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  • See Also is exactly "See all online interviews with Lady Bird Johnson"

Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 41 (XLI), 8/1994, by Harry Middleton
Interviewing Henry Blackburn for a LBJ Ranch foreman position; LBJ's interest in running for president in 1960; Bill Moyers' work style; purchasing a building to house KTBC and an apartment for the Johnsons; decorator Genevieve Hendricks; income from…

Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 42 (XLII), 11/5/1994, by Harry Middleton
A Theta Sigma Phi breakfast in 1960; the Ladies for Lyndon movement; the Johnson daughters' activities; Luci's interest in religion; preparing for LBJ's political rise; public speaking; the Johnsons' connection to St. David's Episcopal Church in…

Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 43 (XLIII), 1/23/1996, by Harry Middleton
LBJ's opinion of accepting the vice-presidential nomination; how Lady Bird Johnson and LBJ's closest supporters felt about LBJ accepting the vice-presidential nomination; LBJ's activities immediately after the Democratic National Convention; trip to…

Oral history transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, interview 44 (XLIV), 1/26/1996, by Harry Middleton
Lady Bird Johnson's father's decline in health and death; story of Lady Bird Johnson's mother building up Mr. Taylor's health and physique early in their marriage; Mrs. Johnson's role in the 1960 presidential campaign; public speaking; Mrs. Johnson's…