Browse Items (75 total)

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Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 2/6/1942

Malcolm Bardwell helping with office work, living accommodations/furniture storage, Lady Bird classes - shorthand and typewriter, Lady Bird physical exercises, social updates, office business

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 2/9/1942

"Roy's" business - communication licensing, office business, constituent mail handling and etiquette/protocol

Note, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 1942

Dictated note from "Senator" - construction of steam plant, staffing

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 1942

Constituent mail writing, LBJ opinion of and proofing of mail samples

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 2/13/1942

Congressional ladies and Army wives, social updates, Lady Bird acclimation to office

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 2/15/1942

Constituent mail - edits and tone, Aunt Effie/Uncle Claud estate

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 2/16/1942

Shorthand class/speed, "delegation" and social updates, living accommodations with Mary and Nellie, constituent mail

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 2/19/1942

Social updates, discussion with Speaker Sam re: calling back military/active duty/reserves

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 2/20/1942

Sending of uniform shirts, office business, social updates, constituent postcards

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 2/23/1942

Lady Bird school, living accommodations and "help," social updates, office business

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 2/25/1942

Lady Bird school, constituent mail, "introductory" letters and job recommendation letters, REA, social updates and Mexican Ambassador reception

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 2/26/1942

Judge appointments, Army Air Support Command for Austin, office visits and mailing. Attachments concerning judge appointments for new Municipal Court of Appeals in the District of Columbia

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 2/27/1942

Daily summary including letters written and office visits, Lady Bird exercises, office responsibilities; annotations from LBJ to Lady Bird

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 2/28/1942

Social update, office business, tasks that can be done w/out a representative, Congressional work during the war

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 3/2/1942

Social update including Texas Ladies Luncheon, personnel responsibilities, staffing, District business

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 3/3/1942

Defense bonds, finances, living accommodations, social updates

Note, jbc to Lady Bird Johnson, 3/3/1942

Suggested response to letter from S. Ferris

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 3/5/1942

Constituent birthdays, LBJ mail protocol, REA, personal finances

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 3/8/1942

General and social updates, Washington mood, finances, constituent mail

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 3/9/1942

Newspaper columns re: Lady Bird, finances, social updates, mail procedures and constituent mail

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 3/9/1942

Re: offer to address envelopes from Mrs. H. von Kalow

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 3/11/1942

LBJ work and wartime opportunities, social updates, Texas politics, Lady Bird work in Congressional office and form letter

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 3/12/1942

Alabama estate, Lady Bird perspective of Congressional staff

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 3/14/1942

General updates, political situation and constituent opinion re: labor

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 3/15/1942

General updates, Sam Houston Johnson, Lady Bird work in Congressional office/helps develop better understanding of LBJ work, finances, LBJ wartime opportunities, house hunting

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 3/17/1942

Political and social updates, wartime updates, oil, campaign/constituent work

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 3/18/1942

Labor, Texas politics, Congressman in service/wartime opportunities for LBJ, Alabama estate

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 3/27/1942

Living accommodations and servants, office work

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 4/7/1942

Social and living accommodation update, future plans

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 4/10/1942

Office/constituent work, social update

Telegram, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 7/1/1942

Relaying information from Sam [Rayburn?]

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 1942

Future jobs/assignments and travel, social and Texas updates, gifts for Lady Bird, political candidates