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  • ~--ABo ,rt_ :-:JT::tI~ "G,RE~:n RL:n~r,~ ~~~~"! · ~:!HEN · YOU- -AP.E HERE;·:. _: - - THA~JK,: ,YOU . VERY '. MUCH · FOR. .·YOUR KIND·.·coMMENT$.·-ABOUT·:~ tHE. '.: KENNEDY · ROUND - NEGOTIATIONS. __:· •.- -L AM ._ SURE -_TH£\.:AGREE!1ENT.JI.ILL: ?R-OVF
  • Italian relations and might well contribute to greater Italian support and understanding for our policies on the non-proliferation treaty~ the Kennedy Round trade negotiations and Viet-Namo President Saragat will be in Canada on September 11-16
  • and attended to private business. May 24 -- special plane to Cape Kennedy for a tour of the installation. May 25 - - fly to Washington. May 26 -- lunch with Secretary Rusk. May 29 -- leave Washington for Australia via San Francisco. Possible Subjects Lord
  • Robert B. Anderson to Cairo as his special personal representative on May 30. Following discussion with Anderson, President Nasser informed Johnson of the United Arab Republic's determination to defend itself against any aggression "with all our means
  • this small program {at most 250,000 tons or $15 million) is not worth the risk of being charged with bad faith under the Kennedy rou.i."1.d food aid and grain agreement. As you recall, all exporters agreed ·'- . . e re n o t o preempt specified shares