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  • ~ £> - ti? J...J L "S/YLJ.oc t~ ~1 ~,S P s A #9 memo #9a memo A #~Q memo #l Oa ea e:.!15 co.n f i dep+i aJ:#H:: memo FILE LOCATION he Prestaent ft um Fia:neie ifl&fiC\if N L S 8'-1" ! M Ba-Otbr _I. 7f;o>rvzlt, NATIONAL SECURITY FILE
  • -,. ~r~w-~ fW1k ~. rJ. ~f srk THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON r 60~- A-. U/~ {-rv ~ ~1~ ~/J~~ 71!1t~ - - M- . l""'P'---- M0f.~ ~ . ~~~ 'I~~~ - . '
  • and how mission This ls as good a moment as any to say how much Bob and your comments this moraing in responso to our memo, proud I am that you are willing to entrust this particular to me. DECLASSIFIED S/it
  • .. ~ Excellency L :: . Sukarno PrE; sident of the Republic of Indonesia D j akarta ·:.: ·~ u~r~;j~~t~r~.l ~;.~t~ --- . . .·· -. '*"~;,,-~ ;- :-~ : . .·· ~ .,.:.~ . -·~~-·- . . ' March·Z6. 1965 · MEMORANDUM FOR THE PBESmENT l think the NSC meetlns