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  • Specific Item Type > Oral history (remove)
  • Series > Transcripts of LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)
  • Subject > Jenkins, Walter (Walter Wilson), 1918-1985 (remove)

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  • histories: ROBERTS -- I -- 14 F: Okay, let's go back to Love Field. R: Yes. You're in a police car. We got there of course after both Johnson and the Kennedy casket and had a little trouble getting
  • See all online interviews with Charles Roberts
  • Reasons for JFK’s 11/63 trip to Texas; detailed description of the day of the assassination, the motorcade, assassination, hospital, swearing-in; and flight back to Washington D.C.; LBJ’s and Kennedy staff’s behavior following the assassination
  • Roberts, Charles Wesley, 1916-1992
  • Oral history transcript, Charles Roberts, interview 1 (I), 1/14/1970, by Joe B. Frantz
  • Charles Roberts
  • INTERVIEWEE: ROBERT BASKIN INTERVIEWER: JOE B. FRANTZ PLACE: Mr. Baskin's office at the Dallas News, Dallas, Texas Tape 1 of 1 F: Bob, we've known each other too long to be formal, so we might as well go on there. Lyndon Johnson? B: Briefly, when
  • See all online interviews with Robert E. Baskin
  • as vice president; space program; LBJ relations with Eisenhower; LBJ and Robert Kennedy; JFK assassination; role of White House press; Walter Jenkins' resignation; Bobby Baker; presidential press secretaries; Nixon-Johnson relationship
  • Baskin, Robert E.
  • Oral history transcript, Robert E. Baskin, interview 1 (I), 3/16/1974, by Joe B. Frantz
  • Robert E. Baskin
  • th e l ate 1950s with the Racket s Committee invest i gating staff, with , l ater, Senator Robert Kennedy . 0: No . Did you get to know Mr . Johnson at all du r i ng t hat time? I had seen him , but I ' d never met [h im) . The fi r st time I
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • on the ticket. I don't believe the President was going to put For some unfathomable reason, or perhaps not so unfathomable, I think that between Robert Kennedy and the President LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT
  • The Walter Jenkins incident; Senator Barry Goldwater; LBJ choosing a running mate; Robert Kennedy; Marvin Watson; the 1964 convention.
  • [are examples]. Ray Roberts, I think he sized up people like Ed Clark, John Connally, Cecil Burney down in Corpus Christi, John Singleton who is a Federal j udge down in Houston, Joe Kilgore, John Peace over in San Antonio, many many people that you could
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • went to P-38, that went out the I was told, in fact, I bel ieve it was Juanita Roberts who told me, "When the Senator tells you to do something, don't ask him anything, just do it." She said, "For instance, if he says, 'Set yourself on fire,' don't
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • that the President wanted to see me. And when I went in to see the President he had gone into that little-bitty office that had once been a bathroom, but President Kennedy converted into a very small relaxation room. As Jack and I went down the corridor toward
  • Shriver during the 1960 campaign. was at Princeton. paign. I That would have been my senior year during the cam- I worked for the Johnson-Kennedy ticket during that campaign. r was doing my senior honors thesis for the School of Public and Inter
  • : Actually you got the formal endorsement of the Texas AF of L in the campaign? M: That"s right. And there was one Sunday when Morris Roberts and I thought we were going to get Stevenson to come out on the Taft-Hartley thing. We thought we had him
  • of Wisconsin seeing everybody he could see . Because [Robert M .] LaFollette [Jr .], who was his opponent, had not come home--had sort of moved to Washington and forgotten he was a Senator from Wisconsin--the people voted for the person they saw
  • of Senate Democrats; John Sparkman; Paul Douglas; Paul Butler; Matt McCloskey; Americans for Democratic; Charlie Murphy; Albert and Mark Lasker Foundation; 750 Club; Ed Foley; Liz Carpenter; Ralph Hewitt; Bob Berry; Dave Lloyd; Jack Kennedy; Ted Sorenson
  • the Kennedy Administration, Goodwin was an assistant to Assistant Secretary Martin, who was in charge of Latin America. First he was in the White House. He had run into a LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B
  • :// ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral histories: Curtis -- I -- 22 when Jack Kennedy was shot. witness. He got the word, but he
  • 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral histories: 20 that whatever adjustments were made were not made by Vice President Johnson but came from the White House and were frequently the product of Robert Kennedy's
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • : Of course, that was primarily a Kennedy campaign. OM: That's true. F: Mr. Johnson was subordinate in this instance, except you did have . . . Vr'1: We had the tea F: You had the tea Vfvl: Yes. F: Tell me a little bit about them. VM: ~'Jell
  • , 1983 INTERVIEWEE: ROBERT G. BAKER INTERVIEWER: Michael L. Gillette PLACE: Mr. Baker's office, Olney, Maryland Tape 1 of 2 G: Let's start with 1951. The first thing I want to ask deals with LBJ's election as whip. Do you have any recollection
  • See all online interviews with Robert G. (Bobby) Baker
  • Baker, Robert G.
  • Oral history transcript, Robert G. (Bobby) Baker, interview 3 (III), 12/9/1983, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Robert G. (Bobby) Baker
  • : No. No, I thought that when he started to run for the nomination he not only had Kennedy, but Stu [Symington] was running at that pOint, wasn't he, and Bob Kerr was a candidate, it seems to me. LBJ Presidential Library ORAL
  • Stevenson; Senate seating case before Justice Black, 1948; McNeil’s relationship with President Johnson; Senators Russell, Walter George; Robert Kerr; LBJ’s love of gadgets; George Reedy; Walter Jenkins; Arthur Perry; LBJ’s secretive nature; assessment
  • about the one where Kefauver and Kennedy-G: Oh, I was there. F: And Adlai was, for a second time. G: I'm sorry, I will go back. You see, these years! All right. Yes, I was at the convention. F: As a delegate? G: No, Walter asked me to come
  • INTERVIEWEE: DAN FENN INTERVIEWER: Paige Mulhollan PLACE: Cambridge, Massachusetts Tape 1 of 2 M: You are Dan Fenn, currently director of the Kennedy Library and lecturer at Harvard Business School. Your government association during the Johnson years
  • INTERVIEWEE: D. B. HARDEMAN INTERVIEWER: T.H. Baker PLACE: Mr. Hardeman's residence, Washington, D. C. Tape 1 of 1 B: Sir, last we time had gone to the 1960 election, which brings us to John Kennedy's years as president. One of the questions that comes up
  • of the Kennedy-Nixon campaign, and. 75 per cent of the students in my class were from Ivy League schools and they, in fact, considered me quite provincial. I had to overcome that. So I felt that So I became very interested--through forcing myself and through
  • Biographical information; what his jobs were for LBJ; how the staff decided which invitations LBJ would accept; Senator Dodd; advance work; Bobby Baker; working with the Kennedy staff; the JFK assassination and Sinclair’s work in the following days
  • : More on LBJ Library oral histories: This is the second session with Kenneth M . Birkhead . Sir, we were talking last time about your position right after the 1960 election at the beginning of the Kennedy
  • of Senate Democrats; John Sparkman; Paul Douglas; Paul Butler; Matt McCloskey; Americans for Democratic; Charlie Murphy; Albert and Mark Lasker Foundation; 750 Club; Ed Foley; Liz Carpenter; Ralph Hewitt; Bob Berry; Dave Lloyd; Jack Kennedy; Ted Sorenson
  • a cubbyhole on the same floor with the Kennedy organization there on Connecticut [Avenue]. Was it Connecticut? I could go right to the building right now, but I've forgotten the name of the street. Anyhow, Buck was traveling with Mr. Johnson and so
  • the Kennedy election that I went on the Ways and Means Committee. M: Then you were a member of that committee until you retired. T: '66, that's right. M: And then after this--you are now, I suppose, a consultant? T: Well, at the moment, I'm director
  • and promoting Mr. Johnson wherever they could. Sort of advance men, as we called them. F: When did you first learn that he had been offered and had accepted the vice presidential nomination by Mr. Kennedy? P: It was, of course, speculated in the newspapers
  • times he'd express his dissatisfaction with the ineptitudes of the people that Kennedy had on the Hill and Bobby's continual sniping at him . Can you give me an example of this sniping? An occasion where, let's say, Bobby Kennedy-­ B: We'd get
  • husband kept that commitment with Humphrey, didn't he? R: Yes. And then of course Humphrey was defeated in the primaries oyt [John] Kennedy. And then you know the story of Jim [Rowe) and Johnson and Phil Graham and all the people at Los Angeles. I