pat ient and symp a theti c hearing you gave him . Even more, I thank you £or y our imme dia te re sp onse in m2..king avail a~le a n o the r t ~re e mi llion tons of foodgrains
  • . However, he s;1;id ·A merican policies were m;:i king it muoh 11:trder for h im t o o-ct · at , the ''roots of the proble, 1."'· 1 · "I am so busy trying- to meet rt.he immediate crisis lhcsc days , that I lhave little time left over for the more fun