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  • See Also is exactly "See all online interviews with Gene Latimer"

Oral history transcript, Gene Latimer, interview 1 (I), 8/17/1971, by David G. McComb
First meeting LBJ at Sam Houston High School in 1930; LBJ’s debating team; LBJ becoming Richard Kleberg’s secretary; worked for LBJ in Kleberg’s Washington office; life at the Dodge House; budget problems; advising Congressmen of loans and…

Oral history transcript, Gene Latimer, interview 2 (II), 10/5/1979, by Michael L. Gillette
G. Preston Smith; LBJ as debate coach; M.E. Foster; banquets; debates; Johnson family; classes; Uncle George; tournaments; LBJ as Congressional secretary; Dick Kleberg; office procedures; Dodge Hotel; Corpus Christi law office; House votes; Mrs.…