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  • See Also is exactly "See all online interviews with Thomas H. (Admiral) Moorer"

Oral history transcript, Thomas H. (Admiral) Moorer, interview 2 (II), 9/16/1981, by Ted Gittinger
Reflections of purpose of patrol of destroyer Maddox in August 1964; exercising right of freedom of the seas; evaluation of performance and investigation of Maddox; views on media coverage; Operation Pierce Arrow; Rolling Thunder campaign; the…

Oral history transcript, Thomas H. (Admiral) Moorer, interview 1 (I), 8/8/1969, by Dorothy Pierce (McSweeny)
Patrol of the destroyer Maddox in the Tonkin Gulf to intercept electronic emissions; doctrine of freedom of the seas; incidents involving Maddox; media distrust of U.S. service commanders during Vietnam War; retaliation for Gulf of Tonkin incident…