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  • to time. (The Bradlees have had a tough year, and Mary has seen to it that we tried to help.) When I heard from a couple of press people last night that the FBI was putting it about that the source of the story that J. Edgar Hoover was leaving was Bob
  • In ~esponse «l the t'ecommendation ol the Secretary of Defense in a memorandum ot J ~ y 13, 1967. the Preeident, under authority g.ran.tod by the De! Production Act of 195-0; today eatablished th& following anununltion program items a:; belng in -t he
  • ~ £> - ti? J...J L "S/YLJ.oc t~ ~1 ~,S P s A #9 memo #9a memo A #~Q memo #l Oa ea e:.!15 co.n f i dep+i aJ:#H:: memo FILE LOCATION he Prestaent ft um Fia:neie ifl&fiC\if N L S 8'-1" ! M Ba-Otbr _I. 7f;o>rvzlt, NATIONAL SECURITY FILE
  • g 3 , ~ ,N/.RS,D~1te_lO-j-Y THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON November 3, 1967 ~RE!T Mr. President: • Walt Rostow has asked my comments on-the action: following possible course of ; Proposal J ! The U.S. will stabilize its military strength
  • , as you know. So he is worth all this work. Tomorr·ow he will do a major answer to Fulbright. J,~6. McG. B. Go ahead with Dodd on this basis Speak to me ----- ; .;;-:; .._; · .:.1·- -~ .I. W. JPUL8•1Cll4T. A"ll •• CHAt"MAN .IOHN 81'A.JUl•·""• ALA
  • WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) FORM OF DOCUMENT CORRESPONDENTS OR T ITLE DAT E RESTRICTION ~~~--~g_J.__Jj~~~~~~~~-~ -eoafid~Rtial 3 p eo President from llostow- NLJ eonfidential ~ q .,. ~"5 . . 41 ~ l/;:J,.2 cable qH~
  • booth that was bombed at the tbne they wore .a c.heduled to b
  • to •• ceminon doloa•• V••• and •~lty, aa4 a.u&horlM ile.... cudon. Pursuao& to the pr0Yl1tou of llJb of the Atomtc ED.err, Act of 195', u am.ended. aod upon di. recommecdatloa o.f the Atemlc Enersr Comml•atoa, J llorebye (&) Appi"Ovo &b•-propoaed Ag-reement
  • WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) FORM OF DOCUMENT 1112a mentU ~11,o/qf CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE tn-Dean-R11sk-r • COH-:1:-:l~IJ.J,;.J DATE REST RI CT ION - statement made by Br1tisfi7>M ~~J K"r-~- . . z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~w,..Jt:"'J=r
  • WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) FORM OF DOCUMENT DATE CORRESPONDENTS O R TITLE F.Cf, ~ v6i t1- n tt1 "Elantiago,, ~ JI.. ~, .. &/I 3.1,5..1.- RESTRICTION NI. J C,/... 'i I ,, Inter-American o-f ·-P1esi:-dents unda-t-ed
  • and how mission This ls as good a moment as any to say how much Bob and your comments this moraing in responso to our memo, proud I am that you are willing to entrust this particular to me. DECLASSIFIED S/it
  • FORM OF DOCUMENT DATE CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE J ( Iu WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) RESTRICTION -Rostow te the Presigeat re Soviet t'Jnlon -'{ Beere t I p. ~ ~ , 5-'?"3 f.J/J q J· ;>S" #la memo Richard Helms to the President
  • .. ~ Excellency L :: . Sukarno PrE; sident of the Republic of Indonesia D j akarta ·:.: ·~ u~r~;j~~t~r~.l ~;.~t~ --- . . .·· -. '*"~;,,-~ ;- :-~ : . .·· ~ .,.:.~ . -·~~-·- . . ' March·Z6. 1965 · MEMORANDUM FOR THE PBESmENT l think the NSC meetlns
  • ~~ ,:::?J~ f,' ;:_ ¥F o ~ . r'-Jz,c - Hamilton/ vmr . EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT BUREAU OF THE BUDGET WASHINGTON, D.C. 20S03 SEP 1 2 1967 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT Subject: P. L. 480 Program for Chile In the attached memorandum