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Oral history transcript, Leon Jaworski, interview 1 (I), 12/23/1968, by David G. McComb
Biographical information; 1960 campaign; LBJ’s appointments to the judiciary; Ross Barnett criminal contempt proceedings; Warren Commission; consideration of public office; LBJ’s appointments; personality of the President.

Oral history transcript, Hubert H. Humphrey, III, interview 1 (I), 8/13/1979, by Joe B. Frantz
Early memories of living in Maryland when his father became a senator; visiting the LBJ Ranch; Skip's educational background; LBJ asking Humphrey Jr. to be his 1964 running mate; Humphrey Jr.'s satisfaction with the role of vice president; Humphrey…

Oral history transcript, William F. Jackson and Lucy Ginter Jackson, interview 1 (I), 6/21/1985, by Michael L. Gillette
How Jackson became military aide to Vice President Johnson; LBJ's vice-presidential trip to Asia and members of the press on the trip; LBJ's time management; arranging for a photographer to accompany LBJ; the ability of the South Vietnamese to fight…