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Oral history transcript, J.Willis Hurst, interview 3 (III), 11/8/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
LBJ’s 1955 heart attack and recovery; psychological analysis of LBJ; LBJ’s sense of humor; LBJ’s smoking habit; LBJ working from the hospital while recovering in 1955

Oral history transcript, J.Willis Hurst, interview 4 (IV), 2/27/1984, by Michael L. Gillette
Foreign trips with LBJ: Senegal, France, Lebanon, Iran, Turkey; visit with Pope John; LBJ’s kidney stone problem at Pope John XXIII’s funeral

Oral history transcript, J.Willis Hurst, interview 5 (V), 10/30/1995, by Ted Gittinger
Kennedy’s assassination and LBJ’s handling of the transition; gallbladder removal; LBJ’s display of his surgery scar to reporters; trip to Nicaragua; LBJ’s throat surgery and hernia repair; LBJ’s attempt to make Hurst White House physician;…

Oral history transcript, J.Willis Hurst, interview 6 (VI), 10/31/1995, by Ted Gittinger
Trip to the Ranch in February 1970 to evaluate LBJ’s angina; 1972 heart attack in Charlottesville; moving LBJ back to the ranch; LBJ’s return to smoking; changes in treatment for heart attack patients from LBJ’s time to 1995; personal…