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  • See Also is exactly "See all online interviews with George Ball"

Oral history transcript, George Ball, interview 1 (I), 7/8/1971, by Paige E. Mulhollan
LBJ as Vice-President; Cuban Missile Crisis; August 1964 telegram regarding Diem fall; Roger Hilsman; JFK assassination; DeGaulle and LBJ; LBJ's early presidency; LBJ and Vietnam; Ball's Vietnam memoranda to LBJ; Tonkin Gulf incident and resolution;…

Oral history transcript, George Ball, interview 2 (II), 7/9/1971, by Paige E. Mulhollan
Ball Vietnam memoranda to LBJ; Aceson-Ball plan; senior advisory group (the Wise Men); Clark Clifford as a "dove;" U.S. European policy; Multilateral Force (MLF); Adenauer; DeGaulle; NATO; balance of payments; Dominican Republic; Ball's resignation;…