Browse Items (10 total)

  • Physical Item ID is exactly "D-52"

Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 10/29/1966 (Saturday)

Lady Bird tours the Khlong and describes people and sights; LBJ receives honorary degree from Chulalongkorn University; Lady Bird describes academic robes and King Kittikachorn; LBJ gives speech and signs International Education Act; Lady Bird meets…

Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 11/8/1966 (Tuesday)

Election day; Lady Bird is suffering jet lag; Johnsons arrive at polls before officials; Lady Bird mentions the busy fall at the LBJ Ranch landing strip; Johnsons and guests drive around ranches; LBJ meets with press; Lady Bird takes nap; dinner with…

Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 11/17/1966 (Thursday)

32nd wedding anniversary; LBJ in hospital for surgery on hernia & throat polyp; Lady Bird does office work; LBJ visits with President Eisenhower & Carl Albert; LBJ meets with staff about budget; LBJ feels better and keeps doctors and staff laughing;…

Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 12/22/1966 (Thursday)

Lady Bird's 54th birthday; Luci, Pat, the Nugents and the William Feldsteins visit; Lady Bird selects location for the cherry trees that Mary Lasker gifted her; LBJ meets with his staff; lunch; Lady Bird & Lynda scout the area for the LBJ state park;…

Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 1/2/1967 (Monday)

Lady Bird has meeting on plans for the LBJ Ranch national park; LBJ speaks to group; smaller groups look at site for trees, fence line, parking, picnic tables and restoration of the Sauer farm; lunch; another visit to the park site; dinner; LBJ…

Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 1/3/1967 (Tuesday)

Lady Bird has breakfast with National Park Service staff, then to Hightower property to mark trees and make decisions on national park; Lady Bird describes LBJ; Lady Bird visits Boyhood Home and old fort with Roy White; lunch; meeting with Roy White…

Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 1/5/1967 (Thursday)

Problems of the Johnson administration: inflation, Vietnam, Peter Hurd portrait of LBJ; press reaction to departure of Bill Moyers; Lady Bird writes response to Peter Hurd; work on upcoming Vice Presidential dinner; Lady Bird visits with Lynda about…

Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 1/6/1967 (Friday)

Peter Hurd portrait of LBJ; interview with author, Bernard Garfinkel, on "being sixteen;" lunch & visit with Lynda; tea with Dillon Ripley & Jim Ketchum about painting for the Library; desk work; phone call with Joseph Hirshorn; one game of bowling;…

Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 1/10/1967 (Tuesday)

State of the Union message; Johnson Administration china; LBJ practices speech; lunch; Lady Bird meets about Fort Worth green space; beautification meeting on Washington, DC plans; Lady Bird & Lynda to Capital; Lady Bird mentions guests; death of…

Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 1/17/1967 (Tuesday)

Johnsons have coffee & newspapers; Lady Bird works on guests & menus; phone calls to Marnie Clifford, Lera Thomas & Lynda Johnson; Lady Bird to dentist & dress fitting; call about Karnack Post Office; visit with Lera Thomas about trip to Vietnam;…