Browse Items (59 total)

  • HIDDEN-CSV name and creator is exactly "10-30DiscSysVar"

Folder, "Ex AG 5-1 PEST CONTROL," WHCF AG, Box 8

This folder is from the WHCF category for Agriculture, subcategory Pest Control.

Folder, "Gen AG 5-1, 11/22/63 – 6/30/64 [PEST CONTROL]", WHCF AG, Box 8

This folder is from the WHCF category for Agriculture, subcategory Pest Control.

Folder, "Gen AG 5-1 , 7/1/64 – 12/31/65" [PEST CONTROL], WHCF AG, Box 8

This folder is from the WHCF category for Agriculture, subcategory Pest Control.

Folder, "Gen AG 5-1, 1/1/66 - [PEST CONTROL]," WHCF AG, Box 8

This folder is from the WHCF category for Agriculture, subcategory Pest Control.

Folder, "Ex CO 304 United Arab Republic," WHCF CO, Box 75

This folder is from the WHCF category for Countries, subcategory UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC.

Folder, "Ex CO 311 VENEZUELA" WHCF CO, Box 79

This folder is from the WHCF category for Countries, subcategory VENEZUELA.

Folder, "Ex WH 14-3, 11/23/63 - 7/11/66 [YACHT]," WHCF WH, Box 28

This folder is from the WHCF category for White House Administration, subcategory YACHT.