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  • Contributor > Federal Bureau of Investigation (remove)

15 results

  • 7719765 A 2 7/16/65 A 11/:;.ct/ot J. Edgar Hoover to Lee White ~ 11/:,..ifa1 S A/1-.J oJ-.1~ ~ memo MarvinWatson to the President, 11:48 PCI 1 mt65 r, 23-9 report 1e S 5 7f7t65 A 2-4 lette, J. Eagar11uuver to MeFYin¥Jats9n s 2
  • note Marvin Watson to LBJ (summary of #17a) PCI 1 6/20/67 A 17a letter J. Edgar Hoover to Mildred Stegall s 2 6/20/67 A 278767 A.- 1 2/8/67 A 2 9/13/66 C 1 7/2/64 A °' SC\t'\~Ud 19 letter f>~ 19a 1epo1t \\·~ 'Cb f\Wc:6"--5
  • Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895-1972
  • of the The mvestigators called for a Minutemen as evidenced by tea m Of A rmy exp1.0s1·ves ex- recent testimony ' by FBI Direcperts from Ft.. McN~ir. It _could tor J. Edgar Hoover before a not be dE:termmed Im~ediately House Appropriations subcomhow vola~ile the dyn~m1te
  • rallies of the NSRP~ Effigies of President LYNOON B. JOHNSON and U s Attorney General NICHOLA·s B. KATZENBACH were burned. Eighty people were in · attendance as LYNCH spoke, and an effigy or J. EDGAR HOOVER, Director, FBI was burn·e d" !/ ..,,,.,, .~ T
  • CflM~ctioLutber~i □ g ,le I t/(lt; ,-c93-=,- Cl -.9°37' i:e ~4aRiAl::1:1tROF l~iAg,JF, ~ 59a o 5 re Mertir,l::1:1ther l~il1g,dr. \\ }--z_~/o I ,9-~ ~ 58a c-Jc-r- o/-;)"'Jr J. Edgar Hoover to Marvin Watson cJ~ t1/1c-i/o I /V LT ~"' S:Za /oI
  • 09 me'!'o. ee\1er 1,oWtor FBI memorar1du11r-tt~ 9eI1ereleitwa~ienet Restmectio,, C 2 6121168 GKy-(near duplicate of document #5a) ~ C._, 'f .c,,1. A,L:r oa-i t letter 10 PCI 2 1 ~-t ~to-11-0!,~~),!.»~ 09a 7-0, J. Edgar Hoover
  • WASHINGTON October 26, 7: 10 p. m. Mr. 196 7 President: The attached summarizing rally. is a report from J. Edgar Hoover to Mrs. Stegall the consensus of FBI agents at last weekend's They concluded that the rally constituted a victory for the elements
  • Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895-1972
  • • : . !·, ., out of the Unit.ed -.Stiates_• . SHELJON also;· alle·ged t :h at ·the UKA was ,b eing harassed by the FBIC and said that J. EDGAR HOOVER,-: Director of the FBI, Jto longer controls -thg_ FBL According .to SH'ELTON~ the FBI ls contre:U.led
  • information which would identify the individuals or the group involved. SZC!tfi'f Group 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification DECLASSIFIED E.O. 12958, Sec. 3.6 Nl,.J OI -~35 By~ NARA,Date[fi-0) 'SECH::13'.P Honorable D. Moyers
  • 1oca1t.io1u;o . STO?iER cu:r?'e·n tly drives a 19'64 Ponti!il.c t'il.Utia,m:oblle v lfJ67 t1·e:or-gL~ · 11cense J~_,J-18173. He · r ·e cently iss,a-~d off.let~ ia?iit.r.uctim~.!S to hold any FDI Agent comi·n g to NSRP H~'.~ dqm\1.,t'tors by u~C' f.Pf :i s-bf
  • 3I14t68 LBJ LIBRARY DOCUMENT WITHDRAWAL SHEET Page 2 of 3 Doc # DocType Date 07a 07b letter report Doc Info Classification J. Edgar Hoover to Mildred ~tegall ~ Restriction 3/14/68 11/r). °I /01 re Martin Luther King, Jr. San,n"ud 08
  • York; Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio; Long Island; Chicago; Indiana University; Pittsburgh; Wilmington, Ohio. D·CLAS 11-lf:.D 11526.. . 3.5 E NU__:filA-l,._'-l~-1'.4,\ NARA. t J·3f5·'.dt:Ql) Marvin ~-14 lo (~-2-65) o·r'FICE OF TH& DIRECTOR ITED
  • Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895-1972
  • FROM: FOR Bill 3, 1964 THE RECORD: Moyers I today informed Mr. DeLoach that we have confidence in Mr. Hoover's ability to decide who, on the basis of the national security, should see the attached report. He replied that they would follow through
  • , interracial group to Negro only and Black -Power aims; membership 12 to 15 p with CURTI S .FREEMAN , Chairman, and JOHN Report of: Olflce1 Bureau FIie ,1 o DECLASSIFIED / E.O. 13292, Sec. 3.5 . NW / J!:Ac JD·3t BY. iJ 1:NARA, Date .. ~ D, / 0 GROUP