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  • See Also is exactly "See all online interviews with Wilton Woods & Virginia Woods"

Oral history transcript, Wilton Woods and Virginia Woods, interview 5 (V), 4/14/1983, by Michael L. Gillette
Visit to Karnack; John Connally; Woods' appointment as area census director; national Congressional campaign support; 1941 campaign; Austin office; Alvin Wirtz's role in campaign; election night

Oral history transcript, Wilton Woods and Virginia Woods, interview 4 (IV), 6/10/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
Association with LBJ; Blanco County; Johnson family; college life; White Stars; student activities; Houston; Professor Greene; assistant to Kleberg; Maury Maverick; 1937 campaign; campaign advisers

Oral history transcript, Wilton Woods and Virginia Woods, interview 3 (III), 5/4/1982, by Michael L. Gillette
Association with LBJ; Blanco County; Johnson family; college life; White Stars; student activities; Houston; Professor Greene; assistant to Kleberg; Maury Maverick; 1937 campaign; campaign advisers

Oral history transcript, Wilton Woods and Virginia Woods, interview 6 (VI), 4/21/1983, by Michael L. Gillette
The Woods' involvement in LBJ's 1948 Senate campaign against Coke Stevenson; organizing a women's tea in Seguin for Lady Bird Johnson and her auto accident with Marietta Moody Brooks on the way to the tea; the Weinert family's control over support…