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  • -------- ---------------------------- , .. . '. =10PSECRfTTHE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF WASHINGTON, 0. C. 20301 CM-2944-68 3 Feb 1968 ...__ MEMORANDUMFOR THE PRESIDENT SUBJECT: KHE SANH DECLASSIFIED Authority Jc S II)- 3 - 7i' ~ '{P , NARS, Date By ::::s 3- /' - 77 In response to your telephone call
  • ~O 1 ~\.-, roeSECR THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF DECLASS WASHINGTON, IFIED 11', .'~-~~;;_JJ. ~ 0 D. C. 203 1 ~~~ ✓0-3 7?~ ~ , 'AR , Date -3-/6--7'J.. ~~-~~~li~~S :utho~ty Y MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT Subject: Telephone Conversation
  • to me how that worked, and also tell me about any of your participation in Cabinet meetings or National Security Council meetings? M: Well, that of course worked several ways. Beginning at one end of the spectrum, I had frequent telephone calls
  • in the northern period two areas." At this concern point, about the President again expressed Khe Sanh. - In a telephone Westmoreland reaffirmed When General Wheeler and Wheeler's agreement the President be informed call to General
  • -------------------­ believed pp position-----­ qq man in Hanoi----------------------------­ rr of U Thant's ss account msg, away from Fanfani memo, memo, talks conversation with Mai Van Bo - - with NVN regarding Khe Sanh battle questions may be over related 5
  • Rusk's le~ter of last now, saying simply that "I have read December, and agree with it. 11 3. Telephone Fulbright and tell him "I am not going to order Secretary Rusk to go before the Committee in an open hearing. 4. Telephone Fulbright and invite him
  • , which they di d not do. They got in the embassy grounds through the wall, but they did not get into the embassy at all. I also had long conversations with General [Cao Van] Vien, the Chief of the Vietnamese Joint General Staff, with President
  • told me he wouldn't have accepted. But I had talked to Senator Herman Talmadge, who is one of the half-dozen wisest men I know--this was a very funny conversation actually. I called him up in a perfectly routine way to find out what his private
  • in a telephone conversation with General Westmoreland that "gravel has been laid north of Khe Sanh. " at the present afternoon. Bob said we h~ no other information available time, but would probably find out more this Art Mc Cafferty f' . ! INFORMATION
  • MEMOS January: 30 - - Situation A in SVN #3 31 -- Telephone Conversation 31 -- Spot Report on Situation with Saigon Station------------------ in Hue ----------------------------- B C 31 -- Situation in SVN #4
  • knew, General LeMay telephoned me and told me to come on over, that I was going to succeed Bozo McKee as vice chief. McS: General, did you discuss at all General LeMay's retirement and some of the friction that was occurring between him
  • would use the gunships and the special forces company if we had to go in to get the people out. Well, what happened--first of all, the night before, I had gotten a promise from Lam that he would not move on--give me one more day. He got a telephone call
  • of conversation: 21 -- CIA memo, 22 -- SitRoom U Thant/Bunche communist report, forces in TET -- - -- -- --- ------------------- Memo to McNamara 23 Ginsburgh memo, status 23 Ginsburgh memo, reserve 23 -- Rostow summary 23 -- Rostow msg
  • he meant. He could see that I was a little puzzled. He said, "I'm going to make you a full Special Assistant to me." My part in that conversation LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson
  • with other enemy facilities in northern South Vietnam involves the construction of landline telephone circuits along the Laos-GVN border from the m.1zto the A Shau area. Completion of the links will provide an additional element of security, as well
  • and information over the telephone by, "You know where we were yesterday," and this sort of thing, by doubletalk, as we'd call it. It just doesn't fool anybody. We proved it to them time and time again by intercepting them with our own intercept devices
  • 203 236 1, 678 688 1 s transcript I am attaching a copy of Gen. Westmoreland of his of the conversation with you last evening and his latest assessment situation around Kh Sanh. White House Briefing Si".:1.1ation Room Officer
  • , 7:45 p.m. 8, 1968 ~ Feb. ,_~,.,v~ ,cJJ_, o---D ,c,,,q > Herewith General Walt's evaluation of the Khe Sanh position. As you see, it arose from a cocktail party conversation - - but outside of Georgetown. ,..: SECRE'f attachment ,, I 1
  • bill. I hope this will be the first of many measures that will mark this Congress as the Consumers' Congress. NOTE: The President spoke at 12:45 p.m. in the East Room at the White House. . . A Conversation of the President and George Meany Advisory
  • of conversation that you think might be important to record-either where you've touched the career of President Johnson, or anything in connection with your service in Vietnam during his Administration-that we haven't talked about? W: Outside of the times that I
  • deadline. Based on my conversations with General Westmoreland, I believe General Westmoreland is now dictating a message to ask for early deployment of the units I have now mentioned. The President: How many men does this represent? General Wheeler: 25
  • !nent.!_ ; Increased tempo of operations 92 35 .. 156 286 22 50 • 555 0 23 52 270 in Southeast Asia l"equil'es conversion or add.5.ttonal BVJlShips, installa.tion of a.ddJtional electronics counter­ measures, 1ncraased overhauls, rno1'e