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  • See Also is exactly "See all online interviews with Margaret Mayer Ward"

Oral history transcript, Margaret Mayer Ward, interview 2 (II), 4/22/1981, by Michael L. Gillette
Allan Shivers and Democrats for Eisenhower in 1952; the role of LBJ and Sam Rayburn in the 1956 Texas State Democratic Convention; Paul Butler and the Democratic Advisory Committee; party at Dewey Bradford's house; how LBJ won county and precinct…

Oral history transcript, Margaret Mayer Ward, interview 1 (I), 3/10/1977, by Michael L. Gillette
1946 campaign; 1948 Senate campaign and the Fort Worth Democratic Convention; LBJ's relationship with Sam Rayburn; social gatherings at the Johnsons' Washington home; LBJ and the press; 1954 Senate campaign