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Oral history transcript, Arthur Krim, interview 1 (I), 10/8/1981, by Michael L. Gillette
Meeting Vice President LBJ; Ed Weisl; birthday event for President Kennedy in 1962; occasions where Krim saw LBJ before he became President; Krim’s work producing films for President Kennedy and LBJ; New York fundraising for LBJ; history of the…

Oral history transcript, Arthur Krim, interview 2 (II), 5/17/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
The Krims’ first visit to Camp David; LBJ’s hospitality; an all-night discussion at Camp David; John Chancellor, Marianne Means, and an argument over Jack Valenti’s statement that he sleeps better knowing the President is in the White House;…

Oral history transcript, Arthur Krim, interview 3 (III), 6/29/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
October 1965 visit to the Ranch; LBJ’s relationship with the press; activities at the Ranch; LBJ’s desire to pay off Democratic National Committee debt and Krim’s involvement; Cliff Carter; John Criswell; political discussions at the Ranch;…

Oral history transcript, Arthur Krim, interview 4 (IV), 11/9/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
North Vietnam’s reaction to LBJ’s 3/31/1968 speech; negotiating a location for meeting with the North Vietnamese; LBJ’s goals for the end of his presidency, including a tax increase; LBJ’s meeting with Levi Eshkol of Israel at the Ranch;…

Oral history transcript, Arthur Krim, interview 5 (V), 4/7/1983, by Michael L. Gillette
Failed tax increases; Wilbur Mills; 1968 primaries; Bobby Kennedy entering the 1968 presidential race; the Tet offensive and negotiating with the North Vietnamese; Clark Clifford; bombing halts; Monsignor Paul Marcinkus visiting LBJ at the Ranch;…

Oral history transcript, Arthur Krim, interview 6 (VI), 10/13/1983, by Michael L. Gillette
LBJ’s frustration at the end of his presidency, especially regarding the Soviet Union and Vietnam; LBJ’s attempt to meet with Nixon and Soviets; Urban League dinner in New York; LBJ’s concern over press coverage of anti-war, anti-LBJ picketing;…