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15 results

  • Conversation with Senator Inouye' telephone conversation LBJ /Ikeda Read draft statements RWK suggestions we expect for Senator's s personal secretary re trans-Pacific 6/18/64 LBJ to make and Ikeda text remarks: M s.s, 17.'~ 1
  • ~- ~ -- - \ ~ ~======~ - - ~ - -- -- I - ' ~ o/,v:tr., ~ m;rL .- ffcC ._ 71:_ _ ~~~~~ -~~~ - - . J#NI. tr __,,,,,.. .~ - - ~ \ - ~ - - ~- - - w.~ F - f~ . ~.t> ~ ~~~ ~~ JJ, ~. \ -- - Conversation with Senator Inouye's personal telephone conversation LBJ
  • conversion £or use of tom1ists, ~y:, vo~ ~s, fr4tgbt, 101+{h) far CUto ~ce etc • ., and ¢q.675 mlll1on under act1vi:tie.s of :tndia. The statutory req~~ added lwrt ye~ that lnd1~ 1n fcre1a,;i. ~ tar the l>ullt o,r f'r~tght c~s of s~ts 1n u. s
  • not intending put pressure on GOI. Said we need some more and look forward to more talks with Indians on this issue. Throughout conversation., present) defended India's and emphasized virtual They offered no positive progress toward political
  • Mr. Komer: The attached paper, drawn up State, Defense and AID last January, is provided pursuant to Mro Bundy's conversation with Mr. Bator. We are proceeding with preparation of the paper called for by NSAM298, using this paper as the foundation
  • intensity of interest. 'l'be f'oUowina are ' having an effect: ' l. .I • _: 1 11 Since your telephone call directive sane veeka ago I huva done i' everything in 'l!q power to Jltinim1ze public attisnt1on 1n the •International Agriculture • Food
  • , a11,JOffiurJ (Draft ,- .- - '. ·-· ~i~ i J r- DEPARTMENT OF STATE'··--, DECLASS~emorandum E.O. 12958,Sec. 3.5 State Dept. Guidelines By ~ . , NARA,Date5 ,g..,of SUBJECT: iDMfld Korean Status ,- ,...,~ '' ol Conversation DATE: november 3
  • 1 Attached for the information and files of MR. Kc.IERare two memoranda of conversation between William P. Bundy and H.~ ".qtul KIM.,.. dated December 2 regar~ing: , • • 1. Korea-Japan Settlement, 2. Possibility of State Visit by Korean