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  • of the The mvestigators called for a Minutemen as evidenced by tea m Of A rmy exp1.0s1·ves ex- recent testimony ' by FBI Direcperts from Ft.. McN~ir. It _could tor J. Edgar Hoover before a not be dE:termmed Im~ediately House Appropriations subcomhow vola~ile the dyn~m1te
  • rallies of the NSRP~ Effigies of President LYNOON B. JOHNSON and U s Attorney General NICHOLA·s B. KATZENBACH were burned. Eighty people were in · attendance as LYNCH spoke, and an effigy or J. EDGAR HOOVER, Director, FBI was burn·e d" !/ ..,,,.,, .~ T
  • • : . !·, ., out of the Unit.ed -.Stiates_• . SHELJON also;· alle·ged t :h at ·the UKA was ,b eing harassed by the FBIC and said that J. EDGAR HOOVER,-: Director of the FBI, Jto longer controls -thg_ FBL According .to SH'ELTON~ the FBI ls contre:U.led
  • 1oca1t.io1u;o . STO?iER cu:r?'e·n tly drives a 19'64 Ponti!il.c t'il.Utia,m:oblle v lfJ67 t1·e:or-gL~ · 11cense J~_,J-18173. He · r ·e cently iss,a-~d off.let~ ia?iit.r.uctim~.!S to hold any FDI Agent comi·n g to NSRP H~'.~ dqm\1.,t'tors by u~C' f.Pf :i s-bf
  • - STATI~ OP PAUL N. :,.;_I~ .J t-;l(SJ·:Y OF co~nrt:xnY D1-:PART!!llENT l'L'✓ ISAKE:R, July A1··1'.'I.IHS C'JM"'-1';;'=,ICr:E.=- 7, 1967 • Dear Mr. President: its for ·Your Task Force on the Cities agreed deliberations that now
  • , interracial group to Negro only and Black -Power aims; membership 12 to 15 p with CURTI S .FREEMAN , Chairman, and JOHN Report of: Olflce1 Bureau FIie ,1 o DECLASSIFIED / E.O. 13292, Sec. 3.5 . NW / J!:Ac JD·3t BY. iJ 1:NARA, Date .. ~ D, / 0 GROUP