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  • HIDDEN-CSV name and creator is exactly "INDIVIDUAL-9-6-18"

Oral history transcript, Sheldon Cohen, interview 2 (II), 6/18/1975 by Michael L. Gillette

LBJ's opinion of wiretapping; Senator Edward Long's inquiry regarding government agency wiretapping; wiretapping within the IRS relating to organized crime; approval for wiretapping activities in the early 1960s; Long's access to information…

Oral history transcript, Sheldon Cohen, interview 1 (I), 10/18/1968, by David G. McComb

Biographical information; Cohen's work as a legislative attorney for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the early 1950s; why Cohen left the IRS for the Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton, and Garrison law firm in 1956; Cohen's work with Adlai…