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  • only a matter of days before Martin Luther King was assassinated. Let me ask you to recall what you can about that event, how you learned of it, the President's reaction. J: Well, that was the night we had a Democratic fund-raiser in Washington
  • Westmoreland; Robert McNamara leaving LBJ’s staff; LBJ’s view of civil rights; Martin Luther King’s relationship with LBJ and his death; Resurrection City; LBJ meeting with people who wanted to discuss appointments; keeping meetings on or off the record
  • witness a talk between him and Martin Luther King? J: I didn't personally, no. F: Did he ever talk to you about his relationship with King? 9 LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral
  • LBJ’s decision not to run for re-election in 1968; Martin Luther King’s death and LBJ’s view of King; LBJ on civil rights; open housing bill; trip to Chicago 4/1/68; the idea of moving the Democratic National Convention from Chicago; Chicago’s Mayor
  • , when public sentiment for effective gun control was high following the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Senator Robert Kennedy:, it appeared that we might even get the only . really effective control -- licensing and registration
  • and John Moss, and Senators Mansfield, Russell Long and Robert Byrd. The President opened the meeting as king if there was anything to report on the Continuing Resolution. Senator Mansfield said that they met today. The President asked about the D. C. Bill
  • directed George Christian and myself to prepare my notes on the report of the Vietnam election observers and have this distributed to the Members of the Cabinet. Rusk pointed out that the Senators who attended the King Constantine lunch leaked to the press
  • believes there is a good chance of doing that in the next 5 days. The President asked how many targets had been approved to get behind us before September. McNamara said 7 have been approved and he is as king for 3 additional {shown on the map
  • which Foreign Minister Eban of Israel has cleared. Goldberg thinks the King of Jordan will accept it this afternoon. The President related that he had met with representatives of Colhmbia Broadcasting System yesterday. One of the men asked him