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  • See Also is exactly "See all online interviews with Gerald W. Siegel"

Oral history transcript, Gerald W. Siegel, interview 1 (I), 5/26/1969, by T.H. Baker
Early work with LBJ and as executive assistant to Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Don Cook; work on the Preparedness Committee; LBJ’s attitude toward professional military men; LBJ’s temper and lack of inter-personal skills; LBJ using…

Oral history transcript, Gerald W. Siegel, interview 2 (II), 6/9/1969, by T.H. Baker
Rejoining LBJ’s staff to help on the civil rights measure; building LBJ’s reputation in the Senate so he could make a presidential bid; JFK in the senatorial years; LBJ’s delay in campaigning for the nomination in 1960; how LBJ came to be VP…

Oral history transcript, Gerald W. Siegel, interview 3 (III), 2/11/1977, by Michael L. Gillette
LBJ’s unanimous consent policy; Allan Shivers; Knowland; the Bricker Amendment; Siegel’s involvement in a variety of legislative acts; Farm Bill; Walter George; LBJ’s power of persuasion; LBJ and partisanship; recommital of the Taft-Hartley…