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  • Collection > LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)
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7 results

  • Histories [NAID 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral histories: McPherson -- 4 recen tly or later : Pat Moynihan, Tom Sche lling, Seymour Martin Lipse t, Tom Pettig rew, Bob Coles. H: It really is a unique kind
  • on remedial programs; Moynihan's critique of Community Action; White House conference, "To Fulfill These Rights;" Martin Bronfenbrenner; Head Start experiments; function and selection of advisory councils and task forces; urban land-grant colleges; Federal
  • tied in -H ere your programs ·. i ' }vl th the rest of the of f ice programs and with the depar~1n. e'nt of HEW at that ti me ? 11 ,,.I JI DR. HARRIS: We were \'TO r ) king part i cu. 1ar1 y c 1 o s 0. l y .. ) 'f !~ with the Depart
  • as possible from each and studiously avoiding sp~?.king ., o~her both _reading the same newspapar .. to each other. It loras a beautiful b9ginning. · The only thing they c;:ouid agre_e ' on was that they had to be polite to r..e, because I had just
  • I ) .) gi n i a . I ij I 11 1.../: :: - I f : 1 mon~hs J..f" I l The fir-st · occas ion th ~·rt I had to work Ri ghts Act of 196t1 . thre e l~j .i Act of 19 6 S. I s a o in ~..w r king with Tit l Ii· 10 1~ c1u catio n
  • and 'finally ; decided that he wasn't ~ I !I \ !; Ii I · i to · get very far unless he got a higher _e ducation and wac:' ~ I- . -1· IiI iri f 1 uenced in ma king that clec is io11 to quite a large extent by •· 1· :. :.J 20 I: \ I : I