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  • See Also is exactly "See all online interviews with George R. Brown"

Oral history transcript, George R. Brown, interview 1 (I), 4/6/1968, by Paul Bolton
Biographical information; association with LBJ; LCRA; Alvin Wirtz; Charles Marsh; Jim West; Wesley West; social problems and reform; LBJ's heart attack; Brown & Root

Oral history transcript, George R. Brown, interview 2 (II), 8/6/1969, by David G. McComb
Biographical information; Marshall Ford Dam; 1941 and 1948 Senate campaigns; common interests with LBJ; helping district and public education; heart attack; 1960 campaign; LBJ's presidency

Oral history transcript, George R. Brown, interview 3 (III), 7/11/1977, by Michael L. Gillette
Biographical information; Jesse Jones; Charles Marshall; Alvin Wirtz; LCAR; LBJ's personality; war years; LBJ and business; vice presidency; presidency; Vietnam; the Great Society; education; retirement; Lady Bird Johnson