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  • See Also is exactly "See all online interviews with J. Willis Hurst"

Oral history transcript, J. Willis Hurst, interview 1 (I), 5/16/1969, by T.H. Baker
LBJ’s first heart attack (1955); Hurst’s relationship with the Johnsons; LBJ’s rehabilitation; LBJ’s personality; foreign trips with LBJ; LBJ’s wit; Kennedy’s assassination.

Oral history transcript, J. Willis Hurst, interview 2 (II), 6/16/1970, by T.H. Baker
Hurst’s relationship with LBJ; declining the position of White House physician; LBJ’s health and fitness for the presidency; LBJ’s decision not to run in 1968; gallstones operation in 1965; medical information and the press; psychological…