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Oral history transcript, Joseph Laitin, interview 4 (IV), 6/19/1977, by Michael L. Gillette
An incident involving the press access to LBJ at the Ranch; Cassie Mackin; Doug Kiker; Marianne Means; Virginia "Ginny" Thrift; Walter Lippmann and Scotty Reston; Washington Whispers; comparing the number of press conferences held by LBJ and…

Oral history transcript, Joseph Laitin, interview 3 (III), 2/13/1977, by Michael L. Gillette
Laitin’s work related to the Pope’s visit to New York and meeting with LBJ; press coverage of LBJ’s meeting with the Pope; how LBJ liked to be positioned for photographs; Yoichi Okamoto; advancing trips to visit President Truman; how LBJ…

Oral history transcript, Joseph Laitin, interview 2 (II), 2/12/1977, by Michael L. Gillette
Advancing LBJ’s meeting with the Pope; Laitin’s falling out with LBJ; Bob Fleming as Deputy Press Secretary; trip to Mexico with LBJ; Christmas trip to Rome; Colonel James Swindal; trying to be anonymous in Rome while advancing LBJ’s arrival;…

Oral history transcript, Joseph Laitin, interview 1 (I), 2/2/1976, by Michael L. Gillette
Laitin’s career history and how he went to work in the government; how Laitin became George Reedy’s Assistant Press Secretary; meeting LBJ; Mac Kilduff; Laitin’s first press briefing; George Reedy and his departure as press secretary; Lillian…