Browse Items (48283 total)

Letter, Lyndon B. Johnson to Lady Bird Johnson, 1940

LBJ work, Congressional calendar, campaign

Letter, Lyndon B. Johnson to Lady Bird Johnson, 11/7/1941

Lady Bird house hunting, LBJ travel plans, Neutrality Act

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Mary, 12/27/1941

Forwarding [Constituent?] request re: status of job with Bureau of Immigration, another request re job recommendation, utility services, filing of furniture inventory

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 1941

Bobbitt working for NYA, living arrangements for Rebekah Baines Johnson, Rebekah Bobbitt, and husband

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 1941

Bills, mapping out of Congressional Districts

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 1941

Lady Bird enjoyment of working on campaign, LBJ giving speeches, list of gifts given to various individuals, Lady Bird handling finances

Postcard, Lyndon B. Johnson to Lady Bird Johnson, 1942

Grissom's Steak and Chop House, wooden postcard

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 1942

Constituent mail writing, LBJ opinion of and proofing of mail samples

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 2/6/1942

Malcolm Bardwell helping with office work, living accommodations/furniture storage, Lady Bird classes - shorthand and typewriter, Lady Bird physical exercises, social updates, office business

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 2/9/1942

"Roy's" business - communication licensing, office business, constituent mail handling and etiquette/protocol

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 2/13/1942

Congressional ladies and Army wives, social updates, Lady Bird acclimation to office

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 2/15/1942

Constituent mail - edits and tone, Aunt Effie/Uncle Claud estate

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 2/16/1942

Shorthand class/speed, "delegation" and social updates, living accommodations with Mary and Nellie, constituent mail

Letter, Lyndon B. Johnson to Lady Bird Johnson, 2/16/1942

Answers re: office protocol and constituent mail, help from Malcolm with office affairs

Letter, Lyndon B. Johnson to Lady Bird Johnson, 2/17/1942

Quality and quantity of constituent mail, social updates

Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 2/19/1942

Social updates, discussion with Speaker Sam re: calling back military/active duty/reserves