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Oral history transcript, Bess Abell, interview 1 (I), 5/28/1969, by T.H. Baker
Early association of Johnson and Clement families; the Johnsons' wedding reception for Bess and Tyler Abell; Tyler Abell joins Johnson campaign; work at the DNC; joining Mrs. Johnson's staff; LBJ as Vice President; Mrs. Johnson as a wife and mother;…

Oral history transcript, Bess Abell, interview 2 (II), 6/13/1969, by T.H. Baker
Mrs. Johnson as first lady; trips into poverty areas; Mrs. Johnson and speeches; Lynda and Luci during the presidency; 1964 campaign and train trip in the South; press on train trip flying Lady Bird Special; Mrs. Johnson's control and…

Oral history transcript, Bess Abell, interview 3 (III), 7/1/1969, by T.H. Baker
State dinners; various White House parties; work invovled in planning entertainment; Tyler Abell as chief of protocol; problems connected with Luci's wedding; guest lists; Festival of the Arts; entertainment at the White House; seating arrangements

Oral history transcript, Tyler Abell, interview 1 (I), 5/8/1969, by T.H. Baker
Meeting LBJ in 1955; the 1956 Democratic National Convention; Abell's father-in-law Senator Earle Clement's career; LBJ trying to do favors for his colleagues; adjourning Congress for the 1960 Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles;…

Oral history transcript, Tyler Abell, interview 2 (II), 5/29/1969, by T.H. Baker
Braestrup’s work as a journalist in Southeast Asia for the New York Times; New York Times coverage of Vietnam compared to Time magazine; how journalists covered Vietnam and the danger involved; how Braestrup became Washington Post Bureau Chief; Joe…

Oral history transcript, Morris Abram, interview 1 (I), 3/20/1984, by Michael L. Gillette
Biographical information; how Abram met Richard Russell; Georgia’s county unit system; Russell and civil rights; Herman Talmadge; Charlie Bloch; Thurgood Marshall’s appt. to the Supreme Court; Supreme Court appointments; the Democratic…

Oral history transcript, Morris Abram, interview 2 (II), 5/3/1984, by Michael L. Gillette
Jack Valenti becoming President of the Motion Picture Association instead of Abram; MPA issues that concerned LBJ; integrationist vs. separationist civil rights movements; Berl Bernhard; A. Philip Randolph; problems at the White House Civil Rights…

Oral history transcript, Samuel A. Adams, interview 2 (II), 8/15/1985, by Ted Gittinger
Adams' involvement in General William Westmoreland's libel suit against CBS following the airing of The Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception; joint chiefs' awareness of order-of-battle inaccuracies; North Vietnamese use of mines and booby traps in…

Oral history transcript, Pat Adelman, interview 1 (I), 7/10/1971, by David G. McComb
Adelman's educational background and former jobs; how Adelman got into the radio business; managing Kruger jewelry store; how Adelman became manager at KTBC radio; how Adelman met LBJ; LBJ's difficulty with public speaking; how Adelman brought KTBC…

Oral history transcript, George D. Aiken, interview 1 (I), 10/10/1968, by Paige E. Mulhollan
First meeting with LBJ; the "Johnson treatment;" Johnson's leadership of the Senate; Johnson's relationship with Secretary Dulles; LBJ and foreign policy; bombing of North Vietnam; Gulf of Tonkin; Dominican Republic; coolness between Fulbright and…

Oral history transcript, Carl B. Albert, interview 1 (I), 4/28/1969, by Dorothy Pierce (McSweeny)
Biographical information; first association with LBJ; Board of Education meetings; Richard Russell; Will Rogers, Jr.; recollections of LBJ as congressman; Albert Thomas; 1948 election; Mike Mansfield; Robert Kerr; Mike Monroney; Clint Anderson;…

Oral history transcript, Carl B. Albert, interview 2 (II), 6/10/1969, by Dorothy Pierce (McSweeny)
1960 Democratic convention; LBJ as VP candidate; religious issue; LBJ as VP; JFK's political standing in 1963; LBJ after the assassination; Larry O'Brien; Mr. Cannon; Congressman Passman; Halleck; Allan Smith; Dick Bolling; Bill Colmer; 1964 campaign…

Oral history transcript, Carl B. Albert, interview 3 (III), 7/9/1969, by Dorothy Pierce (McSweeny)
1964 legislation; Civil Rights bill; Immigration Bill; Elemenary and Secondary Education Bill; Rent Supplement Bill; Teacher Corps program; tax surcharge; Joe Fowler; Congressman Mills; Nixon

Oral history transcript, Carl B. Albert, interview 4 (IV), 8/13/1969, by Dorothy Pierce (McSweeny)
Gun control bill; Barefoot Sanders; Housing and Urban Development Act; effect of the Vietnam War on Great Society programs; Vietnam War; March 31 statement; 1968 Democractic convention; Mayor Daley's role; congressional working relationship with LBJ;…

Oral history transcript, Jack Albright, interview 1 (I), 12/11/1980, by Michael L. Gillette
How General Albright came to work for LBJ; Colonel George J. McNally; telephone system and security; functions of the White House Communications Agency; the teleprompter; LBJ’s lighting and background requirements for public appearances; problems…

Oral history transcript, Jack Albright, interview 2 (II), 6/10/1981, by Michael L. Gillette
Visiting President Truman and a trip to the Truman Library; phones and photographers in the Truman home; lessons learned on a trip to Honolulu; why LBJ did not travel outside the US more often; incident involving LBJ purchasing a dead horse;…

Oral history transcript, Stewart J.O. Alsop, interview 1 (I), 7/15/1969, by Paige E. Mulhollan
Early acquaintance with LBJ; how LBJ related to the press as a senator; Alsop's interactions with LBJ; Alsop's support of LBJ in 1964 against Goldwater; Alsop's and Philip Graham's role in JFK's selection of LBJ as the vice-presidential nominee at…

Oral history transcript, M. J. Anderson, interview 1 (I), 6/6/1984, by Roland B. Hayes
How Anderson got to know LBJ through Dr. Everett Givens; the establishment of the United Political Organization of Texas; recruiting members for the UPO; LBJ's interest in poor people; LBJ's contact with Anderson as president of UPO through Cliff…

Oral history transcript, George Ball, interview 1 (I), 7/8/1971, by Paige E. Mulhollan
LBJ as Vice-President; Cuban Missile Crisis; August 1964 telegram regarding Diem fall; Roger Hilsman; JFK assassination; DeGaulle and LBJ; LBJ's early presidency; LBJ and Vietnam; Ball's Vietnam memoranda to LBJ; Tonkin Gulf incident and resolution;…

Oral history transcript, George Ball, interview 2 (II), 7/9/1971, by Paige E. Mulhollan
Ball Vietnam memoranda to LBJ; Aceson-Ball plan; senior advisory group (the Wise Men); Clark Clifford as a "dove;" U.S. European policy; Multilateral Force (MLF); Adenauer; DeGaulle; NATO; balance of payments; Dominican Republic; Ball's resignation;…

Oral history transcript, Robert M. Ball, interview 1 (I), 11/5/1968, by David G. McComb
Biographical information; beginning years of the Social Security Administration; Democratic and Republican approaches to the program; social security and the cost of living; amendments through the years; 1956 disability amendment and the opposition…

Oral history transcript, Joseph W. Barr, interview 4 (IV), 6/10/1986, by Michael L. Gillette
Barr's work with FDIC; bringing the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Reserve System and the FDIC together under one agency; James Saxon; controversy surrounding revenue bonds; Saxon's attempts to deregulate the banking system; problems with a San…

Oral history transcript, Joseph W. Barr, interview 5 (V), 9/12/1986, by Michael L. Gillette
Excise tax reduction; raising the discount rate in 1965; Robert McNamara's and Charles Schultze's misrepresentations of defense expenditures; Barr's involvement in the opening of a bank in Vietnam; the effect of U.S. involvement in Vietnam on the…

Oral history transcript, Lucius D. Battle, interview 3 (III), 9/15/1983, by Ted Gittinger
Battle's relationships with Dean Acheson, Abe Fortas, and William Fulbright; John Badeau; foreign relations between the United States and Egypt, especially regarding PL 480 and wheat; Gamal Abdel Nasser's speeches regarding Egypt's relations with the…

Oral history transcript, Birch Bayh, interview 1 (I), 2/12/1969, by Paige E. Mulhollan
VP LBJ as liaison with Senate; 1961 transition; Bayh relations with White House staff; joking and needling by President Johnson; close relationship with the Johnsons; 89th Congress; Bayh's criticism of Vietnam; summary of Johnson as President; Bayh…

Oral history transcript, Woodrow Bean, interview 1 (I), 3/13/1974, by Joe B. Frantz
Biographical information; Bean's educational background and notable people Bean grew up with; the first time Bean met LBJ; Bean's political career in the early 1940s and after his return from WWII; Bean's work as a Texas state legislator; working on…

Oral history transcript, Kenneth E. BeLieu, interview 1 (I), 10/11/1984, by Michael L. Gillette
Belieu's work with the Armed Services Committee in the mid-1950s; a bill LBJ requested to transfer the San Jacinto Army Ordnance Arsenal from the federal government to the state of Texas; how Belieu came to lead both the Senate Space Committee and…

Oral history transcript, Lloyd Bentsen, Jr., interview 1 (I), 6/18/1975, by Michael L. Gillette
Election to Congress in 1948; Sam Rayburn; Homer Thornberry; Johnson-Rayburn relationship; early relationship with LBJ; Drew Pearson; support of LBJ over Shivers in 1956; selection of Mrs. Bentsen as committeewoman; Secretary for the Committee for…

Oral history transcript, Berl Bernhard, interview 1 (I), 5/7/1986, by Michael L. Gillette
Bernhard being asked to organize a White House conference on civil rights; problems with conference planning; Morris Abrams, William T. Coleman and Benjamin Heinemann as co-chairmen of the conference; planning session for the conference; LBJ's…

Oral history transcript, Livingston Biddle, interview 1 (I), 3/20/1989, by Louann Temple
LBJ's interest in arts legislation in 1964; Biddle meeting with Abe Fortas regarding proposed arts legislation; Claiborne Pell; proposing legislation that later started the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities;…

Oral history transcript, Lindy Boggs, interview 1 (I), 2/15/1977, by Michael L. Gillette
Boggs' earliest memories of the Johnsons in 1941; LBJ's World War II military service; LBJ's 1948 Senate election; socializing with the Johnsons and Sam Rayburn; Boggs' and Rayburn's interaction during the 1960 presidential campaign kick-off; how LBJ…

Oral history transcript, Hale Boggs, interview 1 (I), 3/13/1969, by T.H. Baker
[For interview 1 and 2] Biographical information; Rayburn-Johnson relationship; early signs of leadership in the House; meetings to coordinate Senate and House leadership; 1956 and 1960 conventions; role of Democratic Advisory Council; 1957 Civil…

Oral history transcript, Hale Boggs, interview 2 (II), 3/27/1969, by T.H. Baker
[For interview 1 and 2] Biographical information; Rayburn-Johnson relationship; early signs of leadership in the House; meetings to coordinate Senate and House leadership; 1956 and 1960 conventions; role of Democratic Advisory Council; 1957 Civil…

Oral history transcript, Donnelly Bolton, interview 1 (I), 8/19/1982, by Ted Gittinger
Bolton’s military and educational career; the Holscher Committee; duties in the Congo; Gamal Abdel Nasser; duties in Vietnam; restrictions to fighting in Vietnam; reasons for failure in Vietnam; the 1st Cavalry Division; Attleboro; Ted Dessausure;…

Oral history transcript, Phyllis Bonanno, interview 1 (I), 11/12/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
How Bonanno came to work for LBJ; LBJ's March 31, 1968, speech on Vietnam and LBJ's decision not to seek re-election; foreign response to the speech; Averell Harriman and Cyrus Vance's negotiation meetings with the North Vietnamese; the shift away…

Oral history transcript, Phyllis Bonanno, interview 3 (III), 5/9/1983, by Michael L. Gillette

The assassination of Robert Kennedy; LBJ's interest in gun control; Secret Service protection for presidential candidates; LBJ's opinion of Robert Kennedy; security measures following Robert Kennedy's assassination; activities the day Robert Kennedy…

Oral history transcript, Phyllis Bonanno, interview 4 (IV), 2/18/1984, by Michael L. Gillette

LBJ's attempts at negotiation with the USSR and North Vietnam; LBJ's treatment of Hubert Humphrey in the final months of LBJ's administration; Humphrey's personality; LBJ's decision to not attend the Democratic National Convention and support…

Oral history transcript, Phyllis Bonanno, interview 2 (II), 4/6/1983-4/7/1983, by Michael L. Gillette

LBJ's relationship with Presidents Eisenhower, Truman, and Nixon; LBJ's 1968 speech to the Ladies Garment Workers in Atlantic City; LBJ's meeting with Australian Prime Minister John Gorton and U.S. relations with Australia; LBJ inviting Bonanno's…

Oral history transcript, Hyman Bookbinder, interview 2 (II), 5/19/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
Task force record keeping; task force work process and working with Congress; task force leadership; communication problems with agencies; the OEO in the Executive Office of the President; Shriver; "revolutionary" aspects of the War on Poverty;…

Oral history transcript, Ruth Booker, interview 1 (I), 8/14/1986, by Christie L. Bourgeois
Biographical information; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin; school in Johnson City; childhood memories of LBJ; Rebekah Johnson's desire for LBJ to attend college; George Johnson; Sam Johnson; Booker's mother loaning LBJ $100; living in Houston with LBJ…