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Oral history transcript, Walter Judd, interview 3 (III), 1/17/89, by Michael L. Gillette

Communist attempts to control Quemoy, Matsu, and Taiwan; Jimmy Carter granting diplomatic recognition to the People's Republic of China in 1978; Chinese and Russian bargaining methods; criticism of Chinese and Russian relationships with the United…

Oral history transcript, Walter Judd, interview 1 (I), 1/17/1989, by Michael L. Gillette
How Judd decided to become a medical missionary; Judd's family background; Judd's early experience in China; the nature of communism; Judd's experience with malaria; communist propaganda techniques and Judd's struggle to argue against communism; the…

Oral history transcript, Walter Judd, interview 2 (II), 12/20/1988, by Michael L. Gillette
Judd family history and childhood in Nebraska; how Congress has changed since the 1940s; the future of US democracy; how WWII changed US citizens' perceptions of their rights; the rise and fall of governments; 1944 trip to China; WWII US aid to…